Figure 1: Evaluated tasks. For each scenario the goal is to infer the 3D locations of the 21 hand joints from a depth image. In Single
frame pose estimation (left) and the Interaction task (right), each frame is annotated with a bounding box. In the Tracking task (middle),
only the first frame of each sequence is fully annotated.
Related work. Public benchmarks and challenges in
other areas such as ImageNet [35] for scene classification
and object detection, PASCAL [9] for semantic and ob-
ject segmentation, and the VOT challenge [19] for object
tracking, have been instrumental in driving progress in their
respective field. In the area of hand tracking, the review
from 2007 by Erol et al. [8] proposed a taxonomy of ap-
proaches. Learning-based approaches have been found ef-
fective for solving single-frame pose estimation, optionally
in combination with hand model fitting for higher precision,
e.g., [50]. The review by Supancic et al. [44] compared 13
methods on a new dataset and concluded that deep models
are well-suited to pose estimation [44]. It also highlighted
the need for large-scale training sets in order to train mod-
els that generalize well. In this paper we extend the scope
of previous analyses by comparing deep learning methods
on a large-scale dataset, carrying out a fine-grained analysis
of error sources and different design choices.
2. Evaluation tasks
We evaluate three different tasks on a dataset containing
over a million annotated images using standardized evalu-
ation protocols. Benchmark images are sampled from two
datasets: BigHand2.2M [59] and First-Person Hand Action
dataset (FHAD) [10]. Images from BigHand2.2M cover a
large range of hand view points (including third-person and
first-person views), articulated poses, and hand shapes. Se-
quences from the FHAD dataset are used to evaluate pose
estimation during hand-object interaction. Both datasets
contain 640 × 480-pixel depth maps with 21 joint anno-
tations, obtained from magnetic sensors and inverse kine-
matics. The 2D bounding boxes have an average diagonal
length of 162.4 pixels with a standard deviation of 40.7 pix-
els. The evaluation tasks are 3D single hand pose estima-
tion, i.e., estimating the 3D locations of 21 joints, from (1)
individual frames, (2) video sequences, given the pose in
the first frame, and (3) frames with object interaction, e.g.,
with a juice bottle, a salt shaker, or a milk carton. See Fig-
ure 1 for an overview. Bounding boxes are provided as input
for tasks (1) and (3). The training data is sampled from the
BigHand2.2M dataset and only the interaction task uses test
data from the FHAD dataset. See Table 1 for dataset sizes
and the number of total and unseen subjects for each task.
Number of Train Test Test Test
single track interact
frames 957K 295K 294K 2,965
subjects (unseen) 5 10 (5) 10 (5) 2 (0)
Table 1: Data set sizes and number of subjects.
3. Evaluated methods
We evaluate the top 10 among 17 participating meth-
ods [58]. Table 2 lists the methods with some of their key
properties. We also indirectly evaluate DeepPrior [29] and
REN [15], which are components of rvhand [1], as well as
DeepModel [61], which is the backbone of LSL [20]. We
group methods based on different design choices.
2D CNN vs. 3D CNN. 2D CNNs have been popular for
3D hand pose estimation [1, 3, 14, 15, 20, 21, 23, 29, 57,
61]. Common pre-processing steps include cropping and
resizing the hand volume by normalizing the depth values
to [-1, 1]. Recently, several methods have used a 3D CNN
[12, 24, 56], where the input can be a 3D voxel grid [24, 56],
or a projective D-TSDF volume [12]. Ge et al. [13] project
the depth image onto three orthogonal planes and train a
2D CNN for each projection, then fusing the results. In
[12] they propose a 3D CNN by replacing 2D projections
with a 3D volumetric representation (projective D-TSDF
volumes [40]). In the HIM2017 challenge [58], they ap-
ply a 3D deep learning method [11], where the inputs are
3D points and surface normals. Moon et al. [24] propose
a 3D CNN to estimate per-voxel likelihoods for each hand
joint. NAIST RV [56] proposes a 3D CNN with a hierarchi-
cal branch structure, where the input is a 50
-voxel grid.
Detection-based vs. Regression-based. Detection-
based methods [23, 24] produce a probability density map
for each joint. The method of RCN-3D [23] is an RCN+ net-
work [17], based on Recombinator Networks (RCN) [18]
with 17 layers and 64 output feature maps for all layers ex-
cept the last one, which outputs a probability density map
for each of the 21 joints. V2V-PoseNet [24] uses a 3D
CNN to estimate per-voxel likelihood of each joint, and a
CNN to estimate the center of mass from the cropped depth
map. For training, 3D likelihood volumes are generated by
placing normal distributions at the locations of hand joints.
Regression-based methods [1, 3, 11, 14, 20, 21, 29, 56]