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### An AI Chatbot framework built in Python
Building a chatbot can sound daunting, but it’s totally doable. AI Chatbot Framework is an AI powered conversational dialog interface built in Python. With this tool, it’s easy to create Natural Language conversational scenarios with no coding efforts whatsoever. The smooth UI makes it effortless to create and train conversations to the bot and it continuously gets smarter as it learns from conversations it has with people. AI Chatbot Framework can live on any channel of your choice (such as Messenger, Slack etc.) by integrating it’s API with that platform.
You don’t need to be an expert at artificial intelligence to create an awesome chatbot that has AI capabilities. With this boilerplate project you can create an AI powered chatting machine in no time.There may be scores of bugs. So feel free to contribute via pull requests.
### Installation
### Using docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
### Using Helm
helm dep update helm/ai-chatbot-framework
helm upgrade --install --create-namespace -n ai-chatbot-framework ai-chatbot-framework helm/ai-chatbot-framework
# port forward for local installation
kubectl port-forward --namespace=ai-chatbot-framework service/ingress-nginx-controller 8080:80
### Using Docker
# pull docker images
docker pull alfredfrancis/ai-chatbot-framework_backend:latest
docker pull alfredfrancis/ai-chatbot-framework_frontend:latest
# start a mongodb server
docker run --name mongodb -d mongo:3.6
# start iky backend
docker run -d --name=iky_backend --link mongodb:mongodb -e="APPLICATION_ENV=Production" alfredfrancis/ai-chatbot-framework_backend:latest
# setup default intents
docker exec -it iky_backend python manage.py migrate
# start iky gateway with frontend
docker run -d --name=iky_gateway --link iky_backend:iky_backend -p 8080:80 alfredfrancis/ai-chatbot-framework_frontend:latest
### without docker
* Setup Virtualenv and install python requirements
virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py migrate
python run.py
* Production
APPLICATION_ENV="Production" gunicorn -k gevent --bind run:app
* Open http://localhost:8080/
#### Update Frontend Dist
* Run Development mode
cd frontend
npm install
ng serve
* Take Production build
cd frontend
ng build --prod --optimize
### Heroku
* add your dev/production configurations in config.py
### DB
#### Restore
You can import some default intents using following steps
- goto http://localhost:8080/agent/default/settings
- click 'choose file'
- choose 'examples/default_intents.json file'
- click import
### Screenshots
### Tutorial
Checkout this basic tutorial on youtube,
[![IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE](https://preview.ibb.co/fj9N3v/Screenshot_from_2017_04_05_03_11_04.png)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1Fj7WinaBA)
Watch tutorial on [Fullfilling your Chatbot Intent with an API Call - Recipe Search Bot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqO69ojLobQ)
### Todos
* Write Unit Tests
* Multilingual Intent Classifier
* PyCRFSuite to sklearn-crfsuite migration
* Support follow up conversations
### Dependencies documentations
* [SKLearn documentation](http://scikit-learn.org/)
* [CRFsuite documentation](http://www.chokkan.org/software/crfsuite/)
* [python CRfSuite](https://python-crfsuite.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
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具有自然语言理解和人工智能 的 python聊天机器人框架_python_代码_下载
5星 · 超过95%的资源 8 下载量 106 浏览量
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收藏 200KB ZIP 举报
一个用 Python 构建的 AI Chatbot 框架 构建一个聊天机器人听起来令人生畏,但它是完全可行的。AI Chatbot Framework 是一个用 Python 构建的 AI 驱动的对话式对话界面。使用此工具,无需任何编码工作即可轻松创建自然语言对话场景。流畅的 UI 使得创建和训练机器人对话变得毫不费力,并且随着它从与人的对话中学习,它不断变得更加智能。AI Chatbot Framework 通过将其 API 与该平台集成,可以在您选择的任何渠道(例如 Messenger、Slack 等)上运行。 您无需成为人工智能专家即可创建具有 AI 功能的出色聊天机器人。使用这个样板项目,您可以立即创建一个 AI 驱动的聊天机。可能存在大量错误。
具有自然语言理解和人工智能 的 python聊天机器人框架_python_代码_下载 (145个子文件)
default.conf 347B
style.css 5KB
Dockerfile 928B
Dockerfile 377B
.dockerignore 469B
.dockerignore 82B
.editorconfig 245B
.gitignore 538B
.gitignore 81B
.gitignore 54B
.gitignore 19B
.gitignore 5B
.gitignore 5B
.gitignore 5B
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intent.component.html 5KB
train.component.html 3KB
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settings.component.html 2KB
sidebar.component.html 1KB
chat.component.html 1KB
intents.component.html 1KB
entities.component.html 907B
index.html 387B
layout.component.html 244B
app.component.html 87B
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iky_widget.js 7KB
discordRequest.js 1KB
karma.conf.js 923B
protractor.conf.js 722B
package-lock.json 434KB
restaurant_search.json 5KB
tslint.json 3KB
package.json 1KB
.angular-cli.json 1KB
default_intents.json 1KB
app.json 591B
tsconfig.json 363B
tsconfig.spec.json 283B
tsconfig.e2e.json 235B
tsconfig.app.json 211B
.keep 3B
README.md 1024B
iky-logo.png 9KB
Procfile 116B
controllers.py 9KB
entity_extractor.py 7KB
tf_intent_classifer.py 5KB
controllers.py 4KB
sklearn_intent_classifer.py 4KB
tasks.py 3KB
utils.py 2KB
controllers.py 2KB
models.py 2KB
__init__.py 2KB
utils.py 2KB
manage.py 1KB
controllers.py 849B
config.py 827B
controllers.py 717B
models.py 667B
app.py 652B
build_response.py 601B
logger.py 583B
test_nlu.py 522B
error_codes.py 449B
controllers.py 369B
models.py 305B
run.py 141B
__init__.py 0B
__init__.py 0B
__init__.py 0B
__init__.py 0B
__init__.py 0B
__init__.py 0B
__init__.py 0B
__init__.py 0B
__init__.py 0B
.python-version 6B
request.rb 715B
chat.component.scss 1KB
settings.component.scss 776B
train.component.scss 516B
entities.component.scss 425B
intents.component.scss 285B
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sidebar.component.scss 169B
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entity.component.scss 31B
_helpers.tpl 2KB
train.component.ts 6KB
intent.component.ts 4KB
chat.component.ts 3KB
polyfills.ts 3KB
agent.module.ts 3KB
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