## SublimeLinter 3 has landed!
SublimeLinter for Sublime Text 3 is [here](, and it’s soooooo much better than before! Install it from Package Control and enjoy!
Unless someone else comes forward, SublimeLinter for Sublime Text 2 will no longer be supported. I strongly encourage everyone to upgrade to Sublime Text 3 and SublimeLinter 3 — you’ll be glad you did! Take a look at the [extensive documentation]( to see the great new features in SublimeLinter 3.
## Share the love!
I spent hundreds of hours writing and documenting SublimeLinter 3 to make it the best it can be — easy to use, easy to configure, easy to update, easy to extend. If you use SublimeLinter and feel it is making your coding life better and easier, please consider making a donation to help fund development and support. Thank you!
To donate:
Thank you for your support!
SublimeLinter v1.7 Overview
SublimeLinter is a plugin that supports "lint" programs (known as "linters"). SublimeLinter highlights
lines of code the linter deems to contain (potential) errors. It also
supports highlighting special annotations (for example: TODO) so that they
can be quickly located.
SublimeLinter has built in linters for the following languages:
* C/C++ - lint via `cppcheck`
* CoffeeScript - lint via `coffee -s -l`
* CSS - lint via built-in [csslint](
* Git Commit Messages - lint via built-in module based on [A Note About Git Commit Messages](
* Haml - syntax check via `haml -c`
* HTML - lint via `tidy` (actually [tidy for HTML5](
* Java - lint via `javac -Xlint`
* JavaScript - lint via built in [jshint](, [jslint](, or the [closure linter (gjslint)]( (if installed)
* Lua - syntax check via `luac`
* Objective-J - lint via built-in [capp_lint](
* Perl - lint via [Perl::Critic]( or syntax+deprecation check via `perl -c`
* PHP - syntax check via `php -l`
* Puppet - syntax check via `puppet parser validate` or `puppet-lint`
* Python - native, moderately-complete lint
* Ruby - syntax check via `ruby -wc`
* Squirrel - syntax check via `sq`
* XML - lint via `xmllint`
* Install using [Package Control ST2 plugin](
* `SublimeLinter` runs in the background (by default), linting files for style and potential errors.
* Season to taste (edit configuration) by editing `Preferences->Package Settings->SublimeLinter->Settings - User`.
* Produce better code!
**With the Package Control plugin:** The easiest way to install SublimeLinter is through Package Control, which can be found at this site:
Once you install Package Control, restart ST2 and bring up the Command Palette (`Command+Shift+P` on OS X, `Control+Shift+P` on Linux/Windows). Select "Package Control: Install Package", wait while Package Control fetches the latest package list, then select SublimeLinter when the list appears. The advantage of using this method is that Package Control will automatically keep SublimeLinter up to date with the latest version.
**Without Git:** Download the latest source from [GitHub]( and copy the SublimeLinter folder to your Sublime Text "Packages" directory.
**With Git:** Clone the repository in your Sublime Text "Packages" directory:
git clone
The "Packages" directory is located at:
* OS X:
~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/
* Linux:
* Windows:
%APPDATA%/Sublime Text 2/Packages/
### JavaScript-based linters
If you plan to edit files that use a JavaScript-based linter (JavaScript, CSS), your system
must have a JavaScript engine installed. Mac OS X comes with a preinstalled JavaScript engine called
JavaScriptCore, which is used if Node.js is not installed. On Windows, you **must** install the
JavaScript engine Node.js, which can be downloaded from [the Node.js site](
On Mac OS X, you **must** install Node.js if you plan to edit JavaScript or CSS files that
use non-ASCII characters in strings or comments, because JavaScriptCore is not Unicode-aware.
After installing Node.js, if the Node.js executable ("node" on Mac OS X, "node.exe" on Windows)
cannot be found by SublimeLinter, you may have to set the path to the executable in the
"sublimelinter\_executable\_map" setting. See the "Configuring" section below for info on
SublimeLinter settings.
SublimeLinter runs in one of three modes, which is determined by the "sublimelinter" user setting:
* **Background mode (the default)** - When the "sublimelinter" setting is true, linting is performed in the background as you modify a file (if the relevant linter supports it). If you like instant feedback, this is the best way to use SublimeLinter. If you want feedback, but not instantly, you can try another mode or set a minimum queue delay with the "sublimelinter_delay" setting, so that the linter will only run after a certain amount of idle time.
* **Load-save mode** - When the "sublimelinter" setting is "load-save", linting is performed only when a file is loaded and after saving. Errors are cleared as soon as the file is modified.
* **Save-only mode** - When the "sublimelinter" setting is "save-only", linting is performed only after a file is saved. Errors are cleared as soon as the file is modified.
* **On demand mode** - When the "sublimelinter" setting is false, linting is performed only when initiated by you. Use the `Control+Command+L` (OS X) or `Control+Alt+L` (Linux/Windows) key equivalent or the Command Palette to lint the current file. If the current file has no associated linter, the command will not be available.
Within a file whose language/syntax is supported by SublimeLinter, you can control SublimeLinter via the Command Palette (`Command+Shift+P` on OS X, `Control+Shift+P` on Linux/Windows). The available commands are:
* **SublimeLinter: Lint Current File** - Lints the current file, highlights any errors and displays how many errors were found.
* **SublimeLinter: Show Error List** - Lints the current file, highlights any errors and displays a quick panel with any errors that are found. Selecting an item from the quick panel jumps to that line.
* **SublimeLinter: Background Linting** - Enables background linting mode for the current view and lints it.
* **SublimeLinter: Disable Linting** - Disables linting mode for the current view and clears all lint errors.
* **SublimeLinter: Load-Save Linting** - Enables load-save linting mode for the current view and clears all lint errors.
* **SublimeLinter: Save-Only Linting** - Enables save-only linting mode for the current view and clears all lint errors.
* **SublimeLinter: Reset** - Clears all lint errors and sets the linting mode to the value in the SublimeLinter.sublime-settings file.
Depending on the file and the current state of background enabling, some of the commands will not be available.
When an error is highlighted by the linter, putting the cursor on the offending line will result in the error message being displayed on the status bar.
If you want to be shown a popup list of all errors whenever a file is saved, modify the user setting:
"sublimelinter_popup_errors_on_save": true
If there are errors in the file, a quick panel will appear which shows the error message, line number and source code for each error. The starting location
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