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1. Introduction
Localized surface plasmons (LSPs) on small metal particles have been of interest for increasing
applications in the optical antenna [1,2], surface-enhanced Raman scattering [3,4], chemical
and biological sensors [5,6], and photovoltaic [7], etc. In order to realize highly confined
propagating surface electromagnetic (EM) waves at the microwave and terahertz (THz)
frequencies, spoof (or designer) SPs on the textured metal surfaces were proposed and verified
[8,9], paving the way to realize spoof (designer) plasmonic waveguides and components
[10–16]. Conformal SPs (CSPs) waveguides based on ultrathin corrugated metal strips have
been demonstrated [17], leading to various ultrathin microwave and THz plasmonic functional
devices [18–25]. A pioneering study on spoof LSPs has been conducted to show that a two
dimensional (2D) periodically textured metallic cylinder was able to support spoof LSPs [26].
It’s been shown that a periodically textured closed cavity can also support spoof LSPs [27].
Magnetic LSPs supported by cylindrical structures were then theoretically and experimentally
explored [28]. Recently, the spoof LSPs on the ultrathin textured metallic disk were
demonstrated experimentally at microwave frequencies [29]. Compared to long cylinders [26],
it is easy to observe lower plasmonic resonances (dipole and quadrupole modes) on the
ultrathin textured disk. High-order spoof LSPs in periodically corrugated metal particles were
also theoretically and experimentally investigated, showing these modes resemble the optical
whispering gallery modes sustained by dielectric resonators [30]. It has been illustrated that
Received 1 Jul 2015; revised 4 Aug 2015; accepted 4 Aug 2015; published 6 Aug 2015
10 Aug 2015 | Vol. 23, No. 16 | DOI:10.1364/OE.23.021434 | OPTICS EXPRESS 21435