Raspberry Pi LED Blueprints(PACKT,2015)
Blinking LED is a popular application when getting started in embedded development. By customizing and utilising LED-based modules into the Raspberry Pi board, exciting projects can be obtained. A countdown timer, a digital clock, a traffic light controller, and a remote light controller are a list of LED-based inspired project samples for Raspberry Pi. An LED is a simple actuator device that displays lighting and can be controlled easily from a Raspberry Pi. This book will provide you with the ability to control LEDs from Raspberry Pi, starting from describing an idea through designing and implementing several projects based on LEDs, such as, 7-segments, 4-digits 7 segment, and dot matrix displays. Beginning with step-by-step instructions on installation and configuration, this book can either be read from cover to cover or treated as an essential reference companion to your Raspberry Pi. Samples for the project application are provided such as a countdown timer, a digital clock, a traffic light controller, a remote light controller, and an LED-based Internet of Things, so you get more practice in the art of Raspberry Pi development.
- 粉丝: 108
- 资源: 1187
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