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<li><a class="current" href="#documenter_cover">Start</a></li>
<li><a href="#getting_started" title="1. Getting Started">1. Getting Started</a></li>
<li><a href="#using_elson" title="2. Using Elson">2. Using Elson</a></li>
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<h2>Modern Shop Theme</h2>
<div id="documenter_buttons">
<li>created: 01/03/2020</li>
<li>latest update: 02/19/2020</li>
<li>by: Edge Themes</li>
<li><a href="https://helpcenter.qodeinteractive.com/">helpcenter.qodeinteractive.com/</a></li>
<p>Elson - Modern Shop Theme</p>
<section id="getting_started">
<div class="page-header"><h3>1. Getting Started</h3><hr class="notop"></div>
Hi, and welcome to the Elson User Guide. The User Guide covers all the information needed to use the <a href="https://qodeinteractive.com/wordpress-theme/elson-modern-shop-theme/">Elson theme </a>to build an amazing website, as well as some helpful tips and tricks that will make your experience working with the Elson theme easier and more enjoyable. If you need any additional assistance while using our theme, you can always submit a ticket to our support forum at <a href="https://helpcenter.qodeinteractive.com/">https://helpcenter.qodeinteractive.com/</a> and our support team will be glad to help you out.</p>
You can navigate through different sections of the User Guide by clicking on the links in the menu to the left of your screen. You will also notice that we have highlighted certain parts of the text throughout the User Guide, such as important pieces of information, useful tips, and helpful code snippets, with different formatting for an easier overview. Here are some examples of the different formatting we use for Useful Tips, and Code Snippets:</p>
<div class="alert alert-info">
This is a useful tip</div>
<pre class="prettyprint lang-html linenums">
<div class="code-snippet">This is a helpful code snippet</div></pre>
In this first section of the Elson User Guide we will go through the essential steps required to start building your website with the Elson theme. We will explain how to install the theme, import the included demo content, as well as how to update the theme. At the end of this section you will also find a set of Frequently Asked Question related to troubleshooting the theme. </p>
<h4 id="getting_started_installing_elson">Installing Elson</h4>
After downloading the Elson installation file from ThemeForest, extract it and in the extracted folder locate the <em>elson.zip</em> file. You can then install the Elson theme using one of the two following installation methods:</p>
<strong>WordPress upload</strong> - For most users, this is probably the simplest installation method. To install the Elson theme using this method, please follow these steps:
Login to your WordPress admin panel</li>
Navigate to <strong><em>Appearance > Themes > Add New > Upload Theme</em></strong></li>
Click on <strong><em>Choose File</em></strong> and select <em><em>elson</em>.zip</em></li>
Click on <strong><em>Install Now</em></strong></li>
<strong>FTP upload</strong> - If you would like to install the Elson theme via FTP, please follow these steps:
Extract the <em><em>elson</em>.zip </em>file you previously located. You should now see a folder named <em>elson</em></li>
Using an FTP client, login to the server where your WordPress website is hosted</li>
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