# [PhantomJS](http://phantomjs.org) - Scriptable Headless WebKit
PhantomJS ([phantomjs.org](http://phantomjs.org)) is a headless WebKit scriptable with JavaScript. The latest [stable release](http://phantomjs.org/release-2.0.html) is version 2.0.
**Note**: Please **do not** create a GitHub pull request **without** reading the [Contribution Guide](https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) first. Failure to do so may result in the rejection of the pull request.
## Use Cases
- **Headless web testing**. Lightning-fast testing without the browser is now possible!
- **Page automation**. [Access and manipulate](http://phantomjs.org/page-automation.html) web pages with the standard DOM API, or with usual libraries like jQuery.
- **Screen capture**. Programmatically [capture web contents](http://phantomjs.org/screen-capture.html), including CSS, SVG and Canvas. Build server-side web graphics apps, from a screenshot service to a vector chart rasterizer.
- **Network monitoring**. Automate performance analysis, track [page loading](http://phantomjs.org/network-monitoring.html) and export as standard HAR format.
## Features
- **Multiplatform**, available on major operating systems: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and other Unices.
- **Fast and native implementation** of web standards: DOM, CSS, JavaScript, Canvas, and SVG. No emulation!
- **Pure headless (no X11) on Linux**, ideal for continuous integration systems. Also runs on Amazon EC2, Heroku, and Iron.io.
- **Easy to install**: [Download](http://phantomjs.org/download.html), unpack, and start having fun in just 5 minutes.
## Questions?
- Explore the complete [documentation](http://phantomjs.org/documentation/).
- Read tons of [user articles](http://phantomjs.org/buzz.html) on using PhantomJS.
- Join the [mailing-list](http://groups.google.com/group/phantomjs) and discuss with other PhantomJS fans.
PhantomJS is free software/open source, and is distributed under the [BSD license](http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause). It contains third-party code, see the included `third-party.txt` file for the license information on third-party code.
PhantomJS is created and maintained by [Ariya Hidayat](http://ariya.ofilabs.com/about) (Twitter: [@ariyahidayat](http://twitter.com/ariyahidayat)), with the help of [many contributors](https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/contributors). Follow the official Twitter stream [@PhantomJS](http://twitter.com/PhantomJS) to get the frequent development updates.
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Python实现对图片的抓取 (112个子文件)
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