* xxx project ---- xxx module
* Copyright(C), 2006-2007, Allwinner Microelectronic Co., Ltd.
* All Rights Reserved
*File Name�� format_transformed.c
*Author�� Wang Yugang
*Version 1.0
*Date 2007.7.30
*Description : This file provides several format_transformed functions, as following:
* void int_to_string_dec( int input , char * str)
* This function is to convert an 'int' data 'input' to a string in decimalism, and the string
* converted is in 'str'.
* void Uint_to_string_dec( unsigned int input, char * str )
* This function is to convert an 'unsigned int' data 'input' to a string in decimalism, and the
* string converted is in 'str'.
* void int_to_string_hex( int input, char * str, int hex_flag )
* This function is to convert an 'int' data 'input' to a string in hex, and the string
* converted is in 'str'.
* Function assert() is used by above functions just for debugging, in release
* version, "#define NDEBUG" should be placed on the top of current file.
*Others : None at present.
* History :
* <Author> <time> <version> <desricption>
* Wangyugang 2007.7.30 1.0 build the file
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MASK_LOW4 0xf
#define NEGATIVE 1
#define POSITIVE 0
#define HEX_x 'x'
#define HEX_X 'X'
*Function Name : int_to_string_dec
*Description : This function is to convert an 'int' data 'input' to a string in decimalism, and the string
* converted is in 'str'.
*Input : int input : 'int' data to be converted.
* char * str : the start address of the string storing the converted result.
*Output : void
*call for : assert(), declared in ANSI C standard head file <assert.h>. Function assert() is just for debugging,
* in release version, "#define NDEBUG" should be placed on the top of current file.
*Others : None at present.
void int_to_string_dec( int input , char * str)
char stack[12];
char sign_flag = POSITIVE ; // 'sign_flag indicates wheater 'input' is positive or negative, default
int i ; // value is 'POSITIVE'.
int j ;
//assert( str != NULL ); // Insure 'str' is an valid pointer.
if( input == 0 )
str[0] = '0';
str[1] = '\0'; // 'str' must end with '\0'
return ;
if( input < 0 ) // If 'input' is negative, 'input' is assigned to its absolute value.
sign_flag = NEGATIVE ;
input = -input ;
for( i = 0; input > 0; ++i )
stack[i] = input%10 + '0'; // characters in reverse order are put in 'stack' .
input /= 10;
} // at the end of 'for' loop, 'i' is the number of characters.
j = 0;
if( sign_flag == NEGATIVE )
str[j++] = '-'; // If 'input' is negative, minus sign '-' is placed in the head.
for( --i ; i >= 0; --i, ++j )
str[j] = stack[i];
str[j] = '\0'; // 'str' must end with '\0'
*Function Name : Uint_to_string_dec
*Description : This function is to convert an 'unsigned int' data 'input' to a string in decimalism, and the
* string converted is in 'str'.
*Input : int input : 'unsigned int' data to be converted.
* char * str : the start address of the string storing the converted result.
*Output : void
*call for : assert(), declared in ANSI C standard head file <assert.h>. Function assert() is just for debugging,
* in release version, "#define NDEBUG" should be placed on the top of current file.
*Others : None at present.
void Uint_to_string_dec( unsigned int input, char * str )
char stack[11] ;
int i ;
int j ;
//assert( str != NULL ); // Insure 'str' is an valid pointer.
if( input == 0 )
str[0] = '0';
str[1] = '\0'; // 'str' must end with '\0'
return ;
for( i = 0; input > 0; ++i )
stack[i] = input%10 + '0'; // characters in reverse order are put in 'stack' .
input /= 10;
} // at the end of 'for' loop, 'i' is the number of characters.
for( --i, j = 0; i >= 0; --i, ++j )
str[j] = stack[i];
str[j] = '\0'; // 'str' must end with '\0'
*Function Name : int_to_string_hex
*Description : This function is to convert an 'int' data 'input' to a string in hex, and the string
* converted is in 'str'.
*Input : int input : 'int' data to be converted.
* char * str : the start address of the string storing the converted result.
* int hex_flag : hex_flag is just a option to distinguish whether hex format is '0f' or '0F'.
*Output : void
*call for : assert(), declared in ANSI C standard head file <assert.h>. Function assert() is just for debugging,
* in release version, "#define NDEBUG" should be placed on the top of current file.
*Others : None at present.
void int_to_string_hex( int input, char * str, int hex_flag )
int i;
int j;
char stack[8];
//assert( str != NULL ); //Insure 'str' is an valid pointer.
for( i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
if( hex_flag == HEX_X )
stack[i] = "0123456789ABCDEF"[input&MASK_LOW4];
stack[i] = "0123456789abcdef"[input&MASK_LOW4];
input >>= 4;
str[0] = '0';
str[1] = hex_flag; // Hex format shoud start with "0x" or "0X".
for( i = 7, j = 2; i >= 0; --i, ++j )
str[j] = stack[i];
str[j] = '\0'; // 'str' must end with '\0'