%disp('Running alternating optimization algorithm')
% r=1; % iteration index
% Initialize reflection matrix theta
beta_vec = ones(M,1); % Fixed to 1 for now as in the paper
theta_vec = 2*pi*rand(M,1); % Uniformly randomized from 0 to 2*pi
theta_mat= diag(beta_vec.*exp(1i*theta_vec));
H = Ht'*(theta_mat')*Hr + Hd;
% Check rank criterion for feasbility of the initial theta choice
while ~(rank(H) == N_users) % if infeasible choice, randomize and check again
%disp('infeasible initial choice of theta, .. reselecting ..')
theta_vec = 2*pi*rand(M,1); % Uniformly randomized from 0 to 2*pi
theta_mat= diag(beta_vec.*exp(1i*theta_vec));
H = Ht'*(theta_mat')*Hr + Hd;
cvx_status = 'nothing'; % initialize
while (frac_error > eps_iter) && ~contains(cvx_status,'Infeasible','IgnoreCase',true)
% if mod(r,1e2)==0
% %disp(['Iteration r =' num2str(r)])
% end
H = Ht'*(theta_mat')*Hr + Hd;
% ==== Optimize W while fixing theta ==== BS Transmit Beamforming
%disp('Active Beamformer Design')
[W, tau, INTERF, cvx_status, cvx_optval] = iter_opt_prob_1(H,sigma_2,SINR_target,int_users_matrix);
if cvx_optval==Inf
%disp('Infeasible .. passing this iteration')
%disp(['CVX Status: ' cvx_status ', CVX_optval = ' num2str(10*log10(cvx_optval*1000)) ' dBm'])
%disp(['CVX Status: ' cvx_status ', CVX_optval = ' num2str(10*log10(trace(W'*W)*1000)) ' dBm'])
frac_error = abs(obj_last - cvx_optval)/obj_last *100;
obj_last = cvx_optval;
achieved_SINR = zeros(1,N_users);
% Actual achieved SINR
for k = all_users
achieved_SINR(k) = (norm((H(:,k)')*W(:,k)))^2/(norm(INTERF(:,k)))^2;
% ==== Optimize theta while fixing W ==== IRS Reflection Matrix
% (P4') in paper
%disp('Passive Beamformer Design')
[V, a_aux, a, b, R, desired, interference, SINR_CONSTR, cvx_status, cvx_optval] = iter_opt_prob_2(W, Ht,Hr,Hd,sigma_2,SINR_target,int_users_matrix);
%disp(['CVX Status: ' cvx_status])
if ~contains(cvx_status,'Infeasible','IgnoreCase',true)
%disp('Running Gaussian Randomization')
[U,D] = eig(full(V)); % Eigenvalue Decomposition
if rank(full(V)) == 1
v_bar = U*sqrt(D);
theta_vec = angle(v_bar(1:M)/v_bar(M+1));
v = exp(-1i*theta_vec);
theta_mat = diag(v);
else % Apply Gaussian Randomization
num_rands = 1e3; % number of randomizations
% Generate Gaussian random vector ~ CN(0, I)
%gpudev = gpuDevice();
r_vec_matrix = (1/sqrt(2))*((mvnrnd(zeros(M+1,1),eye(M+1),num_rands) + 1i * mvnrnd(zeros(M+1,1),eye(M+1), num_rands)).'); %gpuArray()
v_bar_matrix = U*sqrt(D)*r_vec_matrix;
best_index = 0;
best_value = -1e8;
%v_bar_matrix = exp(1i*2*pi*rand(M+1,num_rands));
for randmzn_index = 1:num_rands
v_bar_vec = v_bar_matrix(:,randmzn_index);
V_rand = v_bar_vec*(v_bar_vec');
[~, ~, constr_value] = sinr_CONSTRAINT(V_rand, b, R, SINR_target, sigma_2, all_users, int_users_matrix);
% Check feasibility and best value
feasibility_check = prod( constr_value >= 0 );
better_value_check = (sum(constr_value) > best_value);
if feasibility_check && better_value_check
best_index = randmzn_index;
best_value = sum(constr_value);
if best_index ~= 0
% select best v_bar that maximizes SINR_CONSTR
v_bar = v_bar_matrix(:,best_index);
theta_vec = angle(v_bar(1:M)/v_bar(M+1));
v = exp(-1i*theta_vec);
theta_mat = diag(v);
cvx_status = 'Infeasible';
%disp(['CVX Status after randomization: ' cvx_status])
% % Increment iteration index
% r = r+1;
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6