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1. Introduction
In recent years, accompanied by the extensive research of
articial metamaterials [1–5], metasurfaces are well known
and arouse the interest of researchers. Metasurfaces are the
two-dimensional (2D) version of metamaterials [6–10]. They
can be easily achieved by subwavelength resonators such as
a stratied metal-dielectric structure, electro magnetic reso-
nator and plasmonic antennas. By modulating the amplitude
and phase of subwavelength structure, the polarization mode,
propagation direction and propagation mode can be ex-
ibly modulated. Therefore, metasurfaces have great poten-
tial applications in stealth [11, 12], antenna [13], microwave
device [14], etc.
In 2011, Yu etal proposed generalized laws of reection
and refraction and hence achieved anomalous reection by
designing a phase gradient metasurface (PGM) composed of
‘V’-antennas [15]. The PGM composed of super cells with
spatially-varying phase responses can realize many novel
physical properties, which not only can realize the anoma-
lous reection/refraction effect, but also the spoof surface
plasmon polariton coupling and decoupling, polarization
conversion, etc [16–18]. In 2014, Cui etal proposed a new
concept of coding metasurface (CM) [19], which is of more
freedoms than the traditional metasurfaces. A CM can be
viewed as a bridge linking between metasurface and digital
perspective, eventually to realize real-time control of electro-
magnetic waves [20–24]. Although CMs have been widely
studied, only coding sequences have been considered in the
design procedure. In 2017, Zheng et al combined with the
advantages of both 1D PGM and CM and proposed the con-
cept of CPGM, which makes the CM design become more
exible [25].
In this work, we proposed a 2D CPGM combining the
advantages of 2D PGM and CM. The super cells of the 2D
PGMs are employed as the coding elements of CMs. As a
result, the modulation of array pattern and primary pattern
can be simultaneously achieved by manipulating the coding
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
Two-dimensional coding phase gradient
metasurface for RCS reduction
, YongfengLi
, QiqiZheng
, JieqiuZhang
, JiafuWang
, HongyaChen
, SuiSai
, HuaMa
and ShaoboQu
Air Force Engineering University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710051, People’s Republic of China
School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710071,
People’s Republic of China
E-mail: liyf217130@126.com and qushaobo@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
Received 5 April 2018, revised 16 July 2018
Accepted for publication 25 July 2018
Published 10 August 2018
A two-dimensional (2D) coding phase gradient metasurface (CPGM) is proposed for radar
cross section(RCS) reduction in this work. The 2D phase gradient super cell is employed to
serve as the coding element. The primary pattern of the coding element will be modulated
by the designed 2D phase gradient. Thus, a more exible method of scattering manipulation
will be achieved by both the 2D phase gradient and coding sequences. The specic scattering
patterns of the 2D CPGM under the modulation of phase gradient and coding sequence were
analyzed. A controllable backward diffusion scattering coding phase gradient metasurface
was realized based on Pancharatnam–Berry phase by modulating both the phase gradient and
coding sequence. Both simulated and measured results demonstrate its excellent performance
on RCS reduction.
Keywords: coding metasurface, coding elements, coding sequence, RCS reduction
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M Feng etal
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J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 (2018) 375103 (6pp)