List of generated methods in project: canfifo
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Module "pin_mux" (component PinSettings)
- pin_mux_PINS_DRV_Init -This method configures registers according to settings of routing and electrical features. It
provides pin initialization for selected pins during processor start-up. Selected pins are either user selected
pins or pins selected in pin properties in components. Only pins of devices enabled for auto initialization
are handled within this method.
Module "canCom1" (component flexcan)
- canCom1_FLEXCAN_DRV_SetBitrate -Sets the FlexCAN bit rate.
- canCom1_FLEXCAN_DRV_SetBitrateCbt -Sets the FlexCAN bit rate for FD BRS.
- canCom1_FLEXCAN_DRV_GetBitrate -Gets the FlexCAN bit rate.
- canCom1_FLEXCAN_DRV_SetRxMaskType -Sets the RX masking type.
- canCom1_FLEXCAN_DRV_SetRxFifoGlobalMask -Sets the FlexCAN RX FIFO global standard or extended mask.
- canCom1_FLEXCAN_DRV_SetRxMbGlobalMask -Sets the FlexCAN RX MB global standard or extended mask.
- canCom1_FLEXCAN_DRV_SetRxIndividualMask -Sets the FlexCAN RX individual standard or extended mask.
- canCom1_FLEXCAN_DRV_Init -Initializes the FlexCAN peripheral.
- canCom1_FLEXCAN_DRV_Deinit -Shuts down a FlexCAN instance.
- canCom1_FLEXCAN_DRV_ConfigTxMb -FlexCAN transmit message buffer field configuration.
- canCom1_FLEXCAN_DRV_SendBlocking -Sends a CAN frame using the specified message buffer, in a blocking manner.
- canCom1_FLEXCAN_DRV_Send -Sends a CAN frame using the specified message buffer.
- canCom1_FLEXCAN_DRV_AbortTransfer -Ends a non-blocking FlexCAN transfer early.
- canCom1_FLEXCAN_DRV_ConfigRxMb -FlexCAN receive message buffer field configuration.
- canCom1_FLEXCAN_DRV_ConfigRxFifo -FlexCAN RX FIFO field configuration.
- canCom1_FLEXCAN_DRV_ReceiveBlocking -Receives a CAN frame using the specified message buffer, in a blocking manner.
- canCom1_FLEXCAN_DRV_Receive -Receives a CAN frame using the specified message buffer.
- canCom1_FLEXCAN_DRV_RxFifoBlocking -Receives a CAN frame using the message FIFO, in a blocking manner.
- canCom1_FLEXCAN_DRV_RxFifo -Receives a CAN frame using the message FIFO.
- canCom1_FLEXCAN_DRV_IRQHandler -Interrupt handler for a FlexCAN instance.
- canCom1_FLEXCAN_DRV_WakeUpHandler -Wake up handler for a FlexCAN instance.
- canCom1_FLEXCAN_DRV_GetTransferStatus -Returns whether the previous FLEXCAN transfer has finished.
- canCom1_FLEXCAN_DRV_InstallEventCallback -Installs a callback function for the IRQ handler.
- canCom1_FLEXCAN_DRV_ConfigPN -Configures Pretended Networking settings.
Module "clockMan1" (component clock_manager)
- clockMan1_CLOCK_SYS_SetScgConfiguration -Configures SCG module.
- clockMan1_CLOCK_SYS_SetPccConfiguration -Configures PCC module.
- clockMan1_CLOCK_SYS_SetSimConfiguration -Configures SIM module.
- clockMan1_CLOCK_SYS_SetPmcConfiguration -Configures PMC module.
- clockMan1_CLOCK_SYS_Init -Install pre-defined clock configurations.
- clockMan1_CLOCK_SYS_UpdateConfiguration -Set system clock configuration according to pre-defined structure.
- clockMan1_CLOCK_SYS_SetConfiguration -Set system clock configuration.
- clockMan1_CLOCK_SYS_GetCurrentConfiguration -Get current system clock configuration.
- clockMan1_CLOCK_SYS_GetErrorCallback -Get the callback which returns error in last clock switch.
- clockMan1_CLOCK_SYS_GetFreq -Gets the clock frequency for a specific clock name.
Module "intMan1" (component interrupt_manager)
- intMan1_INT_SYS_InstallHandler -Installs an interrupt handler routine for a given IRQ number.
- intMan1_INT_SYS_EnableIRQ -Enables an interrupt for a given IRQ number.
- intMan1_INT_SYS_DisableIRQ -Disables an interrupt for a given IRQ number.
- intMan1_INT_SYS_EnableIRQGlobal -Enables system interrupt.
- intMan1_INT_SYS_DisableIRQGlobal -Disable system interrupt.
- intMan1_INT_SYS_SetPriority -Set Interrupt Priority.
- intMan1_INT_SYS_GetPriority -Get Interrupt Priority.
- intMan1_INT_SYS_ClearPending -Clear Pending Interrupt.
- intMan1_INT_SYS_SetPending -Set Pending Interrupt.
- intMan1_INT_SYS_GetPending -Get Pending Interrupt.
- intMan1_INT_SYS_GetActive -Get Active Interrupt.
Module "dmaController1" (component edma)
- dmaController1_EDMA_DRV_Init -Initializes the eDMA module.
- dmaController1_EDMA_DRV_Deinit -Shuts down the eDMA module.
- dmaController1_EDMA_DRV_ChannelInit -Initializes a eDMA channel.
- dmaController1_EDMA_DRV_ReleaseChannel -Releases an eDMA channel.
- dmaController1_EDMA_DRV_StartChannel -Starts an eDMA channel.
- dmaController1_EDMA_DRV_StopChannel -Stops the eDMA channel.
- dmaController1_EDMA_DRV_InstallCallback -Registers the callback function and the parameter for eDMA channel.
- dmaController1_EDMA_DRV_GetChannelStatus -Gets the eDMA channel status.
- dmaController1_EDMA_DRV_PushConfigToReg -Copies the channel configuration to the TCD registers.
- dmaController1_EDMA_DRV_PushConfigToSTCD -Copies the channel configuration to the software TCD structure.
- dmaController1_EDMA_DRV_ConfigSingleBlockTransfer -Configures a simple single block data transfer with DMA. This function
configures the descriptor for a single block transfer.
- dmaController1_EDMA_DRV_ConfigLoopTransfer -Configures the DMA transfer in loop mode.
- dmaController1_EDMA_DRV_ConfigScatterGatherTransfer -Configures the DMA transfer in a scatter-gather mode.
Module "osif1" (component osif)
- osif1_OSIF_TimeDelay -Delays execution for a number of milliseconds.
- osif1_OSIF_MutexLock -Waits for a mutex and locks it.
- osif1_OSIF_MutexUnlock -Unlocks a previously locked mutex.
- osif1_OSIF_MutexCreate -Create an unlocked mutex.
- osif1_OSIF_MutexDestroy -Destroys a previously created mutex.
- osif1_OSIF_SemaWait -Decrement a semaphore with timeout.
- osif1_OSIF_SemaPost -Increment a semaphore.
- osif1_OSIF_SemaCreate -Creates a semaphore with a given value.
- osif1_OSIF_SemaDestroy -Destroys a previously created semaphore.
- osif1_OSIF_GetMilliseconds -Returns the number of miliseconds elapsed since starting the internal timer or starting the
Module "watchdog1" (component wdog)
- watchdog1_WDOG_DRV_Init -Initializes the WDOG driver.
- watchdog1_WDOG_DRV_Deinit -De-initializes the WDOG driver.
- watchdog1_WDOG_DRV_GetConfig -Gets the current configuration of the WDOG.
- watchdog1_WDOG_DRV_SetInt -Enables/Disables the WDOG timeout interrupt and sets a function to be called when a timeout
interrupt is received, before reset.
- watchdog1_WDOG_DRV_Trigger -Refreshes the WDOG counter.
Module "Cpu" (component S32K144_100)
- Cpu_SystemInit -This function disables the watchdog, enables FPU and the power mode protection. SystemInit is called from
startup_device file.
- Cpu_SystemCoreClockUpdate -SystemCoreClockUpdate evaluates the clock register settings and calculates the current core
clock. It must be called whenever the core clock is changed during program execution
- Cpu_SystemSoftwareReset -This method initiates initiate a system reset.