# Day Planner
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This repository contains a plugin for [Obsidian](https://obsidian.md/) for day planning and managing pomodoro timers from a task list in a Markdown note.
> This is an early alpha of version of the plugin and it will be running constantly in the background while Obsidian is open and the plugin is enabled. **Please try the plugin in a test vault first, and, most importantly, make sure you have your notes backed up in cloud storage or Git.**
## Features
- Generate a day planner for you each day or create a day planner in any note you choose.
- Status bar updates on progress with information on your current and next tasks. You can click on the status bar to access the note for today's day planner.
- Mermaid Gantt chart automatically generated from your tasks and included in you day planner note.
- Timeline view showing your tasks laid out on a vertical timeline.
![Day Planner Demo Image](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lynchjames/obsidian-day-planner/main/images/day-planner-note-preview.png)
## Usage
Once installed, the plugin will create a folder called Day Planners in the root of your vault. A note for today will automatically be created with the file name format `Day Planners/Day Planner-YYYYMMDD.md`.
You can choose to use the [Command Mode](#day-planner-mode) instead to add a Day Planner for the current day to any note.
### Day Planner Note
Within the note, you can create a check list with times and tasks which will be automatically be tracked during the day. You can now include headings and other content between tasks. Here is an example:
## Day Planner
This is my plan for the day broken into 3 main sections:
1. Morning Prep
2. Reading
3. Afternoon Review
### Morning Prep
This is where I get ready for work and do my usual prep.
- [ ] 09:30 Setup for work
- [ ] 09:45 Review notes from yesterday
- [ ] 10:30 Create new notes for #article review
- [ ] 11:30 BREAK
### Reading
A section of the day dedicated to reading:
1. Articles.
2. Book chapters assigned for the day.
3. Re-reading past notes.
- [ ] 12:00 Reading
- [ ] Article 1
- [ ] Article 2
- [ ] Article notes review
- [ ] 12:25 BREAK
- [ ] 12:30 Reading
- [ ] 14:00 BREAK
### Afternoon Review
I use this time to review what I have done earlier in the day and complete any tasks to prepare for the next day.
- [ ] 15:00 Review notes and update daily note [[20201103]]
- [ ] 15:45 Walk
- [ ] 16:30 Reading
- [ ] 17:20 Prep for tomorrow's meetings
- [ ] 18:00 END
This is also provided as a file in [day-planner-example.md](https://github.com/lynchjames/obsidian-day-planner/blob/main/examples/day-planner-example.md).
The Day Planner heading and `---` rule are used to identify the extent of the Day Planner. A heading must be used but can be `#`, `##`, `###` or `####`.
The format of the task list items is important as this is what is used to calculate the times of each task and the intervals between tasks. The format used should be:
`- [ ] HH:mm Task text`
**24 hour times should be used.**
Nested checklist items or bullets are now also supported to capture sub-tasks of a timed task. Timed tasks must be at the top level of the checkbox list.
`BREAK` and `END` are keywords that define breaks and the end to the time tracking for the tasks. They are not case sensitive so `break` and `end` can also be used.
`END` is used as an item with a time to give an accurate time interval for the last task, *"Prep for tomorrow's meetings"* at 17:00 in this example.
The note will update automatically: tasks in the past will be checked and marked as complete.
Using the example above, at 14:30 the note would have automatically updated to:
## Day Planner
This is my plan for the day broken into 3 main sections:
1. Morning Prep
2. Reading
3. Afternoon Review
### Morning Prep
This is where I get ready for work and do my usual prep.
- [x] 09:30 Setup for work
- [x] 09:45 Review notes from yesterday
- [x] 10:30 Create new notes for #article review
- [x] 11:30 BREAK
### Reading
A section of the day dedicated to reading:
1. Articles.
2. Book chapters assigned for the day.
3. Re-reading past notes.
- [x] 12:00 Reading
- [ ] Article 1
- [ ] Article 2
- [ ] Article notes review
- [x] 12:25 BREAK
- [x] 12:30 Reading
- [ ] 14:00 BREAK
### Afternoon Review
I use this time to review what I have done earlier in the day and complete any tasks to prepare for the next day.
- [ ] 15:00 Review notes and update daily note [[20201103]]
- [ ] 15:45 Walk
- [ ] 16:30 Reading
- [ ] 17:20 Prep for tomorrow's meetings
- [ ] 18:00 END
### Timeline View
The `Show the Day Planner Timeline` command can be used to add a vertical timeline view display the tasks for today's Day Planner with a line showing the current time.
![Day Planner Timeline](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lynchjames/obsidian-day-planner/main/images/day-planner-timeline.png)
### Status Bar
The status bar in Obsidian will also show the current progress on the task or break with the time remaining. Clicking on the status bar item will take you to the Day Planner note.
#### Task Status
The status displayed when there is an active task:
![Task Status](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lynchjames/obsidian-day-planner/main/images/task-status.png)
#### Break Status
The status displayed during a break:
![Break Status](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lynchjames/obsidian-day-planner/main/images/break-status.png)
#### End Status
The status displayed when the end of the tasks is reached:
![End Status](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lynchjames/obsidian-day-planner/main/images/end-status.png)
## Configuration
### Day Planner Mode
There are 2 modes to use the Day Planner plugin:
**File mode**
The plugin automatically generates day planner notes for each day within a Day Planners folder.
**Command mode**
Commands are used to insert a Day Planner for today within any note as well as unlinking the Day Planner for today from its current note.
The Day Planner can be placed anywhere within a note as long as the format provided is used. Only the Day Planner section of the note will be updated as time progresses.
### Complete Past Planner Items
You can choose whether the plugin will automatically mark planner items in the past as complete or allow you to tick them off yourself.
### Mermaid Gantt
You can choose to include a dynamically generated [Mermaid Gantt chart](https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/#/gantt) in your Day Planner.
Tasks and breaks will be displayed in separate sections to help visualise your plan for the day.
![Mermaid Gantt Chart Example](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lynchjames/obsidian-day-planner/main/images/mermaid-gantt.png)
Colors for the gantt chart can be overridden with custom CSS and there is [Mermaid documentation](https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/#/gantt?id=styling) on the classes. A CSS file with examples for the task and breaks sections is provided:
### Status Bar - Circular Progress
You can choose to display progress in the status bar with a circular pie chart progress bar to save horizontal space.
![Circular Progress Bar](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lynchjames/obsidian-day-planner/main/images/circular-progress.png)
### Status Bar - Now and Next
You can choose to display the time and start of the text for the current and next task.
![Now and Next](http
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