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Experimental demonstration of SCMA-OFDM for passive optical netw...
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Experimental demonstration of SCMA-OFDM for passive optical network
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Optical Fiber Technology
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Experimental demonstration of SCMA-OFDM for passive optical network
Bangjiang Lin
, Xuan Tang
, Xiaohuan Shen
, Min Zhang
, Chun Lin
, Zabih Ghassemlooy
Quanzhou Institute of Equipment Manufacturing, Haixi Institutes, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Quanzhou, China
Optical Communications Research Group, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK
Passive optical network (PON)
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
Sparse code multiple access (SCMA)
We introduces a novel architecture for next generation passive optical network (PON) based on the employment
of sparse code multiple access (SCMA) combined with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)
modulation, in which the binary data is directly encoded to multi-dimensional codewords and then spread over
OFDM subcarriers. The feasibility of SCMA-OFDM-PON is verified with experimental demonstration. We show
that the SCMA-OFDM offers 150% overloading gain in the number of optical network units compared with the
orthogonal frequency division multiplexing access.
1. Introduction
Passive optical network (PON) has been deployed worldwide by
many telecommunication operators to provide broadband access, due
to its low cost and large capacity [1]. With the exponential growth in
Internet traffic and bandwidth intensive applications, the next genera-
tion PON should be upgraded to support higher data rate and more
users. Many PON technologies have been proposed to provide future
broadband optical access. There is time- and wavelength-division
multiplexing (TWDM)-PON which increases the total capacity by the
number of wavelength pairs [2,3], wavelength division multiplexing
(WDM)-PON which provides a virtual point-to-point fiber access con-
nection via a dedicated wavelength to each optical network unit (ONU)
[4,5], and orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA)-
PON which offers high spectrum efficiency, large dispersion tolerance
and flexibility on multiple services provisioning and dynamic band-
width allocation [6–8]. In these PON schemes, different ONUs are al-
located to orthogonal resources in either the time, or frequency (wa-
velength) in order to avoid or alleviate interference. In addition, hybrid
multiple access schemes such as WDM-OFDMA, WDM-optical code-di-
vision multiple access (OCDMA) are a proposed to further increase the
capacity [9,10].
Recently, non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) has been widely
investigated as a promising solution to increase system throughput and
accommodate massive connectivity for 5G wireless networks [11–13].
In contrast to orthogonal multiple access (OMA) techniques such as
time division multiple access (TDMA) and OFDMA, where users are
allocated with individual time-frequency (TF) resources, NOMA allows
multiple users to share TF resources in the same spatial layer via power
domain or code domain multiplexing. As a result, significant enhance-
ment in the sum rate and throughput can be achieved. The NOMA
scheme is also applied for wireless optical communication to enhance
the achievable throughput [14–16]. In Ref. [17], a power domain based
NOMA scheme is proposed and experimentally demonstrated for future
optical access network. In Ref. [18], a code domain based NOMA
scheme is proposed for access network, in which optical I/Q modulator
and coherent receiver are used to modulate and demodulate the sparse
code multiple access (SCMA) signal. The optical coherent transceiver is
expensive, thus not being preferred for cost-sensitive access network.
In this paper, we proposed a SCMA scheme for next generation PON
based on intensity modulation and direct detection. SCMA is a multi-
dimensional codebook-based NOMA technique [19–21], in which the
procedure of bit to quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) symbol
mapping and spreading are combined together and the incoming bits
are directly mapped to multi-dimensional codewords of SCMA code-
book sets. Each user is assigned a dedicated codebook. At the receiver
(Rx), the message passing algorithm (MPA) based multi-user Rx with
maximum likelihood (ML)-like performance is adopted to detect the
multiplexed codewords. The feasibility of SCMA-PON is verified with
experimental demonstration, in which the multi-dimensional code-
words of each six users are superposed over four OFDM subcarriers
achieving an overloading rate of 150%. Experimental results show that
the chromatic dispersion induced power penalty is negligible after 20
and 80 km fi ber transmission.
2. Technique principle
Fig. 1 shows the schematic block diagram of the proposed SCMA-
Received 20 July 2017; Received in revised form 13 September 2017; Accepted 20 September 2017
Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: linbangjiang@163.com (B. Lin), xtang@fjirsm.ac.cn (X. Tang).
Optical Fiber Technology 39 (2017) 1–4
1068-5200/ © 2017 Published by Elsevier Inc.
- 粉丝: 7
- 资源: 891
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