#include "compiler.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "core.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "debug.h"
#include "gc.h"
struct compileUnit {
// 所编译的函数
ObjFn* fn;
LocalVar localVars[MAX_LOCAL_VAR_NUM];
uint32_t localVarNum;
Upvalue upvalues[MAX_UPVALUE_NUM];
int scopeDepth;
uint32_t stackSlotNum;
Loop* curLoop;
ClassBookKeep* enclosingClassBK;
struct compileUnit* enclosingUnit;
Parser* curParser;
}; //编译单元
typedef enum {
} VarScopeType; //标识变量作用域
typedef struct {
VarScopeType scopeType; //变量的作用域
int index;
} Variable;
#define OPCODE_SLOTS(opCode, effect) effect,
static const int opCodeSlotsUsed[] = {
#include "opcode.inc"
typedef enum {
BP_NONE, //无绑定能力
BP_LOWEST, //最低绑定能力
BP_LOGIC_OR, // ||
BP_EQUAL, // == !=
BP_IS, // is
BP_CMP, // < > <= >=
BP_BIT_OR, // |
BP_BIT_AND, // &
BP_BIT_SHIFT, // << >>
BP_RANGE, // ..
BP_TERM, // + -
BP_FACTOR, // * / %
BP_UNARY, // - ! ~
BP_CALL, // . () []
} BindPower; //定义了操作符的绑定权值,即优先级
typedef void (*DenotationFn)(CompileUnit* cu, bool canAssign);
typedef void (*methodSignatureFn)(CompileUnit* cu, Signature* signature);
typedef struct {
const char* id; //符号
BindPower lbp;
DenotationFn nud;
DenotationFn led;
methodSignatureFn methodSign;
} SymbolBindRule; //符号绑定规则
static uint32_t addConstant(CompileUnit* cu, Value constant);
static void expression(CompileUnit* cu, BindPower rbp);
static void compileProgram(CompileUnit* cu);
static void infixOperator(CompileUnit* cu, bool canAssign UNUSED);
static void unaryOperator(CompileUnit* cu, bool canAssign UNUSED);
static void compileStatment(CompileUnit* cu);
static void initCompileUnit(Parser* parser, CompileUnit* cu,
CompileUnit* enclosingUnit, bool isMethod) {
parser->curCompileUnit = cu;
cu->curParser = parser;
cu->enclosingUnit = enclosingUnit;
cu->curLoop = NULL;
cu->enclosingClassBK = NULL;
if (enclosingUnit == NULL) {
cu->scopeDepth = -1;
cu->localVarNum = 0;
} else { //若是内层单元,属局部作用域
if (isMethod) { //若是类中的方法
cu->localVars[0].name = "this";
cu->localVars[0].length = 4;
} else { //若为普通函数
cu->localVars[0].name = NULL;
cu->localVars[0].length = 0;
cu->localVars[0].scopeDepth = -1;
cu->localVars[0].isUpvalue = false;
cu->localVarNum = 1; //localVars[0]被分配
// 对于函数和方法来说,初始作用域是局部作用域
// 0表示局部作用域的最外层
cu->scopeDepth = 0;
cu->stackSlotNum = cu->localVarNum;
cu->fn = newObjFn(cu->curParser->vm, cu->curParser->curModule, cu->localVarNum);
static int writeByte(CompileUnit* cu, int byte) {
&cu->fn->debug->lineNo, cu->curParser->preToken.lineNo);
&cu->fn->instrStream, (uint8_t)byte);
return cu->fn->instrStream.count - 1;
static void writeOpCode(CompileUnit* cu, OpCode opCode) {
writeByte(cu, opCode);
cu->stackSlotNum += opCodeSlotsUsed[opCode];
if (cu->stackSlotNum > cu->fn->maxStackSlotUsedNum) {
cu->fn->maxStackSlotUsedNum = cu->stackSlotNum;
static int writeByteOperand(CompileUnit* cu, int operand) {
return writeByte(cu, operand);
//写入2个字节的操作数 按大端字节序写入参数,低地址写高位,高地址写低位
inline static void writeShortOperand(CompileUnit* cu, int operand) {
writeByte(cu, (operand >> 8) & 0xff); //先写高8位
writeByte(cu, operand & 0xff); //再写低8位
static int writeOpCodeByteOperand(CompileUnit* cu, OpCode opCode, int operand) {
writeOpCode(cu, opCode);
return writeByteOperand(cu, operand);
static void writeOpCodeShortOperand(CompileUnit* cu, OpCode opCode, int operand) {
writeOpCode(cu, opCode);
writeShortOperand(cu, operand);
int defineModuleVar(VM* vm, ObjModule* objModule,
const char* name, uint32_t length, Value value) {
if (length > MAX_ID_LEN) {
char id[MAX_ID_LEN] = {'\0'};
memcpy(id, name, length);
//那时还没有创建parser, 因此报错要分情况:
if (vm->curParser != NULL) { //编译源码文件
"length of identifier \"%s\" should be no more than %d", id, MAX_ID_LEN);
} else { // 编译源码前调用,比如加载核心模块时会调用本函数
MEM_ERROR("length of identifier \"%s\" should be no more than %d", id, MAX_ID_LEN);
if (VALUE_IS_OBJ(value)) {
pushTmpRoot(vm, VALUE_TO_OBJ(value));
int symbolIndex = getIndexFromSymbolTable(&objModule->moduleVarName, name, length);
if (symbolIndex == -1) {
symbolIndex = addSymbol(vm, &objModule->moduleVarName, name, length);
ValueBufferAdd(vm, &objModule->moduleVarValue, value);
} else if (VALUE_IS_NUM(objModule->moduleVarValue.datas[symbolIndex])) {
objModule->moduleVarValue.datas[symbolIndex] = value;
} else {
symbolIndex = -1; //已定义则返回-1,用于判断重定义
if (VALUE_IS_OBJ(value)) {
return symbolIndex;