Here is an overview of the SDK examples.
*** Driver examples
ADC Hardware Trigger Uses PDB to trigger an ADC conversion periodically and displays the result with LPUART
ADC Software Trigger Periodically triggers an ADC conversion and displays the result in the console with LPUART
CMP Uses CMP to compare an input from the user versus DAC reference and shows the result via leds
CRC The CRC is configured to generate two configurations for CCITT standard and KERMIT standard.
eDMA Demonstrates the following eDMA use cases: single block memory to memory transfer, a loop memory to memory transfer, memory to memory transfer using scatter/gather, LPUART transmission/reception using DMA requests
EWM Shows the usage of the EWM driver.
FLASH Writes, verifies and erases data on Flash
FlexIO I2C Example Demonstrates FlexIO I2C emulation. Use one instance of FlexIO and one instance of LPI2C to transfer data on the same board.
FlexIO SPI Example Demonstrates FlexIO SPI emulation for both master and slave configurations. Use one instance of FlexIO to instantiate master and slave drivers to transfer data on the same board.
FTM PWM Uses FTM PWM functionality using a single channel to light a LED on the board. The light's intensity is increased and decreased periodically
FTM Combined PWM Uses FTM PWM functionality using two combined channels to light two LEDs on the board. The light's intensity is increased and decreased periodically
FTM Timer Uses FTM Timer functionality to trigger an interrupt at a given period which toggles a LED
FTM Signal Measurement Uses FTM Signal measurement to measure the frequency of a signal generated by another FTM instance on the same mcu.
LPI2C Master Example Demonstrates Master functionality of the LPI2C driver
LPI2C Slave Example Demonstrates Slave functionality of the LPI2C driver
LPIT Triggers an interrupt which toggles a LED at a given period
LPSPI Uses one instance of the LPSPI as slave to send ADC data to the master LPSPI instance which is on the same board. The master uses data received to feed a FlexTimer PWM
LPTMR Timer Toggles an interrupt at a given period which toggles a led
LPTMR Pulse Counter Uses a the LPTMR's pulse counter functionality to count the number of the button presses.
LPUART Echoes data received
MPU Configures MPU to protect a memory area and demonstrates that read acces is correctly restricted.
PDB Lights a LED on the board periodically using PDB interrupt occurs
RTC Toggles an led every 1 second and a buttons creates an alarm
WDOG Shows the basic usage scenario and configuration for the Watchdog.
*** Demos
Blinking LED This is a simple aplication created to show configuration for supported compilers (GCC, IAR, GHS)
Clock setup Start-up project with maximal clock settings for the platform.
FlexCAN Uses two boards to demonstrate FlexCAN functionality. LEDs on a board are toggled depending on the buttons actioned on the other board. Alos demonstrates the use of SBC driver to configure the CAN transceiver from EVB board.
FreeRTOS This demo application demonstrates the usage of the SDK with the included FreeRTOS. Uses a software timer to trigger an led and waits for a button interrupt to occur
LIN This demo application shows the usage of LIN stack. There are slave and master applications, both configuration having baremetal and FreeRTOS variants.
ADC Low Power This demo shows the user how to reduce CPU overhead and power usage by triggering ADC conversions with the LPIT via TRGMUX. The CPU is set in the STOP mode via the Power Manager API, with the wakeup condition being the validity of the ADC conversion result, the latter being a value greater than half of the ADC reference voltage achieved by using the hardware compare functionality. If the condition is met, the value in the form of a graph is sent using LPUART and DMA to further reduce the CPU usage.
FreeMASTER BDM This demo uses the FreeMASTER Run-Time Debugging Tool to visualize ADC conversions and allows the user to monitor the ADC sampling rate for different ADC configurations (ADC sampling time and resolution can be controlled through FreeMASTER Variable Watch). The application uses BDM for communication.
FreeMASTER SerialCommunication This demo uses the FreeMASTER Run-Time Debugging Tool to visualize ADC conversions and allows the user to monitor the ADC sampling rate for different ADC configurations (ADC sampling time and resolution can be controlled through FreeMASTER Variable Watch). The application uses FreeMASTER SCI driver for communication.