List of generated methods in project: S32K144_CAN_Bootloader_SDK_RTM300
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Module "pin_mux" (component PinSettings)
- pin_mux_PINS_DRV_Init -This function configures the pins with the options provided in the provided structure
- pin_mux_PINS_DRV_SetPullSel -This function configures the internal resistor
- pin_mux_PINS_DRV_SetMuxModeSel -This function configures the pin muxing
- pin_mux_PINS_DRV_SetPinIntSel -This function configures the port pin interrupt/DMA request
- pin_mux_PINS_DRV_GetPinIntSel -This function gets the current port pin interrupt/DMA request configuration
- pin_mux_PINS_DRV_ClearPinIntFlagCmd -This function clears the individual pin-interrupt status flag
- pin_mux_PINS_DRV_EnableDigitalFilter -This function enables digital filter feature for digital pin muxing
- pin_mux_PINS_DRV_DisableDigitalFilter -This function disables digital filter feature for digital pin muxing
- pin_mux_PINS_DRV_ConfigDigitalFilter -This function configures digital filter for port with given configuration
- pin_mux_PINS_DRV_GetPortIntFlag -This function reads the entire port interrupt status flag
- pin_mux_PINS_DRV_ClearPortIntFlagCmd -This function clears the entire port interrupt status flag
- pin_mux_PINS_DRV_SetGlobalPinControl -This function quickly configures multiple pins within the one port for the same
peripheral function with the same pin configuration
- pin_mux_PINS_DRV_SetGlobalIntControl -This function quickly configures multiple pins within the one port for the same
peripheral function with the same interrupt configuration
- pin_mux_PINS_DRV_GetPinsDirection -This function returns the current pins directions for a port. Pins corresponding to
bits with value of '1' are configured as output and pins corresponding to bits with value of '0' are configured
as input.
- pin_mux_PINS_DRV_SetPinDirection -This function configures the direction for the given pin, with the given value('1' for
pin to be configured as output and '0' for pin to be configured as input)
- pin_mux_PINS_DRV_SetPinsDirection -This function sets the direction configuration for all pins in a port. Pins
corresponding to bits with value of '1' will be configured as output and pins corresponding to bits with value
of '0' will be configured as input.
- pin_mux_PINS_DRV_SetPortInputDisable -This function sets the pins input state for a port. Pins corresponding to bits with
value of '1' will not be configured as input and pins corresponding to bits with value of '0' will be
configured as input
- pin_mux_PINS_DRV_GetPortInputDisable -This function returns the current pins input state for a port. Pins corresponding to
bits with value of '1' are not configured as input and pins corresponding to bits with value of '0' are
configured as input
- pin_mux_PINS_DRV_WritePin -This function writes the given pin from a port, with the given value ('0' represents LOW, '1'
represents HIGH)
- pin_mux_PINS_DRV_WritePins -This function writes all pins configured as output with the values given in the parameter pins.
'0' represents LOW, '1' represents HIGH
- pin_mux_PINS_DRV_GetPinsOutput -This function returns the current output that is written to a port. Only pins that are
configured as output will have meaningful values
- pin_mux_PINS_DRV_SetPins -This function configures output pins listed in parameter pins (bits that are '1') to have a
value of 'set' (HIGH). Pins corresponding to '0' will be unaffected
- pin_mux_PINS_DRV_ClearPins -This function configures output pins listed in parameter pins (bits that are '1') to have a
'cleared' value (LOW). Pins corresponding to '0' will be unaffected
- pin_mux_PINS_DRV_TogglePins -This function toggles output pins listed in parameter pins (bits that are '1'). Pins
corresponding to '0' will be unaffected
- pin_mux_PINS_DRV_ReadPins -This function returns the current input values from a port. Only pins configured as input will
have meaningful values
Module "clockMan1" (component clock_manager)
- clockMan1_CLOCK_DRV_Init -Initialize clocking modules
- clockMan1_CLOCK_DRV_GetFreq -Return frequency.
- clockMan1_CLOCK_DRV_SetModuleClock -Configures the system clocks.
- clockMan1_CLOCK_DRV_SetSystemClock -Configures the system clocks.
- clockMan1_CLOCK_DRV_GetSystemClockSource -Gets the system clock source.
- clockMan1_CLOCK_DRV_SetClockSource -This function configures a clock source.
Module "intMan1" (component interrupt_manager)
- intMan1_INT_SYS_InstallHandler -Installs an interrupt handler routine for a given IRQ number.
- intMan1_INT_SYS_EnableIRQ -Enables an interrupt for a given IRQ number.
- intMan1_INT_SYS_DisableIRQ -Disables an interrupt for a given IRQ number.
- intMan1_INT_SYS_EnableIRQGlobal -Enables system interrupt.
- intMan1_INT_SYS_DisableIRQGlobal -Disable system interrupt.
- intMan1_INT_SYS_SetPriority -Set Interrupt Priority.
- intMan1_INT_SYS_GetPriority -Get Interrupt Priority.
- intMan1_INT_SYS_ClearPending -Clear Pending Interrupt.
- intMan1_INT_SYS_SetPending -Set Pending Interrupt.
- intMan1_INT_SYS_GetPending -Get Pending Interrupt.
- intMan1_INT_SYS_GetActive -Get Active Interrupt.
Module "Flash1" (component flash)
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_Init -Flash initialization.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_GetPFlashProtection -P-Flash get protection.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_SetPFlashProtection -P-Flash set protection.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_GetSecurityState -Flash get security state.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_SecurityBypass -Flash security bypass.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_EraseAllBlock -Flash erase all Blocks.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_VerifyAllBlock -Flash verify all Blocks.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_EraseSector -Flash erase sector.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_VerifySection -Flash verify sector.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_EraseSuspend -Flash erase suspend.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_EraseResume -Flash erase resume.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_ReadOnce -Flash read once.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_ProgramOnce -Flash program once.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_Program -Flash program.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_ProgramCheck -Flash program check.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_CheckSum -Calculate check sum.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_ProgramSection -Flash program section.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_EraseBlock -Flash erase block.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_VerifyBlock -Flash verify block.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_GetEERAMProtection -EERAM get protection.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_SetEERAMProtection -EERAM set protection.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_SetFlexRamFunction -Flash Set FlexRam function command.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_EEEWrite -EEPROM Emulator Write.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_DEFlashPartition -Flash D/E-Flash Partition.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_GetDFlashProtection -D-Flash get protection.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_SetDFlashProtection -D-Flash set protection.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_PFlashSwap -swap between the two half of total logical P-Flash memory blocks within the memory map
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_PFlashSwapCtl -implements swap control command corresponding with swap control code provided via swapcmd
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_EraseAllBlockUnsecure -Flash erase all Blocks.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_EnableCmdCompleteInterupt -Enable the command complete interrupt.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_DisableCmdCompleteInterupt -Disable the command complete interrupt.
- Flash1_FLASH_DRV_GetCmdComp