Explores and identifies the main issues, concepts, principles and evolution of software testing, including software quality engineering and testing concepts, test data generation, test deployment analysis, and software test management This book examines the principles, concepts, and processes that are fundamental to the software testing function. This book is divided into five broad parts. Part I introduces software testing in the broader context of software engineering and explores the qualities that testing aims to achieve or ascertain, as well as the lifecycle of software testing. Part II covers mathematical foundations of software testing, which include software specification, program correctness and verification, concepts of software dependability, and a software testing taxonomy. Part III discusses test data generation, specifically, functional criteria and structural criteria. Test oracle design, test driver design, and test outcome analysis is covered in Part IV. Finally, Part V surveys managerial aspects of software testing, including software metrics, software testing tools, and software product line testing. Presents software testing, not as an isolated technique, but as part of an integrated discipline of software verification and validation Proposes program testing and program correctness verification within the same mathematical model, making it possible to deploy the two techniques in concert, by virtue of the law of diminishing returns Defines the concept of a software fault, and the related concept of relative correctness, and shows how relative correctness can be used to characterize monotonic fault removal Presents the activity of software testing as a goal oriented activity, and explores how the conduct of the test depends on the selected goal Covers all phases of the software testing lifecycle, including test data generation, test oracle design, test driver design, and test outcome analysis Software Testing: Concepts and Operations is a great resource for software quality and software engineering students because it presents them with fundamentals that help them to prepare for their ever evolving discipline. Table of Contents PART I INTRODUCTION TO SOFTWARE TESTING Chapter 1 Software Engineering: A Discipline Like No Other Chapter 2 Software Quality Attributes Chapter 3 A Software Testing Lifecycle PART II FOUNDATIONS OF SOFTWARE TESTING Chapter 4 Software Specifications Chapter 5 Program Correctness and Verification Chapter 6 Failures, Errors, and Faults Chapter 7 A Software Testing Taxonomy PART III TEST DATA GENERATION Chapter 8 Test Generation Concepts Chapter 9 Functional Criteria Chapter 10 Structural Criteria PART IV TEST DEPLOYMENT AND ANALYSIS Chapter 11 Test Oracle Design Chapter 12 Test Driver Design Chapter 13 Test Outcome Analysis PART V MANAGEMENT OF SOFTWARE TESTING Chapter 14 Metrics for Software Testing Chapter 15 Software Testing Tools Chapter 16 Testing Product Lines

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