* MRF energy minimization software *
* Version 2.2 *
* August 30, 2012 *
* Changes since version 2.0:
* added code to count GC truncations (see energy.h)
* Changes since version 2.1:
* minor changes to reduce warnings and allow compiling on 64-bit machines with gcc 4.6
* In the Makefile, 64-bit pointers are now selected by default
This directory contains the MRF energy minimization software accompanying
the paper
[1] A Comparative Study of Energy Minimization Methods for Markov
Random Fields.
R. Szeliski, R. Zabih, D. Scharstein, O. Veksler, V. Kolmogorov,
A. Agarwala, M. Tappen, and C. Rother.
In Ninth European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2006),
volume 2, pages 16-29, Graz, Austria, May 2006.
Optimization methods included:
1) ICM
2) Graph Cuts
3) Max-Product Belief Propagation
4) Sequential tree-reweighted message passing (TRW-S)
Instructions for compiling and using the software are included below.
* MRF code, graph cut interface, and example code by Olga Veksler
* Graph cut library by Yuri Boykov and Vladimir Kolmogorov
* Belief propagation code by Marshall Tappen
* TRW-S by Vladimir Kolmogorov
=========================== INSTRUCTIONS FOR CITATIONS ========================
If you use this software, you should cite the paper [1]. In addition,
since this software builds on the algorithms and libraries developed by
many different people, you should also follow the instructions about proper
citing below.
(a) If you use the GraphCuts optimization (written by Olga Veksler, using
the libraries provided by Yuri Boykov and Vladimir Kolmogorov), you
should cite the following papers:
[2] Fast Approximate Energy Minimization via Graph Cuts.
Y. Boykov, O. Veksler, and R. Zabih.
In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
(PAMI), vol. 23, no. 11, pages 1222-1239, November 2001.
[3] What Energy Functions can be Minimized via Graph Cuts?
V. Kolmogorov and R. Zabih.
In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
(PAMI), vol. 26, no. 2, pages 147-159, February 2004.
An earlier version appeared in European Conference on Computer
Vision (ECCV), May 2002.
[4] An Experimental Comparison of Min-Cut/Max-Flow Algorithms for
Energy Minimization in Vision.
Y. Boykov and Vladimir Kolmogorov.
In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
(PAMI), vol. 26, no. 9, pages 1124-1137, September 2004.
The graph-cuts software can be used only for research purposes. If you
wish to use the graph-cuts software for commercial purposes, you should
be aware that there is a US patent:
R. Zabih, Y. Boykov, O. Veksler.
"System and method for fast approximate energy minimization via
graph cuts",
United Stated Patent 6,744,923, June 1, 2004.
Citation [2] develops the graph-cuts algorithms (alpha-expansion and
the swap algorithms), citation [3] gives a simpler graph construction
for the methods described in [2], and citation [4] gives an efficient
min-cut/max-flow algorithm for computing the minimum graph cut.
The file energy.h included here is a slight modification of the file
energy.h in energy-v1.1.src by Vladimir Kolmogorov, available at
The files block.h, graph.cpp, graph.h, and maxflow.cpp included here
are slight modifications of the files in maxflow-v2.2.src/forward_star,
by Vladimir Kolmogorov and Yuri Boykov, available at
(b) If you are using the Belief Propagation software (provided by Marshall
Tappen), you should cite
[5] M. F. Tappen and W. T. Freeman.
Comparison of Graph Cuts with Belief Propagation for Stereo, using
Identical MRF Parameters.
In Proceedings of the Ninth IEEE International Conference on
Computer Vision (ICCV), pages 900-907, 2003
(c) If you are using the TRW-S software (provided by Vladimir Kolmogorov),
you should cite
[6] M. J. Wainwright, T. S. Jaakkola and A. S. Willsky.
MAP estimation via agreement on trees: Message-passing and
linear-programming approaches.
In IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 51, no. 11, pages
3697--3717, November 2005.
[7] V. Kolmogorov.
Convergent Tree-reweighted Message Passing for Energy Minimization.
In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
(PAMI), vol. 28, no. 10, October 2006.
============================= INSTRUCTIONS FOR USAGE ==========================
A simple Makefile is included - typing "make" will compile the library and
a sample driver file "example.cpp" into an executable "example".
Here is a brief description of how to use the code; see also example.cpp
and mrf.h.
The default type for energy is int. If you want to change this type to
other numerical type, such as float, double, etc., in mrf.h, change the
following 2 lines to the desired type:
typedef int EnergyVal; /* The total energy of a labeling */
typedef int CostVal; /* costs of individual terms of the energy */
Note that CostVal is the type of individual energy terms (such as the data
cost for pixel p and label l), and EnergyVal is the type for the total
energy value. Therefore, the sum of all individual energy terms should not
"overflow" the EnergyVal type.
Step 1: Set up an energy function
An energy function is specified by setting data costs and smoothness
costs. Data costs and smoothness costs can be specified by an array or
function. In addition, smoothness cost can be specified by parameters
lambda, k, V_max, as explained in section 2 of paper [1], in which case
the smoothness cost V(|l1-l2|) = lambda*min(V_max,|l1-l2|^k). Spatially
varying per-pairing weights w_pq can be also specified.
(a) Setting up Data Terms
There are 2 ways to set up data terms:
(i) you can allocate an array dCost of size (numberofPixels)*(numberofLabels) of the CostVal type,
where dCost[pix*numberofLabels + l] is the cost of assigning label l to pixel pix
(ii) or you can set up a function
MRF::CostVal dCost(int pix, int i), which takes pixel pix and label i and returns the data cost
After you initialized data cost array, or setup a function data cost, to initialize data cost
for optimization, call:
DataCost *data = new DataCost(dCost);
(b) Setting up Smoothness Terms
There are 3 ways to set up smoothness terms:
(i) Set up a symmetric array smooth of size numberofLabels*numberofLabels,
where V(l1,l2) = smooth[l1+numberofLabels*l2] = smooth[l2+numberofLabels*l1]
(ii) Specify V_max and k
(iii) The most general way is to set up afunction
MRF::CostVal fnCost(int pix1, int pix2, int i, int j) which takes pixels pix1 and pix2,
labels i and j and returns the smoothness penalty V for assigning labels i to pix1 and j to pix2.
In addition, if you used (i) or (ii) to specify the smoothness penalty V, and if the neighborhood system
is the standard 4 connected grid, you can specify the spacial varying weights w_pq in arrays vCue, hCue,
each of which has size width*height, where width is the width of the grid and height is the height of
the set of the grid. hCue[x+y*width] holds the variable weight for edge between pixels (x+1,y) and (x,y)
and vCue[x+y*width] holds the variable weight for edge between pixels (x,y+1) and (x,y)
After you've done steps (i), or (ii), or (i