EmbeddedWB Component Pack
[+] Added/New
[-] Removed
[*] Changed
[%] Fixed
[^] Improved/Updated
Version 14.70.0 - 02.10.2010 - by smot
* Delphi XE support
[^] EWB_jedi.inc (compiler directives)
* TEwbCore
[%] IE Control Handle is not destroyed correctly (ref.: http://tinyurl.com/FixIEControl)
* TEmbeddedWB
[%] OnMessage destroys Msg.Result for all messages (ref.: http://tinyurl.com/OnMessageFix)
[%] Memory Leak IHtmlDocument2(ref.: http://tinyurl.com/IHtmlDocument2MemLeak)
[%] Cannot invoke shortkeys when the webbrowser gets focus (ref.: http://tinyurl.com/ShortcutsEWBFix)
[^] Minor fixes and improvements
* TEWBTools.pas / TEmbeddedWB
[^] Changed SetProxy() (ref.: http://tinyurl.com/ProxySettingsEWBFix)
* TIEDownload.pas
[%] Do not overwrite global formatsettings
Version 14.69.1 - 23.11.2009 - by smot
* TEmbeddedWB / TEwbCore
[%] Setting EmbeddedWB1.DialogBoxes.DisableAll = True prevented TSaveDialog from opening (ref.: http://tinyurl.com/yj3ucet)
[%] OndocumentComplete fired upon startup (ref.: http://tinyurl.com/ykqbfw3)
[%] TEmbeddedWB.Focused property always returned False (http://tinyurl.com/yfxqza6)
[*] Moved ZoomPercent to the published section
* [*] Renamed TLinkLabel to TLinksLabel due to a naming conflict in D2010 (ref.: http://tinyurl.com/yk7kox4)
Version 14.69.0 - 16.09.2009 - by bsalsa / smot
* D2010 support
[^] EWB_jedi.inc (compiler directives)
* TEmbeddedWB
[%] Small bug in TEmbeddedWB.Wait (ref.: http://www.bsalsa.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1211)
* TIEAddress:
[+] TEwbCore can also be assigned to the EmbeddedWB property
[+] Opposite arrow on DropDown.
[%] Flickering.
[%] Bugged behavior when no EmbeddedWB assigned.
[%] Navigation on selected Url.
[%] Navigation on double click.
[%] bugged behavior On Enter Key
[%] TextOnLoad.
* TWebUpdater:
[*] The application version numbering to the common style (Like Delphi)
[+] A boolean property: AutoGetExeVersion;
[+] a function to get the application version from the Exe file
(What the developer sets it in the project options).
[^] the demos with the above.
[^] Code Clean-Up
Version 14.68.0 - 21.07.2009 - by smot
* TEwbCore / TEmbeddedWB:
[+] Enabled "Add to Favorites" menu item
[+] FOnStop Event
[+] IE8 UserInterfaceOption
* TEmbeddedWB:
[+] OnHTMLCodeChange Event
[%] Possible AV when using HTMLCode property with event handlers assigned.
* EwbFocusControl
[%] Bug in MessageHook (Thanks Ludek)
Version 14.67.9 - 20.05.2009 - by bsalsa / smot
* TEmbeddedWB:
[+] AColor Parameter in SearchAndHighlight
[+] FillForm ElementNr Parameter
[%] FillForm (http://tinyurl.com/fillform)
[%] OnKeyDown/OnKeyUp didn't pass ssAlt in Shift
[%] Replaced SetWindowLong with SetWindowLongW
(Unicode Issue: http://tinyurl.com/SetWindowLongW)
* TEwbCore / TEmbeddedWB:
[+] OnPreRefresh Event
* TXmlParser:
[%] New Delphi 2009 support
(About a 100 changes of AnciChar, WideChar CharInSet...)
* TFavMenu:
[+] TLocalization.EmptyCaption
* TExportFavorite:
[+] Localization of error messages
[+] OnError Event
[+] TEwbCore can also be assigned to the EmbeddedWB property
[^] Code Clean-Up
* TImportFavorite:
[+] Localization of error messages
[+] OnError Event
[+] TEwbCore can also be assigned to the EmbeddedWB property
[^] Code Clean-Up
* TFavoritesTree:
[+] Localization
[+] Use favorite icons (Internal ImageList). Thanks to wbk!
[+] TEwbCore can be assigned to the EmbeddedWB property
[%] Function "DoOrganizeFavDlg" doesn't work in XP (IE 7/8)
* TIEDownload:
[+] Host: string value for download managers
[+] support for IWindowForBindingUI interface
[+] GetFileNameFromUrl.
[+] MkParseDisplayName.
[+] OnBeforeDownload Event: a procedure that fires before download
and contains all the needed info
[+] procedure Download(const pmk: IMoniker;const pbc: IBindCtx); overload;
for integration with the IE FileDownload event moniker.
[%] a check (Binding <> nil) before aborting to prevent a possible AV
[*] GetDisplayName to return WideChar and not a string.
[*] FOnGetBindInfoEx position.
[*] QueryInfoFileName behaviour.
[*] DisplayName behaviour.
[^] TBSCB.Create to support moniker integration with IE.
[-] Old download procedure.
* IEMultiDownload:
[+] Support to folder structure so you can download a complete
web site into the same structure as in the web site.
[+] Added More options to the download routine.
[^] Optimized the code.
[%] Parsing procedure.
[+]/[^] The following events to get more info on the download structure.
* Demos: Some code Clean-Up
[+] \Demos\EmbeddedWB Demos\18 - SysListView32 Replacement
[^] \Demos\EmbeddedWB Demos\15 - THTMLListener_Demo (to work with frames)
[^] \Demos\Various Demos\02 - ExportFavorites_Demo
[^] \Demos\Various Demos\07 - IEDownload_Demos
[^] \Demos\Various Demos\08 - IEMultiDownloads
[^] \Demos\Various Demos\20 - WebUpdater_Demos
Version 14.67.8 - 12.04.2009 - by bsalsa / smot
* TIEParser:
[+] Proxy support.
[+] Support to interact between IEDownload and IEParser.
[+] ParserState & StateChange.
[+] OnParseError Event
[+] OnParseDocument Event
[+] OnQueryInfo Event
[+] Properties: Encoding, MimeType, Disposition, ParserState
[*] Go with Parse to avoid confusion
[*] GetPageProperties
[*] LoadFromMoniker
[*] Replaced the CreateURLMoniker with CreateURLMonikerEx
[*] to flag URL_MK_UNIFORM for better security.
[^] Enhanced GetPageProperties.
[^] the internal structure.
[^] Updated and cleaned out the unit.
[-] Some UI code.
[-] BusyChange.
[-] The Messages TPersistent. It's a user interface that doesn't belong to the component.
[-] All the extra functions to IEDownloadTools.
* TIEDownload:
[+] Percent string and FileSize Integer to OnProgress.
[+] A better "semaphore" system to wait for the download to finish.
[+] Support for multiple downloads.
[+] function IsAsyncMoniker
[+] GetDisplayName.
[+] Download procedure which allows access to the Moniker and the BindCtx
[+] Synchronous downloading support.
[+] IeDownloadAcc.pas (Contains the extra interfaces and so on that are not
included in the current UrlMon.pas
[+] IEDownloadStrings files that contain the string for easy localization.
[+] UrlDownloadToFile with the callback.
[+] UrlDownloadToCacheFile with the callback.
[+] Property DisplayName.
[+] IsRunning function.
[+] Default value for the TimeOut in case of 0.
[+] GetDataFromFile.
[+] TThreadStatus = (tsRunning, tsS
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