Copyright 2013, www.jionghou.com
class IDE_FormGenerator {
private $_form_attribs = null;
private $_form_elements = array();
private static $_counter = 0;
private $_separators = array();
private $_data = array();
private $_invalids = array();
private $_print_invalids = false;
private static $_css_class = array( // css classes for elements
'form' => 'ide_form',
'submit' => 'button',
'button' => 'button',
'button2' => 'button',
'checkbox' => 'chk',
'invalid' => 'msg',
'info' => 'info',
'text' => 'regular-text',
'section' => 'section',
'tabs' => 'tabs'
private static $_no_separators = array(
'hidden' => true,
function __construct($attribs = null, $title = null) {
$this->_form_attribs = $attribs;
$this->_title = $title;
$this->separator('<p class="field">', '</p>');
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// form elements to generate
function elements($section = null, $elements) {
$this->_form_elements[] = array($section, $elements);
// html that encloses each element
public function separator($start_tag = null, $end_tag = null) {
$this->_separators = array($start_tag, $end_tag);
// arrat of data to be filled into the form elements
public function data($data = null) {
$this->_data = $data;
// print error messages too?
public function printErrors($print_invalids) {
$this->_print_invalids = $print_invalids;
// print the form
public function generate() {
$html = '<form '.self::_getAttributes('form', $this->_form_attribs).'><div>'.($this->_title ? '<h1>'.$this->_title.'</h1>' : '');
foreach($this->_form_elements as $section) {
// section
if(!empty($section[0]['id'])) {
$html.= '<div id="section-'.$section[0]['id'].'" class="'.self::$_css_class['section'].'">';
$html.= '<h2 class="title">'.$section[0]['name'].'</h2>';
$html.= '<p class="section_info">'.$section[0]['info'].'</p>';
foreach($section[1] as $e_name => $e) {
// separator tag start
if(isset($this->_separators[0]) && !isset(self::$_no_separators[$e['type']])) $html.= $this->_separators[0];
// id
if(!isset($e['attribs']['id'])) {
$e['attribs']['id'] = $e['type'].'-'.$e_name.self::$_counter;
// value
if(!isset($e['value'])) {
$e['value'] = '';
// data
if(isset($this->_data[$e_name])) {
$e['data'] = $this->_data[$e_name]; // raw data
switch($e['type']) {
case 'text':
case 'textarea':
$e['value'] = self::_sanitizeText($this->_data[$e_name]); // data to be printed
// label
if(isset($e['label'])) $html.= self::_getLabel($e['attribs']['id'], $e['label']);
// prepend html
if(isset($e['before'])) $html.= $e['before'];
// actual element
$method = '_g'.$e['type'];
if(method_exists('IDE_FormGenerator', $method)) {
$e['attribs']['name'] = $e_name;
// append html
if(isset($e['after'])) $html.= '<span>'.$e['after'].'</span>';
// info
if(!empty($e['info'])) {
$html.='<span class="'.self::$_css_class['info'].'">'.$e['info'].'</span>';
// print error messages?
if($this->_print_invalids) {
if(array_search($e_name, $this->_invalids) !== false) {
$html.='<p class="'.self::$_css_class['invalid'].'">'.(isset($e['error']) ? $e['error'] : 'x').'</p>';
// separator tag end
if(isset($this->_separators[1]) && !isset(self::$_no_separators[$e['type']])) $html.= $this->_separators[1];
$html.= (!empty($section[0]['id']) ? '</div>' : '');
$html.= '</div></form>';
echo $html;
function validate() {
$invalids = array();
$data = array();
foreach($this->_form_elements as $sections)
foreach($sections[1] as $e_name => $e) {
$data[$e_name] = isset($this->_data[$e_name]) ? $this->_data[$e_name] : '';
if(isset($e['validation'])) { // validation rules exist for this element?
$validation = $e['validation'];
foreach($validation as $rule=>$args) { // go through all rules
if(!$rule && $args) {
$rule = $args;
$args = null;
if(!IDE_Validator::validate($rule, isset($this->_data[$e_name]) ? $this->_data[$e_name] : '', $args)) { // validate
$invalids[] = $e_name;
$this->_invalids = $invalids;
return $data;
function setErrors($errors) {
$this->_invalids = array_merge($this->_invalids, $errors);
function isValid() {
if(count($this->_invalids) > 0)
return false;
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
private static function _ghidden($element = null) {
return '<input type="hidden" '.self::_getAttributes('hidden', $element['attribs']).' value="'.$element['value'].'" />';
private static function _gtext($element = null) {
return '<input type="text" '.self::_getAttributes('text', $element['attribs']).' value="'.$element['value'].'" />';
private static function _gfile($element = null) {
return '<input type="file" '.self::_getAttributes('text', $element['attribs']).' value="'.$element['value'].'" />';
private static function _gpassword($element = null) {
return '<input type="password" '.self::_getAttributes('password', $element['attribs']).' value="'.$element['value'].'" />';
private static function _gtextarea($element = null) {
return '<textarea '.self::_getAttributes('textarea', $element['attribs']).'>'.$element['value'].'</textarea>';
private static function _gsubmit($element = null) {
return '<input type="submit" '.self::_getAttributes('submit', $element['attribs']).' value="'.$element['value'].'" />';
private static function _gbutton($element = null) {
return '<input type="button" '.self::_getAttributes('button', $element['attribs']).' value="'.$element['value'].'" />';
private static function _gbutton2($element = null) {
return '<button '.self::_getAttributes('button2', $element['attribs']).'>'.$element['value'].'</button>';
private static function _gcheckbox($element = null) {
return '<input type="checkbox" '.self::_getAttributes('checkbox', $element['attribs']).' value="'.$element['value'].'"'.(isset($element['data']) && $element['data'] == $element['value'] ? ' checked="true"' : '').' />';
private static function _gselect($element = null) {
$selected = '';
$selected = $element['value'];
$selected = $element['data'];
$s = '';
if(isset($element['attribs']['options'])) {
$options = $element['attribs']['options'];
foreach($options as $k=>$v) {
$s.='<option value="'.$k.'"'.($selected == $k ? ' selected="true"' : '').'>'.$v.'</option>';
$s = '<select '.self::_getAttributes('select', $element['attribs']).'>'.$s;
$s.= '</select>';
return $s;
// -------------------------