## Release v2.0.0:
#### Features:
- Added app landing page
- Added html version
- Added ui.utils(removed ui.validate)
- Added mask input
- Added multiple level nav
- Added ui-grid
- Added editable form
- Added editable table
#### Bugfixes:
- Nav with bg-white
## Release v1.3.3:
#### Features:
- Added Music app
- Update angular to 1.3.2
- Update angular-bootstrap to 0.12.0
- Update angular-ui-router to 0.2.12
- Update bootstrap to 3.3.0
- Update angular-ui-calendar to latest
- Update oclazyload to 0.5.0
#### Bugfixes:
- Fix fullcalendar
## Release v1.3.2:
#### Features:
- Added ui-select
- Added textAngular
- Added Slider
- Removed Select2
- Code review -- rearrange js files.
move the components to "src/vendor/",
split the "src/js/controllers.js" to "js/controllers/**"
split the "src/js/directives.js" to "js/directives/**"
split the "src/js/services.js" to "js/services/**"
split the "src/js/filters.js" to "js/filters/**"
#### Bugfixes:
- (none)
## Release v1.3.1:
#### Features:
- Added mega menu
- Added tree view
- Added file upload
- Added image crop
- Added weather app
- Added tabs in vbox
- Added double click to create event on Fullcalendar
- Added background image on boxed layout.
- Added angularjs-stripped.html sample page.
- Changed lang file .json to .js
#### Bugfixes:
- Fix fullscreen button stats
- Fix fullscreen on ie11(disabled)
## Release v1.3.0:
#### Features:
- Included Grunt build steps and bower dependency management.
- Can compile application less files with grunt. Use the command `grunt:less`
- Added grunt for versioning and changelogs.
- Added dashboard v2 page
- Added Note app
- Added Contacts app
- Update Fullcalendar to 2.1.1, "js/jquery/fullcalenar/"
- Update FontAwesome to 4.2
#### Bugfixes:
- Fix sparkline on retina display, "js/jquery/charts/sparkline/jquery.sparkline.min.js"
v 1.2.0
1: add dock aside option (horizontal menu)
added: ".app-aside-dock" class to enable horizontal menu
changed: "/tpl/blocks/settings.html", "/tpl/index.html"
AppCtrl in "/js/controller.js", uiNav in "/js/directives.js"
2: add boxed layout option
added: '.container' class to .app to enable boxed layout.
removed: ".bg-auto-left" and ".bg-auto-right" class
3: add ng-grid
added: 'ocLazyLoad' from https://github.com/ocombe/ocLazyLoad
'ng-grid' from http://angular-ui.github.io/ng-grid/
use ocLazyLoad to lazy load the ng-grid modules
changed: 'js/app.js' to config the ocLazyLoad. and add ngGrid state.
4: add toaster
added: 'js/modules/toaster' from https://github.com/jirikavi/AngularJS-Toaster
changed: 'js/app.js' add ui.toaster state
5: fix sub menu when using ".bg-white"
changed: "/css/less/app.color.less"
6: fix dataTables width issue
changed: "/js/jquery/datatables/datatables.bootstrap.css"
v 1.1.3
1: add PSD file
added: "psd/ui.psd"
2: add application layout
added: "tpl/layout_app.html"
changed: changed: "css/less/app.layout.less", add "app-content-full" class;
"uiNav" directive in "js/directives.js". "js/app.js" to config "layout" router.
"tpl/blocks/nav.html" to add layout nav items
3: add full width layout
added: "tpl/layout.html", "tpl/layout_fullwidth.html", "tpl/layout_footer_fullwidth.html"
4: add mobile layout
added: "tpl/layout_mobile.html", "tpl/layout_footer_mobile.html"
5: add off screen nav "pull-right" option
changed: "css/less/app.nav.offscreen.less"
use the "off-screen pull-right" to push the nav right.
6: improvement on ".item" css
changed: "css/less/app.item.less", the ".top, .bottom" does not have the 100% width.
you can use the ".top" + ".w-full" to make it full width.
affect: "tpl/app_dashboard.html", "tpl/ui_widgets.html"
v 1.1.2
1: add off-screen nav on mobile
added "css/less/app.nav.offscreen.less",
changed: "tpl/blocks/header.html", "tpl/app.html"
2: add sample on signin/signup
added: "api" folder for simulate api, "SigninFormController", "SignupFormController" controller in "js/controllers.js"
changed: "tpl/page_signin.html", "tpl/page_signup.html"
3: add .app-aside-right aside
changed: "tpl/app.html", "css/less/layout.css"
4: add pricing table
added: "tpl/page_price.html"
5: use ui-sref-active to get the link active
changed: "tpl/blocks/nav.html"
6: fix ui-bootstrap carousel conflict with ng-animate
added: directive "setNgAnimate" in "js/directives.js",
changed: "tpl/ui-bootstrap.html", add ' set-ng-animate="false" '
7: fix refresh page when choose language
changed: "tpl/blocks/header.html" add lang.isopen, AppCtrl in "js/controllers.js".
8: improvement foled.fixed aside nav on smart device
changed: uiNav directive in "js/directives.js", "css/less/app.nav.less"
v 1.1.1
1: add ui-module directive, this is used for load other dependence.
changed: add "js/modules" folder, and move the "js/app/calendar/ui-calendar.js" to "js/modules".
changed: "js/app.js"(loading ui-calendar.js path)
2: add Angular Select2, use ui-module directive to load dependences
added: "js/jquery/select2" folder, "js/modules/ui-select2.js"
changed: "js/app.js" constant "MODULE_CONFIG", "js/controllers.js" "FormDemoCtrl", "tpl/form_elements.html"
3: add Angular Google Map
added: "js/app/map" folder, "tpl/ui_googlemap.html", "js/modules/ui-map.js"
changed: "tpl/blocks/nav.html"
4: fix nav padding on OS X trackpad users in WebKit/Blink
issue: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7855590/how-can-i-prevent-scroll-bars-from-being-hidden-for-os-x-trackpad-users-in-webki
changed: "css/less/app.layout.css", regenerated "app.css"
5: fix header show first when modal closing.
changed: "css/less/app.layout.css", regenerated "app.css"
6: fix flot resize error
changed: "js/jquery/charts/flot/jquery.flot.resize.js"
7: update documents
update about "ui-module" directive.
v 1.1.0
1: change .no-touch to .smart class
changed: "AppCtrl" in "js/controllers.js", detect is smart device then add "smart" class
"css/less/app.layout.less" change the ".no-touch" to ".smart" class.
2: fix butterbar when page scrolled
changed: "uiButterbar" directive in "js/directives.js", scroll to top when page trasistion.
3: add a example how to bind ngModel on the bootstrap-slider.js
changed: "FormDemoCtrl" in "js/controllers.js", "tpl/form_elements.html"
4: fix .less files error
changed: "less/app.butterbar.less", "less/app.colors.less", "less/app.reset.less"
v 1.0.3
1: Save settings to local storage
add: "js/angular/ngStorage.min.js"
changed: "AppCtrl" in "js/controllers.js", "tpl/blocks/header.html", "tpl/blocks/settings.html", "index.html"
2: Add scroll to top at the bottom
changed "tpl/app.html", use ui-scroll directive
3: Fix scroll to top when modal opened
changed: "css/less/app.layout.css", regenerated "app.css"
v 1.0.2
1: Add angular-translate for international
add: "js/angular/angular-translate.js", "js/angular/angular-cookies.min.js", "l10n" folder
changed: "js/app.js", "js/controllers.js", "tpl/blocks/header.html", "tpl/blocks/nav.html"
2: Add footable jquery plugin
added: "js/jquery/footable/footable.all.min.js", "tpl/table_footable.html"
changed "js/app.js" to config ui-jq footable files
3: fix menu on small device.
changed: "tpl/blocks/header.html" add ui-scroll="app" on menu button.
and give a "#app" on "tpl/index.html".
you can change the name "#app" as you want.
4: fix line-height on ".
- 粉丝: 14
- 资源: 12
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- 基于遗传算法的电动汽车有序充电优化调度 软件:Matlab 利用遗传算法对电动汽车有序充电进行优化;优化目标包括充电费用最低,充电时间达到要求(电动汽车充到足够的电)考虑电动汽车充电对电网负荷的影响
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