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20 年 月 日

摘 要
随着信息技术的发展,网络在人们生活和交际中的应用越来越广泛。 招聘
聘公司/单位可以在网上通过 Internet,突破时间和空间的限制实现工作求职和
本系统是使用 MS.NET 平台中的 ASP.NET 开发基于 B/S 体系结构的 Web 应用
程序,在 Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 环境下,使用 C# 编程语言并结合
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 数据库开发的一套网络招聘系统。可以根据登录身
关键词:网上招聘;求职;ASP.NET;B/S 体系;新闻发布

On-line Talent person employment advertise
Along with the development of information technology, the application of
network is more and more widespread in the people’s lives and the human relations.
Recruitment Website provides the convenient and quick way for the applicant to find
a job. Say to the employment advertise unit that, Recruitment Website also provides
the platform for them to search and inquiry the applicant’s information, which causes
the employment work to be relaxed and easy. The applicant and the employment
advertise company/unit may through the Internet can seek employment and to employ
talented person breakthrough time and the spatial limit. The on-line employment
advertises compares with the traditional employment advertises, which have the
employment advertise scope broadly ,information content largely, choose the leeway
in a big way, the applicants who respond to a call for job has the high quality and well
skilled, the employment advertise has the superiority of effect well, expense low,
therefore it has obtained more and more companies approval, simultaneously it has
characteristics of the cost of operation lowly, the stock hypothesized, the user retrieval
is convenient, the region limits few and so on.
This system is a web application procedure, based on the the system structure
of B/S, uses the ASP.NET which in MS.NET platform to develop. Under the
Microsoft Visual Studio NET environment, uses the C# programming language and
unifies Microsoft SQL the Server 2,000 databases to develop a set of networks
employment advertise system. According to registers’s status that is allowed to act the
different jurisdiction to realize the user’s registration, to land, to confirm status and
gather users’ data, the search/examinee users’ information, the newest news
information was issued in the website. Individual user submits the resume for oneself
to one’s Satisfying company, the enterprise user withdraws the satisfying application's
contact us through the resume; the manager manages the entire website.
Key words: the on-line employment advertises; seeks employment; ASP.NET;
the B/S system; the news issue

目 录
论文总页数:27 页
1 引言......................................................................1
1.1 课题背景..............................................................1
1.2 本课题研究路线........................................................1
1.3 本课题研究的意义......................................................1
2 网络招聘系统研究概述......................................................2
2.1 网络招聘的发展史......................................................2
2.2 我国网络招聘的发展现状................................................2
2.3 网络招聘求职的作用和优势..............................................3
2.4 网络招聘存在的问题....................................................3
3 系统需求分析..............................................................3
3.1 功能和需求分析........................................................3
3.2 系统的结构和流程设计..................................................4
3.3 数据库结构设计........................................................6
3.3.1 数据表的设计......................................................6
3.3.2 存储过程的设计....................................................9
4 系统配置和通用模块介绍...................................................10
4.1 WEB.CONFIG 配置........................................................10
4.2 用于操作数据库的通用模块.............................................10
4.3 管理员模块设计与实现.................................................13
4.3.1 注册界面设计.....................................................13
4.3.2 登录界面设计.....................................................14
4.3.3 主界面设计.......................................................15
4.3.4 撰写新闻界面设计.................................................16
4.3.5 新闻管理界面设计.................................................17
4.3.6 个人用户管理界面设计.............................................19
4.4 个人用户模块设计.....................................................20
4.4.1 个人基本信息界面设计.............................................20
4.4.2 查看招聘信息和在线提交简历.......................................21
4.5 企业用户模块设计.....................................................22
4.5.1 企业收藏夹.......................................................23
4.5.2 查看求职信息列表.................................................23
4.6 新闻模块设计.........................................................24

4.6.1 浏览新闻界面.....................................................24
结 论.....................................................................24
致 谢.....................................................................26
声 明.....................................................................27