# Sku
### Install
import Vue from 'vue';
import { Sku } from 'vant';
## Usage
### Basic Usage
export default {
data() {
return {
show: false,
sku: {},
goods: {},
messageConfig: {},
### Custom Stepper
### Custom By Slot
stepper-title="Stepper title"
<!-- custom sku-header-price -->
<template #sku-header-price="props">
<div class="van-sku__goods-price">
<span class="van-sku__price-symbol">¥</span
><span class="van-sku__price-num">{{ props.price }}</span>
<!-- custom sku actions -->
<template #sku-actions="props">
<div class="van-sku-actions">
<van-button square size="large" type="warning" @click="onPointClicked">
<!-- trigger sku inner event -->
## API
### Props
| Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| v-model | Whether to show sku | _boolean_ | `false` |
| sku | Sku data | _object_ | - |
| goods | Goods info | _object_ | - |
| goods-id | Goods id | `string | _number_ | - |
| price-tag | Tag behind the price | _string_ | - |
| hide-stock | Whether to hide stock | _boolean_ | `false` |
| hide-quota-text | Whether to hide quota text | _boolean_ | `false` |
| hide-selected-text | Whether to hide selected text | _boolean_ | `false` |
| stock-threshold | stock threshold | _boolean_ | `50` |
| show-add-cart-btn | Whether to show cart button | _boolean_ | `true` |
| buy-text | Buy button text | _string_ | - | - |
| add-cart-text | Add cart button text | _string_ | - | - |
| quota | Quota (0 as no limit) | _number_ | `0` |
| quota-used | Used quota | _number_ | `0` |
| reset-stepper-on-hide | Whether to reset stepper when hide | _boolean_ | `false` |
| reset-selected-sku-on-hide | Whether to reset selected sku when hide | _boolean_ | `false` |
| disable-stepper-input | Whether to disable stepper input | _boolean_ | `false` |
| close-on-click-overlay | Whether to close sku popup when overlay is clicked | _boolean_ | `true` |
| stepper-title | Quantity title | _string_ | `Quantity` |
| custom-stepper-config | Custom stepper related config | _object_ | `{}` |
| message-config | Message related config | _object_ | `{}` |
| disable-soldout-sku `v2.11.3` | Whether to disable soldout sku | _boolean_ | `true` |
| get-container | Return the mount node for sku | _string \| () => Element_ | - |
| safe-area-inset-bottom | Whether to enable bottom safe area adaptation | _boolean_ | `true` |
| start-sale-num `v2.3.0` | Minimum quantity | _number_ | `1` |
| properties `v2.4.2` | Goods properties | _array_ | - |
| preview-on-click-image `v2.5.2` | Whether to preview image when click goods image | _boolean_ | `true` |
| show-header-image `v2.9.0` | Whether to display header image | _boolean_ | `true` |
| lazy-load | Whether to enable lazy load,should register [Lazyload](#/en-US/lazyload) component | _boolean_ | `false` |
### Events
| Event | Description | Arguments |
| --- | --- | --- |
| add-cart | Emitted when click cart button | data: object |
| buy-clicked | Emitted when click buy button | data: object |
| stepper-change | Emitted when stepper value changed | value: number |
| sku-selected | Emitted when select sku | { skuValue, selectedSku, selectedSkuComb } |
| sku-prop-selected | Emitted when select property | { propValue, selectedProp, selectedSkuComb } |
| open-preview | Emitted when open image preview | data: object |
| close-preview | Emitted when close image preview | data: object |
| sku-reset `v2.8.1` | Emitted when reset sku and property | { selectedSku, selectedProp, selectedSkuComb } |
### Methods
Use [ref](https://vuejs.org/v2/api/#ref) to get Sku instance and call instance methods.
| Name | Description | Attribute | Return value |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| getSkuData | Get current skuData | - | skuData |
| resetSelectedSku `v2.3.0` | Reset selected sku to initial sku | - | - |
### Slots
| Name | Description |
| ------------------------------- | --------------------------------- |
| sku-header | Custom header |
| sku-header-price | Custom header price area |
| sku-header-origin-price | Custom header origin price area |
| sku-header-extra | Extra header area |
| sku-header-image-extra `v2.5.2` | Custom header image extra area |
| sku-body-top | Custom content before sku-group |
| sku-group | Custom sku |
| extra-sku-group | Extra custom content |
| sku-stepper | Custom stepper |
| sku-messages | Custom messages |
| sku-actions-top `v2.4.7` | Custom content before sku-actions |
| sku-actions | Custom button actions |
### Sku Data Structure
sku: {
tree: [
k: 'Color',
k_s: 's1',
v: [
id: '1',
name: 'Red',
imgUrl: '',
previewImgUrl: '',
id: '1',
name: 'Blue',
imgUrl: '',
previewImgUrl: '',
largeImageMode: true, // whether to enable large image mode
list: [
id: 2259,
s1: '1',
s2: '1',
price: 100,
stock_num: 110
price: '1.00',
stock_num: 227,
collection_id: 2261,
none_sku: false,
messages: [
datetime: '0',
multiple: '0',
name: 'Message',
type: 'text',
required: '1',
placeholder: ''
hide_stock: false,
properties: [
k_id: 123,
k: 'More',
is_multiple: true,
v: [
id: 1222,
name: 'Tea',
price: 1,
id: 1223,
name: 'Water',
price: 1,
### properties Data Structure
k_id: 123,
k: 'More',
is_multiple: true,
v: [
id: 1222,
name: 'Tea',
price: 1,
id: 1223,
name: 'Water',
price: 1,
### initialSku Data Structure
// Key:skuKeyStr
// Value:skuValueId
s1: '30349',
s2: '1193',
selectedNum: 3,
selectedProp: {
123: [1222]
### Goods Data Structure
goods: {
picture: 'https://img.yzcdn.cn/1.jpg';
### customStepperConfig Data Structure
customStepperConfig: {
// custom quota text
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.editorconfig 214B
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.gitignore 44B
changelog-commit.hbs 325B
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changelog-header.hbs 92B
下载说明.htm 3KB
index.html 1KB
index.html 1KB
area.js 103KB
vant.config.js 20KB
Sku.js 20KB
index.js 14KB
index.spec.js 12KB
index.js 12KB
index.spec.js 10KB
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index.spec.js 10KB
index.js 10KB
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index.spec.js 9KB
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index.spec.js 8KB
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Month.js 7KB
index.js 7KB
index.js 7KB
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Dialog.js 6KB
index.js 5KB
prop.spec.js 5KB
index.js 5KB
index.js 5KB
index.spec.js 5KB
index.js 5KB
index.spec.js 5KB
SkuMessages.js 5KB
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index.js 5KB
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index.spec.js 5KB
index.js 5KB
ImagePreview.js 5KB
index.spec.js 5KB
index.js 5KB
index.spec.js 5KB
index.spec.js 5KB
SkuStepper.js 4KB
index.spec.js 4KB
index.js 4KB
index.spec.js 4KB
index.js 4KB
index.js 4KB
index.spec.js 4KB
cascade.spec.js 4KB
index.spec.js 4KB
index.js 4KB
index.spec.js 4KB
index.spec.js 4KB
config.js 4KB
index.js 4KB
index.js 4KB
index.js 4KB
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index.js 4KB
index.js 4KB
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index.js 4KB
index.spec.js 4KB
index.js 4KB
index.spec.js 4KB
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index.js 3KB
index.js 3KB
index.spec.js 3KB
index.spec.js 3KB
checkbox.js 3KB
index.spec.js 3KB
index.spec.js 3KB
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- 【新增】-110 -食堂薪酬体系设计方案.doc
- 【新增】-112 -私立学校薪酬福利方案.doc
- 【新增】-113 -通用薪酬绩效管理制度方案.doc
- 【新增】-117 -外贸业务薪资及提成方案(暂行).doc
- 【新增】-118 -万科房地产公司全套销售薪酬管理制度 (1).doc
- 【新增】-116 -外贸薪酬制度原版.doc
- 【新增】-124 -物业公司薪酬体系方案(1).doc
- 【新增】-121 -物业公司绩效考核及薪酬方案.doc
- 【新增】-125 -物业公司组织架构与薪酬设计(修订版).doc
- 【新增】-129 -新华医院薪酬方案设计报告.doc
- 【新增】-134 -信托投资公司薪酬设计方案.doc
- 【新增】-137 -学校食堂员工薪资方案.doc
- 【新增】-139 -药店薪酬体系设计方案.doc
- 【新增】-138 -学校薪酬体系设计方案.doc
- 基于matlab 的ofdm仿真 具体点 想要加好友 不同调制方式ofdm误码率分析
- 【新增】-142 -油田公司薪酬制度与薪酬体系设计方案.doc