Free JAVA applet by Stig Christensen, Copenhagen May 2000
This applet is free and for use anywhere.
The HTML-tags is like this (an example with 5 links):
<applet code="colormenu.class" width=120 height=361>
<param name = "text1" value ="Altavista">
<param name = "text2" value ="Google">
<param name = "text3" value ="Yahoo!">
<param name = "text4" value ="Javaboutique">
<param name = "text5" value ="Java Sun">
<param name = "text6" value ="Stig Christensen">
<param name = "link1" value ="">
<param name = "link2" value ="">
<param name = "link3" value ="">
<param name = "link4" value ="">
<param name = "link5" value ="">
<param name = "link6" value ="">
<param name = "background_color" value ="000,000,000">
<param name = "selection_color" value ="200,200,200">
<param name = "text_color" value ="200,000,000">
<param name = "border_color" value ="0,0,1">
<param name = "fade_color" value ="0,1,0">
<param name = "fontsize" value ="12">
<param name = "fontface" value ="Century Gothic">
<param name = "target" value ="aktion">
Decription og some of the parameters:
text1 .... textX : defines the text for link
link1 .... linkX : defines the http-link for each link
target : defines how to open the links.
could be "_self", "_blank" or a name
of a frame on your site.
fade_color : is the background fade color (behind the text)
Selection_color : is the color of the border that makes the rollover effect
"border_color" and "fade_color" arguments only consists of 1 or 0 digits.
Ex: "1,0,0"
This sets the color to red. It uses the RGB color system ("r,g,b").
It is possible to use to or three colors. Yellow: "1,1,0", white: "1,1,1")
It is also importen to use 3 digits in the arguments of "background_color",
"selection_color" and "text_color". If you want to use 80 as a color-code write "080".
The height og the applet could be computed like this. Number of texts mulitplied with 60 plus 1.
In this HTML-example: 6*60+1 = 361
end of text file