MIRACL contains several optimized implementations of pairings over various
A suite of IBE programs are described in the file IBE.TXT
The fastest pairing code over F_p can be found in the files ake2cpt.cpp and
ake2sst.cpp, which implements a simple key exchange protocol, using non-
supersingular and supersingular curves respectively.
This uses an embedding degree of k=2, so the pairing e(P,Q) evaluates
naturally as an element in F_p^2. P is a point on the elliptic curve E(Fp) and
Q is a point on E'(F_p^{k/2}), or in this case E'(F_p) where E' is the twisted
curve. Using compression the pairing evaluates as an element in F_p^{k/2}, or
just Fp in this case.
For higher levels of security it is recommended to increase the embedding
degree and use non-supersingular curves - see ake4cpt.cpp and ake8cpt.cpp for
examples. We use a "tower of extensions" to build an Fp^4 class on top of an
Fp^2 class - see zzn2.h and zzn4.h
The pairing-relevant files..
DL.CPP - This implements the eta pairing on supersingular curves over
DL2.CPP - This implements the eta_T pairing over F_{2^m}. This is possibly
the fastest known pairing. See Barreto, Galbraith, O'hEigeartaigh and Scott
- http://eprint.iacr.org/2004/375
etat271.c - A C version of the above - particularly useful for constrained
environments. A good example program for embedded implementations
BANDW.CPP - This is actually an NTL program (!) which finds Brezing & Weng
pairing friendly curves.
MNT.CPP - Finds MNT non-supersingular pairing-friendly curves for k=3,4 or 6
FREEMAN.CPP - Finds k=10 ideal pairing-friendly curves
FOLKLORE.CPP - Finds pairing friendly curves using Cocks-Pinch method.
FINDBASE.CPP - Finds suitable basis for F_{2^m} fields
IRRED.CPP - Finds a suitable irreducible polynomial for Fp^n
WEIL.CPP - Finds the number of points on E(F_p^k)
CM.CPP - Finds elliptic curve parameters using the method of Complex
Note the name AKE2CPT means AKE protocol, on a K=2 curve. The curve is found
by the Cocks-Pinch Method, and it implements the Tate pairing.
AKE1KMT.CPP - Implements Authenticated Key Exchange using k=1 non-supersingular curve, using an efficient endomorphism
AKE2CPT.CPP - Implements Authenticated Key Exchange using k=2 non-supersingular curve
AKE2SST.CPP - Implements Authenticated Key Exchange using k=2 supersingular curve
AKE2CPT2.CPP - Implements Authenticated Key Exchange using Trace map homomorphism
AKE4CPT.CPP - Implements AKE using Cocks-Pinch k=4 curve
AKE6MNTT.CPP - Implements AKE using MNT k=6 curve, DL 1024-bit security.
AKE6MNTT.C - A partial C implementation of ake6mntt.cpp - particularly useful for constrained
environments. A good example program for embedded implementations
AKE4MNTT.CPP - Implements AKE using MNT k=4 curve, Tate pairing, DL 640-bit security.
AKE4MNTT.C - A partial C implementation of the above
AKE4MNTA.CPP - Implements AKE using MNT k=4 curve, Ate pairing, DL 640-bit security.
AKE4MNTA.C - A partial C implementation of the above
AKE6FSTA.CPP - Implements AKE using sextic twist on a D=3, k=6 curve, using Ate pairing.
AKE2NSST.CPP - Faster pairings on a curve with an efficient endomorphism - see
Scott Indocrypt 2005
AKE2CPW.CPP - Uses a modified and optimized version of the Weil pairing
BN.CPP - Program to find suitable BN curves - see below
AKE12BNE.CPP - Implements AKE using Eta pairing on BN curves (k=12)
AKE12BNA.CPP - Implements AKE using Ate pairing on BN curves (k=12)
AKE12BNR.CPP - Implements AKE using R-ate pairing on BN curves (k=12)
AKE12BLSA.CPP - Implements AKE using Ate pairing on a k=12, rho=1.5 Barreto-Lynn-Scott curve
The Boneh-Lynn-Shachem short signature scheme
BLS_GEN.CPP - Generate the public and private parameters from an MNT curve
BLS_SIGN.CPP - create a BLS short signature
BLS_VER.CPP - verify a BLS short signature
These example programs use the new power-pairing idea, which calculates
E(P,Q,e) = e(P,Q)^e at no (significant) extra cost. See comments in programs.
AKE8BWT.CPP - Implements the AKE using a low-rho Brezing & Weng k=8 curve.
AKE4SBT.CPP - Implements AKE using a low-rho k=4 curve.
AKE8CPT.CPP - Implements AKE using a Cocks-Pinch k=8 curve
AKE4FSTA.CPP - Implements AKE using ATE pairing - see The Eta Pairing Revisited by Hess, Smart, Vercauteren
For more details on the evolution and implementation of these pairing algorithms, see