function GenRFPlots( SettingsFile )
% Plot the results of the rainflow analysis done by CompFatigue.
% Several plot types are available:
% Binned rainflow cycles
% Probability of exceedance
% Cumulative rainflow cycles
% 3-D range and mean binned rainflow cycles
% Syntax is: GenRFPlots( SettingsFile );
% Example:
% GenRFPlots( 'MySettings.mcru' );
% See also CompFatigue, GetRoot, MCrunch, ReadSettings
global ChartPosition Fatigue FileInfo HdlFig LineWidth PlotColors SaveFigs
PlotColors = [ 'r', 'b', 'c', 'm', 'g', 'k', 'y', 'w' ];
Markers = [ 'o', 's', 'd', '.', 'x', 'p', 'h', '*' ];
if ( Fatigue.PltBinCyc || Fatigue.PltCumCyc || Fatigue.PltProbExc || Fatigue.PltRngMean )
fprintf( ' Generating fatigue plots:\n' );
end % if
HdlFig = [];
Title = [];
% Generate the requested plots.
if ( Fatigue.PltBinCyc )
fprintf( ' Binned rainflow-cycle plots.\n' );
end % if
if ( Fatigue.PltCumCyc )
fprintf( ' Cumulative rainflow-cycle plots.\n' );
end % if
if ( Fatigue.PltProbExc )
fprintf( ' Probability of exceedance plots.\n' );
end % if
if ( Fatigue.PltRngMean )
if ( size( FileInfo.FileName, 1 ) > 1 )
error( '\n It is not possible to generate 3-D range/mean rainflow plots for more than one file.\n\n' );
end % if
fprintf( ' 3-D range and mean plots of binned rainflow cycles.\n' );
end % if
if ( Fatigue.PltBinCyc || Fatigue.PltCumCyc || Fatigue.PltProbExc || Fatigue.PltRngMean )
fprintf( ' Done.\n' );
end % if
function FinalizePlt( Fig, HdlSP, HdlTit )
set( HdlSP(2), 'Units','normalized' );
% SPos = get( HdlSP(2), 'position' );
% Get the title position title.
TExt = get( HdlTit, 'position' );
% Create the legend and put it below the title.
if ( size( FileInfo.FileName, 1 ) > 1 )
HdlLeg = legend( [ FileInfo.FileName; 'Aggregate' ], 'interpreter','none', 'FontSize',7, 'location', 'NorthOutside' );
set( HdlLeg, 'Units','normalized' );
LPos = get( HdlLeg, 'position' );
set( HdlLeg, 'Position', [ 0.5-LPos(3)/2, 1-TExt(4)-LPos(4), LPos(3), LPos(4) ] );
LPos = get( HdlLeg, 'Position' );
LPos = zeros( 4, 1 );
end % if
% Resize the subplots so the title and legend don't cover any of them.
SPht = ( 1.0 - LPos(4) - TExt(4) - 0.03 )/Fatigue.Plots(Fig).NRows - 0.1;
for Row=1:Fatigue.Plots(Fig).NRows
for Col=1:Fatigue.Plots(Fig).NCols
SP = ( Row - 1 )*Fatigue.Plots(Fig).NCols + Col;
SPos = get( HdlSP(SP), 'position' );
Yloc = 0.1 + ( Fatigue.Plots(Fig).NRows - Row )*( SPht + 0.1 );
set( HdlSP(SP), 'position', [ SPos(1), Yloc, SPos(3), SPht ] );
end % for Col
end % for Row
if ( SaveFigs )
saveas( HdlFig, [ Title, '.fig' ] )
end % if
% if ( Fatigue.PrFatPlots )
% print
% end % if
end % function FinalizePlt( Fig, HdlSP, Title )
function GenPltBinCyc
% Plot binned rainflow cycles.
% Plot the figure(s).
for Fig=1:size( Fatigue.Plots, 2 )
HdlFig = figure( 10000+Fig );
set( HdlFig, 'Position', ChartPosition );
Title = [ 'Binned Rainflow Cycles of ', Fatigue.Plots(Fig).Name ];
HdlTxt = text( 0, 0, Title, 'FontName','Trebuchet MS', 'FontSize',16, 'FontWeight','bold', 'Units','normalized' );
TitExt = get( HdlTxt, 'extent' );
close( HdlFig );
HdlFig = figure( 10000+Fig );
set( HdlFig, 'Position', ChartPosition );
% Add an overall title that is centered at the top of the figure.
HdlTit = annotation('textbox', 'String',Title, 'FontName','Trebuchet MS', 'FontSize',16, 'FontWeight','bold' );
set( HdlTit, 'Color', [0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ], 'LineStyle','none' );
set( HdlTit, 'Units','normalized', 'HorizontalAlignment','center', 'VerticalAlignment','top' );
set( HdlTit, 'Position', [ 0.5*(1-TitExt(3)), 1-TitExt(4), TitExt(3), TitExt(4) ] )
% This is the Figure/Window title.
set( HdlFig, 'Color',[1 1 1], 'Name',Title, 'NumberTitle','off', 'PaperOrientation','landscape', 'PaperSize',[11.0, 8.5], 'PaperPosition',[0.25 0.75 10.5 7.0], 'PaperType','usletter' );
% Add the subplots.
for SP=1:size( Fatigue.Plots(Fig).Chans, 2 )
FatChan = Fatigue.Plots(Fig).FatChan(SP);
Chan = Fatigue.Plots(Fig).Chans(SP);
HdlSP(SP) = subplot( Fatigue.Plots(Fig).NRows, Fatigue.Plots(Fig).NCols, SP );
% Add curve for each case, including the aggregate, to the plot.
for File=1:size( FileInfo.FileName, 1 )
Color = PlotColors( mod( File-1, 5 ) + 1 );
Marker = Markers ( mod( File, 8 ) );
semilogy( Fatigue.File(File).RF(FatChan).RBinVals, Fatigue.File(File).RF(FatChan).Bins, 'LineStyle','none', 'Marker',Marker, 'MarkerEdgeColor',Color, 'MarkerFaceColor',Color, 'MarkerSize',4 );
hold on;
end % for File
if ( size( Fatigue.File, 2 ) > 1 )
semilogy( Fatigue.Agg.RF(FatChan).RBinVals, Fatigue.Agg.RF(FatChan).Bins, 'LineStyle', 'none', 'Marker', '+', 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'k', 'MarkerSize', 4 );
end % if
hold off
% Label it and make it pretty.
set( gca, 'FontName','Trebuchet MS', 'FontSize',11, 'FontWeight','bold', 'LineWidth',1.2, 'XColor',[0 0 0], 'YColor',[0 0 0] );
grid on;
if ( FileInfo.HaveNames )
if ( FileInfo.HaveUnits )
xlabel( [ FileInfo.Names{Chan},' Range ',FileInfo.Units{Chan} ], 'FontName','Trebuchet MS', 'FontSize',14, 'FontWeight','bold' );
xlabel( [ FileInfo.Names{Chan},' Range' ], 'FontName','Trebuchet MS', 'FontSize',14, 'FontWeight','bold' );
end % if
end % if
ylabel( Fatigue.RFPerStr, 'FontName','Trebuchet MS', 'FontSize',14, 'FontWeight','bold' );
end % for SP
% Finalize plots with legend and resize it.
FinalizePlt( Fig, HdlSP, HdlTit );
end % for Fig
end % function GenPltBinCyc
function GenPltCumCyc
% Plot cumulative rainflow cycles.
% Plot the figure(s).
for Fig=1:size( Fatigue.Plots, 2 )
HdlFig = figure( 11000+Fig );
set( HdlFig, 'Position', ChartPosition );
Title = [ 'Cumulative Rainflow Cycles of ', Fatigue.Plots(Fig).Name ];
HdlTxt = text( 0, 0, Title, 'FontName','Trebuchet MS', 'FontSize',16, 'FontWeight','bold', 'Units','normalized' );
TitExt = get( HdlTxt, 'extent' );
close( HdlFig );
HdlFig = figure( 11000+Fig );
set( HdlFig, 'Position', ChartPosition );
% Add an overall title that is centered at the top of the figure.
HdlTit = annotation('textbox', 'String',Title, 'FontName','Trebuchet MS', 'FontSize',16, 'FontWeight','bold' );
set( HdlTit, 'Color', [0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ], 'LineStyle','none' );
set( HdlTit, 'Units','normalized', 'HorizontalAlignment','center', 'VerticalAlignment','top' );
set( HdlTit, 'Position', [ 0.5*(1-TitExt(3)), 1-TitExt(4), TitExt(3), TitExt(4) ] )
% This is the Figure/Window title.
set( HdlFig, 'Color',[1 1 1], 'Name',Title, 'NumberTitle','off