# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: https://blog.csdn.net/suiyingy
import os
import cv2
import h5py
import shutil
from scipy.io import loadmat, savemat
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
def read3dPoints(data):
depthpath = data['depthpath']
rgbpath = data['rgbpath']
depthVis = cv2.imread(depthpath, -1)
imsize = depthVis.shape
depthInpaint = (depthVis >> 3) | (depthVis << 13)
depthInpaint = depthInpaint / 1000.
depthInpaint[depthInpaint >8] = 8
# K is [fx 0 cx; 0 fy cy; 0 0 1];
# for uncrop image crop =[1,1];
# imageName is the full path to image
K = data['K']
cx = K[0, 2]
cy = K[1, 2]
fx = K[0, 0]
fy = K[1, 1]
invalid = depthInpaint==0
imageName = rgbpath
if len(imageName) > 0:
im = cv2.imread(imageName, -1)
im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
rgb = im.astype(np.float)
ch1 = np.zeros(imsize, dtype=np.float)
ch2 = np.ones(imsize, dtype=np.float)
rgb = np.concatenate([ch1[:, :, None], ch2[:, :, None], ch1[:, :, None]], 2)
rgb = rgb.reshape(-1, 3)
#3D points
x, y = np.meshgrid(range(imsize[1]), range(imsize[0]))
x3 = (x - cx) * depthInpaint / fx
y3 = (y - cy) * depthInpaint / fy
z3 = depthInpaint
points3dMatrix = np.concatenate([x3[:, :, None], z3[:, :, None], -y3[:, :, None]], 2)
invalid_ = np.concatenate([invalid[:, :, None], invalid[:, :, None], invalid[:, :, None]], 2).astype(np.uint)
x3 = x3.reshape(-1, 1)
y3 = y3.reshape(-1, 1)
z3 = z3.reshape(-1, 1)
invalid_ = invalid.reshape(-1, 1).astype(np.uint)
points3d = np.concatenate([x3, z3, -y3], 1)
points3d[np.where(invalid_>0), :] = np.nan
points3d = np.dot(points3d, data['Rtilt'])
return rgb, points3d, points3dMatrix, imsize
if __name__ == '__main__':
root_dir = r'..' + '/'
train_ids = np.loadtxt('../sunrgbd_trainval/train_data_idx.txt')
val_ids = np.loadtxt('../sunrgbd_trainval/val_data_idx.txt')
trainval_ids = np.concatenate([train_ids, val_ids]).astype(np.int)
sunrgbdm = loadmat(root_dir + 'OFFICIAL_SUNRGBD/SUNRGBDtoolbox/Metadata/SUNRGBDMeta.mat')
sunrgbd2dm = h5py.File(root_dir + 'OFFICIAL_SUNRGBD/SUNRGBDtoolbox/Metadata/SUNRGBD2Dseg.mat')
# SUNRGBDMeta = sunrgbdm['SUNRGBDMeta'][0]
# SUNRGBD2Dseg = sunrgbd2dm['SUNRGBD2Dseg'][0]
sunmeta3_v2 = loadmat(root_dir + 'OFFICIAL_SUNRGBD/SUNRGBDMeta3DBB_v2.mat')
sunmeta2_v2 = loadmat(root_dir + 'OFFICIAL_SUNRGBD/SUNRGBDMeta2DBB_v2.mat')
SUNRGBDMeta = sunmeta3_v2['SUNRGBDMeta'][0]
SUNRGBDMeta2DBB = sunmeta2_v2['SUNRGBDMeta2DBB'][0]
depth_folder = '../sunrgbd_trainval/depth/';
image_folder = '../sunrgbd_trainval/image/';
calib_folder = '../sunrgbd_trainval/calib/';
det_label_folder = '../sunrgbd_trainval/label/';
seg_label_folder = '../sunrgbd_trainval/seg_label/';
if not os.path.exists(depth_folder):
if not os.path.exists(image_folder):
if not os.path.exists(calib_folder):
if not os.path.exists(det_label_folder):
if not os.path.exists(seg_label_folder):
for imageId in tqdm(range(10355)):
if imageId not in trainval_ids:
data = SUNRGBDMeta[imageId]
data['depthpath'] = root_dir + '/OFFICIAL_SUNRGBD/' + data['depthpath'][0][17:]
data['rgbpath'] = root_dir + '/OFFICIAL_SUNRGBD/' + data['rgbpath'][0][17:]
rgb, points3d, depthInpaint, imsize = read3dPoints(data)
points3d_rgb = np.concatenate([points3d, rgb], 1)
points3d_rgb = np.delete(points3d_rgb, np.where(np.isnan(points3d[:, 0])), axis=0)
points3d_rgb = points3d_rgb.astype(np.float32)
# MAT files are 3x smaller than TXT files.
mat_filename = str(imageId).zfill(6) + '.mat'
txt_filename = str(imageId).zfill(6) + '.txt'
savemat(depth_folder+mat_filename, {'instance': points3d_rgb})
# Write images
shutil.copy(data['rgbpath'], image_folder+str(imageId).zfill(6)+'.jpg')
# Write calibration
calib_info = np.vstack([data['Rtilt'].reshape(1, -1), data['K'].reshape(1, -1)])
np.savetxt(calib_folder+txt_filename, calib_info)
# Write 2D and 3D box labe
data2d = SUNRGBDMeta2DBB[imageId]
if len(data['groundtruth3DBB']) < 1:
gt3d = data['groundtruth3DBB'][0]
gt3d_info = []
for j in range(len(gt3d)):
centroid = gt3d[j]['centroid'][0]
classname = gt3d[j]['classname'][0]
orientation = gt3d[j]['orientation'][0]
coeffs = gt3d[j]['coeffs'][0]
if len(data2d['groundtruth2DBB']) <1 or j > len(data2d['groundtruth2DBB'][0]) - 1 or classname != data2d['groundtruth2DBB'][0][j]['classname'][0]:
box2d = data2d['groundtruth2DBB'][0][j]['gtBb2D'][0]
tmp = [classname, str(box2d[0]), str(box2d[1]), str(box2d[2]), str(box2d[3]), \
str(centroid[0]), str(centroid[1]), str(centroid[2]), str(coeffs[0]), str(coeffs[1]), str(coeffs[2]), \
str(orientation[0]), str(orientation[1]), '\n']
gt3d_info.append(' '.join(tmp))
with open(det_label_folder+txt_filename, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
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