# Arduino Library for Proteus
Arduino microprocessor boards library for Proteus.
Includes internal circuit, packages and 3D models
Feel free to request the addition of any model.
# Library contents:
* Arduino Micro:
* Simple simulation component (simulates only the microcontroller)
* Complete simulation component (include all pins, internal components and USB port)
* Internal circuit schematics.
* Packages with 3D models: headers only, soldered and Arduino with headers.
* Arduino Nano v3:
* Simple simulation component (simulates only the microcontroller)
* Complete simulation component (include all pins, internal components and USB port)
* Internal circuit schematics.
* Packages with 3D models: headers only, soldered and Arduino with headers.
# How to install:
1. Close Proteus
2. Copy the contents of the folder "Copy to Proteus folder" to inside your installed proteus folder. There is a link file there that should point you to the correct folder. If not, Proteus is usually inside C:\Program Files (x86)\Labcenter Electronics. *By now it should be ready to use. Just search for a component in the Arduino category, from library Arduino Cp*
3. Open the examples from "Simulation_Examples" folder for more important information on how to use
4. Open files inside "3D Package Examples" folder and click on 3D Visualizer button (below Edit menu) to view the different 3D packages.
5. Open files inside "Internal Schematics" to view the circuit inside each Arduino.
Enjoy :)
# Credits:
Proteus modeling: cyberponk
Special thanks and credits to:
* Arduino for the schematics for Micro and Nano v3.
* Andrew_Whitham for the awesome [Arduino Micro and Nano v3 3D model](https://grabcad.com/library/arduino-micro-1).
* ASSMANN WSW Components for the female headers 3D model (downloaded at 3D ContentCentral).
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