OZIPR 2-10-2000
This file provides introductory information and describes the files related
to the OZIPR (Ozone Isopleth Plotting Program Revised) model.
This update to the OZIP model provides (1) a simple trajectory model capable
of utilizing complex chemical mechanisms, emissions, and various
meteorological parameters, and (2) procedures through which the Empirical
Kinetics Modeling Approach (EKMA) can be implemented for calculation of
emission reductions needed to achieve compliance with the National Ambient
Air Quality Standard for ozone.
The OZIPR package contains the following files:
1. OZIPR.ZIP - OZIPR executables and README.TXT
2. OZIPRD.ZIP - OZIPR User's Guide
3. OZIPREX.ZIP - OZIPR examples, input and output files
4. OZIPRSRC.ZIP - OZIPR source code (*.FOR, *.LIB, *.FIN files)
5. OZINPUT.ZIP - OZIPR examples of secondary production for 3 target HAPS
6. OZIPRHPS.ZIP - A Simplified Approach for Estimating Secondary Production
of Hazardous Air Pollution (HAPS) Using the OZIPR Model
7. APPX1-6.ZIP - Appendices A through F for #6 above
The following six files are Appendices to #6 above and a brief description.
A. APP_A_RN.WPD - Appendix A-Running the OZPIR Model
B. APP_B_HO.WPD - Appendix B-Secondary Production by Hour
C. APP_C_HO.WPD - Appendix C-Total, Primary, and Secondary Production by Hour
D. APP_D_SE.WPD - Appendix D-Secondary Rpoduction by Season
E. APP_E_UR.WPD - Appendix E-Weighted Seasonal Secondary Production by City
F. APP_F_UR.WPD - Appendix F-Annual Average Secondary Production by City
* *
* NOTE: File #5 above, OZINPUT.ZIP, requires that the user unzip the file *
* using the "PKUNZIP -d " option. This option preserves the file *
* structure needed to utilize batch files within this zipped file. *
* *
Questions or comments related to OZIPR should be directed to Joe Touma at
EPA: 919-541-5381, or by email at .
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