% RunFaceRecog.m
% Main function that reads in files, applies pre-processing, calls face
% recognition algorithm, and then plots resulting accuracy.
% Assumptions:
% - you have a set of pre-processed face images (cropped, normalized, ..)
% - multiple photographs of each individual to be recognized are
% available
% - (maybe?) non-face training data is available?
% Alan Brooks and Li Gao
% Northwestern University - ECE 432 Advanced Computer Vision
% Mod history:
% 2004:
% 5-May initial version
% 11-May added UMIST database capability
% 12-May prettied the plots, lowered memory requirements
% 13-May added subfigure, speed up
% 14-May faster again (caching training data & svd)
% 18-May began FisherFace technique (Li Gao)
% 19-May tweaked FisherFace, more work (AB)
% 20-May tried smaller pictures (AB)
% 25-May more tries on FisherFace (AB)
% 26-May added class to ALAN database, smaller UMIST, fix Fisher (AB)
% 31-May added maxFishFase, figure saving, produced final plots (AB)
% 1-Jun tried unpreproc ALAN database (AB)
% =========================================================================
function RunFaceRecog()
% ------ User Parameters ------
% database type
dbType = 'UMIST'; % 'ALAN' or 'UMIST' supported so far
% algorithm & feature extraction parameters
frAlgorithm = 'eigen'; % 'eigen' 'fisher' ...?
nEigFace = 21; %21; % pick # of principal components (PCA)
maxFishEigFace = 41; %Inf; % pick max number of PCA components to use
% in first part of Fisherface algorithm
threshFace = 15; %10; %5; % thresholds
threshClass = 8; %5; %3;
% caching parameters
train.forceReread = 0; % 0 = use cached inputs if found, 1 = don't
train.forceNewSvd = 0; % 0 = use cached SVD, 1 = don't (PCA)
train.forceNewScat = 0; % 0 = use cached scatters, 1 = don't (LDA)
% plotting parameters
plots.intermediateOn = 1;
plots.finalOn = 1;
plots.savePlotsOn = 1;
f = filesep;
switch dbType
case 'UMIST'
% data location & type
basePath = ['C:\Documents and Settings\alanb\My Documents\NWU\' ...
'ECE 432\final project\face_databases\UMIST'];
%basePath = ['D:\My Documents\NWU\ECE 432 Comp Vision\' ...
% 'face_databases\UMIST'];
%basePath = ['C:\Documents and Settings\lgao\My Documents\' ...
% 'ECE432\Projects\Facial Recognition\'];
%db = 'croppedConsolPng';
%db = 'croppedConsolPng46x56';
%db = 'croppedConsolPng23x28';
db = 'croppedConsolPng23x28_subset'; % 3 train, 1 recog image
imType = 'png';
case 'ALAN'
% data location & type
if isunix
basePath = ['/Users/alanb/Documents/Riting & Labs/' ...
'Northwestern/Year 2 Q3 (Spring)/' ...
'EE 432 Computer Vision/final project/' ...
basePath = ['C:\Documents and Settings\alanb\My Documents\' ...
'NWU\ECE 432\final project\face_databases\' ...
%basePath = ['D:\My Documents\NWU\ECE 432 Comp Vision\' ...
% 'face_databases\millikin'];
%db = 'thumbsMoreThan2prepro40x60';
%db = 'thumbsMoreThan2prepro10x15';
%db = 'tmbwClassOval40x60';
db = 'tmbwClassOval40x60_2'; % changed which ones in recog
%db = 'tmbwClassppNo60x80g'; % no pre-processing
imType = 'png';
error(sprintf('%s database type not understood.',dbType))
train.path = fullfile(basePath,[db f 'train']);
recog.path = fullfile(basePath,[db f 'recog']);
% ------ Pre-Processing ------
% read all training images
di = dir(fullfile(train.path,['*.' imType]));
if isempty(di)
fprintf('Err: Couldn''t find any %s files in training path:\n\t%s\n',...
inputTrainFile = fullfile(train.path,'storedInputs.mat');
foundCache = exist(inputTrainFile,'file');
if foundCache & ~train.forceReread
% loads stored input images
trainNow = train;
trainNow.I = train.I; % only update desired vars
trainNow.classNameTrue = train.classNameTrue;
trainNow.classTrue = train.classTrue;
train = trainNow;
clear trainNow
% read training images
info = imfinfo(fullfile(train.path,di(1).name));
Nx = info.Height;
Ny = info.Width;
M = length(di); % number of training images
train.I = uint8(zeros(Nx,Ny,M)); % init for speed
numOfClass = 0; % initialize the number of classes
classBoundary = 0;
prevIndex = 1;
for i = 1:M % for each training image
% Read and store class
[I,mp] = imread(fullfile(train.path,di(i).name),imType);
train.I(:,:,i) = I; % image
%train.I(:,:,i) = adapthisteq(I,'clipLimit',0.001);
%train.I(:,:,i) = imadjust(I);
%train.I(:,:,i) = histeq(I);
train.classNameTrue{i} = di(i).name(1:end-4); % specific for my names
train.classTrue(i) = i;
% Group & calculate statistics for each class
% looks for new classes by 1st 2 letters in filename
if i>1
if ~strcmp(di(i-1).name(1:2),di(i).name(1:2)) % class bndry
j = i;
classBoundary = 1;
if i==M % force class bndry for last image
j = i+1;
classBoundary = 1;
if classBoundary
numOfClass = numOfClass + 1;
trainClass.className{numOfClass} = ['class_' di(j-1).name(1:2)];
trainClass.num(numOfClass) = j-prevIndex;
X = double(reshape(...
train.I(:,:,prevIndex:(j-1)),[Nx*Ny j-prevIndex]))./256;
trainClass.mean{numOfClass} = mean(X,2);
trainClass.classStartIndex(numOfClass) = prevIndex;
trainClass.classEndIndex(numOfClass) = j-1;
prevIndex = j;
clear X;
classBoundary = 0;
% save cached images for next run
% read all images to be recognized
di = dir(fullfile(recog.path,['*.' imType]));
if isempty(di)
fprintf('Err: Couldn''t find any %s files in recog path:\n\t%s\n',...
info = imfinfo(fullfile(recog.path,di(1).name));
if (info.Height ~= Nx) | (info.Width ~= Ny)
error('recog images must be same size as training images')
M2 = length(di); % number of recog images
recog.I = uint8(zeros(Nx,Ny,M2)); % init for speed
for i = 1:M2
[I,mp] = imread(fullfile(recog.path,di(i).name),imType);
recog.I(:,:,i) = I; % image
%recog.I(:,:,i) = adapthisteq(I,'clipLimit',0.001);
%recog.I(:,:,i) = imadjust(I);
%recog.I(:,:,i) = histeq(I);
recog.classNameTrue{i} = di(i).name(1:end-4); % specific for my naming
switch dbType
case 'ALAN'
recog.classTrue{i} = ... % matches by filename
case 'UMIST'
recog.classTrue{i} = ... % matches by filename
recog.classEst(i) = NaN;
% plot input images
if plots.intermediateOn
figure,montage(reshape(train.I,[Nx Ny 1 M]),mp),title('training images')
if plots.savePlotsOn, saveas(gcf,'training_images','png'), end
%could use >>unix('/sw/bin/montage -h')
figure,montage(reshape(recog.I,[Nx Ny 1 M2]),mp),title('recog images')
if plots.savePlotsOn, saveas(gcf,'recog_images','png'), end
% ------ Call Face Recog Alorithm ------
switch frAlgorithm
case 'eigen'
% -- Compute EigenFaces using "train