% ************************* Ir View 1.7.5 1999 2008 ************************
% Ir_view is intended to help you viewing and processing Infrared Images
% for non destructive testing by Thermography, especially, but not limited
% to Pulsed Thermography for Matlab 7.x or better.
% 1999-2007, Mariacristina Pilla, Matthieu Klein, Xavier Maldague
% This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
% modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
% License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
% version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% Library General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
% License along with this library; if not, write to the
% -----------------------------------------------------------------
% Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
% BOSTON, MA 02111-1307, USA.
% -----------------------------------------------------------------
% Reaching the author: Mariacristina Pilla, Matthieu Klein, M.Sc by Email
% at <ir_view@m-klein.com>
% For general inquiries about usage or Infrared Thermography you may want
% to reach by mail or Email: Pr. Xavier Maldague <maldagx@gel.ulaval.ca>
% Universite Laval, Computer Vision and System Laboratory
% Electrical and Computer Science Engineering, St-Foy, (QC), G1K 7P4,
% -------------
% ir_view(array); to browse an Infrared (IR) matrix, image (2D) or sequence
% of images (3D). Array can be of any type of data as double, uint8, uint16
% etc... array can also be a filename of a multiframe *.TIF file, in which
% case IR View loads up all the frame of the *.tif file EG: files from the
% FLIR / Indigo Micron A10 Camera can be loaded as
% ir_view('mysequence.tif');
% If using the EXTRAPOLATED CONTRAST calculation you may also give these
% optional parameters :
% ir_view(array, delta_t); delta_t is the time elapsed between 2
% frames [hundredth-second]. If delta_t is not provided, then it is assumed
% to be 1 second by default.
% ir_view(array, delta_t, initial_time); initial_time is the time of the
% 1st frame [hundredth-second], knowing the 0 time is the time at which the
% flash occured. If initial_time is not provided then it is assumed to be 0
% sec by default. This value can also be adjusted with the 2 cursors on the
% Extrapolated Constrast setup window.
% Note that delta_t and initial_time are in fact relative to each other and
% any kind of time unit could be used as long as they are both consistent.
% OVERVIEW: Displays the IR image(s) contained in 'array' with a graphical
% interface. 'array' can be a 2D matrix of size MxN (1 image or frame) or a
% 3D matrix of size MxNxI thus containing I images (called frames) of size
% MxN(Y,X).
% Ir_view is doing all the basic processing in IR you need and avoids you
% all the real hassle that would be doing such processes with normal
% commands under Matlab.
% Ir_view - Adapts the color scale to the value of the current frame.
% - Lets you adjust with precision the color limit mapped to any
% range of value
% - Computes the FFT Phase or amplitude
% - Helps you to find the Extrapolated Contrast parameters and
% then compute the Extrapolated Contrast
% - Applies a Gaussian filter if wanted on IR Images
% - Lets you change the colormap
% - Gives you an excellent 3D view you can rotate in which the
% limits on Z are set on the colorlimit, so you can make fit
% the interesting part of the value in the 3D box.
% - Lets you extract the current frame you are displaying in
% ir_view to the Matlab's workspace
% This console appears once you have called ir_view(array) under Matlab's
% prompt
% * FRAME SLIDER CURSOR changes the current frame of the mode you are in
% * INV X or Y or Z inverts axes. Inverting Z is useful when displaying
% a FFT Phase
% * AXIS and GRID sets or removes the axis or the grid on the image
% * 3DVIEW lets you see a 3D view of the current frame. You can rotate
% the view with the mouse. Colorlimit has a special behavior in this
% mode (see COLOR MANAGEMENT below)
% * MODE is activated only if 3DVIEW is on. Switches 3D rendering each
% time you hit it
% * VARIANCE slider lets you choose the variance in pixels of the
% Gaussian filter, if activated.
% * MEDIAN is 5 * 5 hybrid median filter. This filter is applied
% before the gaussian filter when both filters are activated
% The higher camera definition, the better cares you have to apply in
% regard to the colors setting. Thinking that a high definition camera
% simply gives better result is wrong, unless you can manage the colors
% correctly. Managing colors is not trivial. Although, the scientific
% literature rarely brings up this point because it is either forgotten
% or most of time underestimated. Some basic tips are explained below.
% * LIST BOX is the colormap you want to apply to your image. To print
% for a publication, use a gray tone colormap or equivalent as long as
% it has a continuous gradient of intensity (because proceedings
% rarely support colors, usually scale of gradient are printed out
% correctly)
% * COLOR SLIDER sets the number of colors you wish to apply to your
% image. E.g., it is very useful with 2 colors to have an idea of a
% basic segmentation by threshold
% * COLORLIMIT HIGH and LOW (by SLIDER OR TEXT BOX) You can enter the
% value in the Txt Box then press ENTER or move sliders. You can set
% the range in which you want to map the colors. This is very useful
% with a high-resolution camera. E.g. your image is noisy and goes
% from 16 oC min to 20 oC max, but assume the defect is only making a
% smaller variation of temperature between 17.43 oC and 17.98oC. So
% you want to map all the colors within this range such a way the
% lower colorlimit will represent 17.43 oC and the higher color limit
% will represent 17.98 oC.
% * LOCK BOX: It is a smart but often misunderstood function. It will
% lock the 2 cursors together, such a way if you move one, the other
% will follow. The difference between low color limit and high color
% limit will be hold. E.g. your image is noisy and the pixels range
% from -120 oC to 344 oC. Furthermore, you know that your defect is
% making a difference of temperature of about 6 degrees. So press on
% FIT IMG button first. This will set the cursors of color limits to
% use the full range of your image i.e. -120 to 344 oC. Move down the
% high limit color cursor to -120+6 oC = -114oC (or type -114 in the
% box and press enter). Now click on LOCK and then click and hold the
% right arrow of one of the 2 color sliders so the color sliders will
% move continuously. Check out at the same time your IR image. This
% will make a full scan by applying the full color map to any 6
% degrees range within -120 to 344 degrees oC. Thus, you will see the
% defect coming, for instance between 47 oC and 47+6 oC. That feature
% is extremely powerful and let you sometimes see defects you would
% not be able to see in another way.
% * FIT IMG is us