function [s,theta,acc]=hough_lines(varargin);
%HOUGH_LINES Hough transform line detection.
% CMP Vision Algorithms
% Find all straight lines in an image using the Hough transform
% : the input of this routine is an
% edge image, obtained for example by the Canny edge detector
% We use the (theta,s) line parameterization, with origin in the
% center of the image .
% Usage: [s,theta,acc] = hough_lines(im,theta_step,s_step,thresh)
% Inputs:
% im [m x n] Input edge image: non-zero values are edges,
% the value corresponds to edge strength. This may be
% used for weighting the edges by the gradient magnitude.
% theta_step (default /360) Discretization step for the
% angle theta in radians.
% s_step (default 1) Discretization step for the radius s
% in pixels.
% thresh (default 0.5) Values above thresh*max(acc)
% in the accumulator acc are considered to correspond to valid lines.
% Outputs:
% s [k x 1] Vector containing the s parameters of the lines found.
% theta [k x 1] Vector containing the theta parameters of
% the lines found.
% acc [_s x _theta] The accumulator.
% Handle the input variable theta_step. If unspecified assign theta_step=pi/360
if nargin>1
theta_step = pi/360;
% Handle the input variable s_step. If unspecified assign s_step=1
if nargin>2
s_step= 1;
if (nargin>3)
threshold= varargin{4};%%%%%%
% If the threshold value is not specified at the input, use 0.5* max(acc)
% where max(acc) is the maximum value in the accumulator (multiplication
% by max(acc) follows later):
threshold= 0.5;%0.5
% Set limits for theta and s to cover all pixels in the
% image, initialize the accumulator acc and pre-calculate whatever will be needed
% later.
[m,n] = size(im);
theta_min = 0;
theta_max = pi-theta_step;
s_max = sqrt( (m*m +n*n)/4 ) + s_step;
theta = theta_min:theta_step:theta_max;
theta_num_values = length(theta);
s_num_values = round( 2*s_max/s_step ) + 1;
s_num_half = ceil( s_num_values/2 );
cos_theta = cos(theta);
sin_theta = sin(theta);
acc = double( zeros(s_num_values,theta_num_values) );
% Find coordinates of all edge pixels with respect to the image center.
[i,j,edge_value] = find(im);
edge_value = edge_value/max(edge_value);
center_x = n/2;
center_y = m/2;
x = j-center_x;
y = center_y-i;
% The heart of the algorithm is a loop over all edge pixels,
% incrementing the appropriate
% accumulator cells. Observe how the values of s and theta correspond
% to the accumulator coordinates. Two tricks are used to speed up the
% execution: First, s is calculated in parallel for all theta. Second,
% lin_idx_offset converts - also in parallel - the 2D indices
% into a linear index. This is similar to the Matlab function
% sub2ind but much faster.
lin_idx_offset = (0:(theta_num_values-1)) * s_num_values; % auxiliary table
for l = 1:length(x)
s = x(l)*cos_theta + y(l)*sin_theta; % calculate s for all theta
s = round(s/s_step) + s_num_half; % accumulator coordinates
lin_idx = lin_idx_offset + s; % find linear indices
acc(lin_idx) = acc(lin_idx) + edge_value(l); % increment the accumulator
% The accumulator is thresholded and non-maximal suppression is applied: we
% keep only those accumulator cells whose values are equal to
% a maximum in a 5 x 5 neighborhood.
% This helps to generate a unique response
% for each line. To correctly handle maxima at accumulator boundaries
% between (theta=0,s) and (theta=,-s), we create an extended
% `wrapped-around' accumulator acc_rep.
idx = find(acc>threshold*max(max(acc)));
num_n = 24; % number of neighbors
wid = 5; % width of the neighbourhood%%%%%%%%%5
w_h = (wid-1)/2;
acc_rep = [acc(end:-1:1,end-w_h+1:end) acc acc(end:-1:1,1:w_h)];
acc_rep_offset = w_h*s_num_values; % the offset between acc_rep and acc
% The 2D offsets of neighboring cells are combined into linear
% offsets and stored in neighborhood_offsets. The indices
% of all cells idx above the threshold are
% augmented by the indices of their neighbors and stored in
% neighborhoods_idx, one neighborhood per row.
[neighborhood_offsets_n neighborhood_offsets_m] = meshgrid(-w_h:w_h);
neighborhood_offsets_n = neighborhood_offsets_n( [1:num_n/2 (num_n/2)+2:end] );
neighborhood_offsets_m = neighborhood_offsets_m( [1:num_n/2 (num_n/2)+2:end] );
neighborhood_offsets = ...
s_num_values*neighborhood_offsets_n + neighborhood_offsets_m;
neighborhoods_idx = repmat( idx+acc_rep_offset, 1, num_n ) + ...
repmat( neighborhood_offsets, length(idx), 1 );
% We need to handle the boundary cases - whenever an index falls outside the
% accumulator, the cell is effectively ignored by replacing the index
% with the index of the neighborhood
% center cell.
out_idx = find( ...
(neighborhoods_idx<1) + ...
(neighborhoods_idx>((2*w_h+s_num_values)*theta_num_values)) );
neighborhoods_idx(out_idx) = neighborhoods_idx( rem(out_idx-1,s_num_values)+1 );
% Finding the local maxima consists of taking only such
% elements from idx at which the corresponding accumulator cell is
% at least equal to the maximum of the neighborhood; this can be written
% very concisely in Matlab. Finally, surviving indices are converted
% to the corresponding parameter values s and theta.
local_maxima_idx = idx( acc(idx)>=max(acc_rep(neighborhoods_idx),[],2) );
s = s_step * ( rem(local_maxima_idx,s_num_values) - s_num_half );
theta = theta_step*floor(local_maxima_idx/s_num_values) + theta_min;