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Loss mechanism of all-fiber cascaded side pumping combiner
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Compared with end pumping fiber combiner, one of the advantages for side pumping combiner is the unlimited pumping points, which means multi-point or cascaded side pumping can be realized. However, the loss mechanism of the cascaded structure is rarely discussed. In this paper, we present the numerical and experimental investigation about the loss mechanism of a two-stage-cascaded side pumping combiner based on tapered-fused technique. The influence of loss mechanism on the coupling efficiency a
High Power Laser Science and Engineering, (2018), Vol. 6, e56, 9 pages.
© The Author(s) 2018. This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution licence (http://creativecommons.org/
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Loss mechanism of all-fiber cascaded side
pumping combiner
Chengmin Lei
, Zilun Chen
, Yanran Gu
, Hu Xiao
, and Jing Hou
College of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China
Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of High Energy Laser Technology, National University of Defense Technology,
Changsha 410073, China
Hunan Provincial Collaborative Innovation Center of High Power Fiber Laser, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha
410073, China
(Received 10 July 2018; revised 31 August 2018; accepted 26 September 2018)
Compared with end pumping fiber combiner, one of the advantages for side pumping combiner is the unlimited pumping
points, which means multi-point or cascaded side pumping can be realized. However, the loss mechanism of the cascaded
structure is rarely discussed. In this paper, we present the numerical and experimental investigation about the loss
mechanism of a two-stage-cascaded side pumping combiner based on tapered-fused technique. The influence of loss
mechanism on the coupling efficiency and thermal load of the fiber coating is analyzed according to simulations and
experiments with different tapering ratios for the first stage. Based on the analysis, a cascaded component with total
pump coupling efficiency of 96.4% handling a pump power of 1088 W is achieved by employing 1018 nm fiber laser as
the pump source. Future work to further improve the performance of a cascaded side pumping combiner is discussed and
Keywords: fiber combiner; fiber laser; side pumping
1. Introduction
Fiber lasers have seen progressive development and been
widely applied in industrial field, defense technology and
medical science over the past several decades. The investi-
gation of all-fiber components for the highly integrated high
power fiber laser and amplifier systems has been increased
in recent years. One of the most key components is a
pump/signal combiner. The side pumping combiner, in
which the pump light is coupled into the double-clad fiber
through the fiber side, is of great interest in these two
decades. The attractive characteristics of side pumping com-
biner, such as uninterrupted signal fiber core and unlimited
pump points, which an end pumping combiner (such as
tapered-fused bundle (TFB) technique
) cannot achieve,
facilitate their potential applications in fiber laser and ampli-
fiers. Among the reported side pumping couplers, those in
3D structure such as adhered micro-prism
, V-groove
[2, 3]
embedded mirror
and diffraction grating
[5, 6]
, restricted
the further improvement of the stability and compactness of
Correspondence to: Z. Chen, College of Advanced Interdisciplinary
Studies, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073,
China. Email: zilun2003@163.com
the system, as well as the pump power handling capability
(only W level to 10 W level) and pump coupling efficiency
(not higher than 90%). The all-fiber structure has seen more
advantages. A tapered-fused method, which is based on
direct fusion of one or several tapered pump fibers to the
surface of a double-clad signal fiber, seems to be a more
potential method because of its high coupling efficiency
and the capability of handling high pump power up to kW
In order to further increase the output power from the
fiber laser, higher pumping power coupled into double-clad
signal fiber is required. Since the pumping points in a side
pumping scheme are not limited, multi-point or cascaded
side pumping can be realized. Tan et al. reported the
cascaded combiner
, consisting of five combiners by using
tapered-fused technique, and constructed a bi-directionally
pumped fiber laser oscillator with 780 W output power when
injecting 1096 W pump power. The laser was pumped via
intra-cavity fiber-cascaded combiners and extra-cavity fiber-
cascaded combiners. This work showed the advantage of
side pumping technique that it enhances the pump power
through cascaded structure as well as the potential of multi-
point distributed pumping. However, compared with TFB
2 C. Lei et al.
end pumping combiner which can easily achieve (N +
1) × 1 structure (N can be 7 or more) with high coupling
efficiency for every pump fiber
, for a tapered-fused
side pumping combiner, the increase of pump fibers and high
pump coupling efficiency requirement of the components
cannot be achieved simultaneously as illustrated in some
experimental work. The increased number of pump fibers
at one pump point was proven to result in a decrease of
pump coupling efficiency in Ref. [7]. This is why a (2 +
1) × 1 structure is more advisable for high pump coupling
efficiency requirement, while using cascaded scheme by
inserting more pump fibers at several positions along the
signal fiber will also reduce the coupling efficiency and
insert more signal loss and beam quality degradation
Since in a cascaded scheme, different side combiners will
influence each other on pump coupling efficiency and pump
power loss, it is of great importance to figure out the pump
power loss mechanism in a cascaded scheme and find out
a balance between the increase of pump arms and high
coupling efficiency. Though this effect has been pointed out
phenomenally, the causes and physical mechanism of extra
pump power loss for side pumping combiners in cascaded
structure were rarely investigated and analyzed thoroughly.
In this paper, we report simulations and experiments
about the pump power loss mechanism of two-cascaded side
pumping combiner based on tapered-fused technique for the
first time. First, the optical design and numerical modeling
of two-cascaded combiner are depicted. Then, simulation
results for different parameters of the two combiners are
shown in Section 2. These simulation results can be used
as an instruction to the parameter selection and optimization
during the fabrication of the components. Then, the experi-
ment of the two-cascaded (1+1)×1 combiners with different
parameters is demonstrated. Last, a cascaded component is
used for handling a pump power of 1088 W when employing
1018 nm fiber laser as the pump source, with total pump
coupling efficiency of 96.4%.
2. Theoretical analysis
2.1. Numerical model
The numerical simulation is carried out by beam propagation
method (BPM), which is a method for solving the Helmholtz
equation for optical fibers
. The schematic diagram of the
numerical model for the two-cascaded combiner is shown
in Figure 1, which is composed by two (1 + 1) × 1 side
pumping combiners. The core/cladding diameter of the
double-clad signal fiber is 20 and 400 µm, respectively,
with a cladding numerical aperture (NA) of 0.46. The
core/cladding diameter of two pump fibers is 220/242 µm
with NA = 0.22. L
= 9 mm and L
= 1 mm are
the lengths of the transition region and the taper waist. The
diameter of the taper waist is defined as D
. As for the
Figure 1. The longitudinal scheme of the cascaded combiner.
geometrical shape of the taper in the longitudinal direction,
for simplicity, a linear shape is assumed in the simulations
instead of the parabolic shape. Since the simulation of side
pumping combiner with the consideration of fused depth
may be more reliable as discussed in our previous work
similarly, in this numerical model, we assume that the fused
depth increases gradually along a length of δL
reaches the maximum at the taper waist (this maximum depth
is defined as fused depth in the calculation). The distance
between the coating edge and the taper waist end of the
pump fiber is assumed to be 5 mm and the coating length for
every combiner to be 5 mm. Fused depth for both stages is
5 µm. Detailed information about the parameter setting and
numerical model description of noncascaded side pumping
combiner can be found in Ref. [10]. By using BPM, the
integral power in different waveguides can be monitored
along the longitudinal direction. The total power is set to
1. The pump wavelength is set to 976 nm.
The analysis of the loss mechanism for a noncascaded
side pumping combiner by tapered-fused method has been
proposed and well-discussed recently. The simulations about
the influence of taper ratio, taper length, pump light input NA
and number of pump ports on the pump efficiency and loss
mechanism were performed by using the ray tracing method
in Ref. [7]. Furthermore, we first calculated the evolution of
the leakage power into the coating of the signal fiber (LPC)
along the coating length, which is the most critical pump
power loss of the side pumping combiner. However, in terms
of a cascaded structure as shown in Figure 1, when the pump
light (inserted at Pump fiber 1) that has already coupled into
the inner cladding of the signal fiber through the coupling
region of Stage 1 propagates to Stage 2, it may introduce
extra power loss due to the irregular waveguide shape in its
coupling region, giving rise to a reduction of total coupling
efficiency. Hence, it is of high importance to explore how
the pump light which is inserted from the pump arm at the
former-stage combiner propagates in the cascaded scheme,
especially in the latter stage. In our numerical simulation,
we mainly calculate the coupling efficiency at Stage 1 (η
and Stage 2 (η
), LPC for Stage 1 and for Stage 2 as well as
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- 资源: 919
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