These Are my notes on getting my Lenovo T470 [I5-6300u / HD520 /
1920x1080] working perfectly with TLUCK's T460 git repo.
This was all done with High Sierra 10.13.3 and update to 10.13.6, then
update to 10.14.0, 10.14.1 and 10.14.2
I build my whole system on a 64GB Transcend Jetflash 3.1 USB thumb
drive. Stability seems very good, so I moved my system to my SSD.
NOTE: as of Mojave (10.14.x) APFS is required, and the install
converts the boot filesystem to APFS. This has no implications for my
boot SSD, all works great. However, I am unable to put a full Mojave
installation on a USB thumb drive. I am not talking about a Mojave
install thumb drive, that is fine; I just cannot do a full install to
a thumb drive, it locks up at the white Apple, and does not boot. I
will continue to work on this as I like to keep a full up-to-date
system on a thumb drive for experimentation.
Many thanks to TLUCK for his original git repository of T460
configuration files [].
Read his instructions carefully:
I followed them directly, and got an install and working system. I
then tweaked my DSDT and SSDT addons to match my particular hardware.
Also Many Thanks to RehabMan on tonymac. His deep knowledge, and rapid
answers to queries is much appreciated.
All the differences are included in the DSDT470 directory.
1. I initially used all the ktext's included in TLUCK's repo. Since my
first install, WhateverGreen has been developed, and now takes care
of the Intel GPU and the backlight injector. I have been able to
more to a full set of kext's from the original authors, and do not
rely on any kext in the T460 repo.
2. The DSDT patches I used are in patch-files. On my T470 the
namespace is _SB.PCI0.LPCB and not _SB.PCI0.LPC like in the
original repo. All my patches have been reworked to this differing
My DSDT patches are:
Note: the 2_battery_Lenovo-X220.txt has a few changes from the vanilla
patch in RehabMan's repo. I adding in a small part of the original patch
from TLUCK to enable fan reporting.
The DDST battery patch in combination with the SSDT-BATC patch from
RehabMan's repo gave me a great battery indicator that is an
aggregate of the two batteries in my T470.
3. SSDT patches are a combination of some of TLUCK's patches, some
custom patches, and some from RehabMan's laptop repository.
Note: I am not using the SSTD-PS2K patch that TLUCK includes. My
T470 trackpad works much better without it, just using the standard
VoodooController kext.
My add on SSDT patches are:
SSDT-LPC.dsl -- (REHABMAN) LPC device initialization, CPU power states
SSDT-PNLF.dsl -- (REHABMAN) Backlight control
SSDT-XOSI.dsl -- (REHABMAN) Simulate Windows 2009 for XHCI USB
SSDT-HDEF-T460.dsl -- (TLUCK) Audio controller parameters
SSDT-XCPM-T470.dsl -- (REHABMAN) CPU power management, changed CPU0 to PR00
SSDT-HACK-T470.dsl -- (T470 custom) Shutdown/Sleep -- blink LED (sleep)
SSDT-BATC-T470.dsl -- (T470 custom) Aggregate BAT0 and BAT1 into BATC for display
SSDT-XHC-T470.dsl -- (T470 custom) Custom list of USB2/USB3 ports
4. kernel extensions:
Consolidate and Updated kext's in /Library/Extensions:
All kext are from the kext's author, and not taken from TLUCK's repository.
Version Extension Plugins
1.3.1 Lilu
1.2.6 WhateverGreen
1.3.4 AppleALC
1.90.1 AppleSmartBatteryManager
1.9.2 VoodoPS2Controller
2.2.10 BcrmFirmwareRepo
2.2.10 BrcmPatchRAM2 (from my forked repo)
6.26-357-gceb835ea.1800 FakeSMC APCISensors
6.26-357-gceb835ea.1800 CPUSensors
6.26-357-gceb835ea.1800 GPUSensors
6.26-357-gceb835ea.1800 LPCSensors
6.26-357-gceb835ea.1800 SMMSensors
1.3.13 FakePCIID
1.3.13 FakePCIID_Broadcom_WiFI
0.6.5 USBInjectAll
2.4.1d1 IntelMausEthernet
08/18/2019 --
Bumped Lilu, WEG and AppleALC to latest, modified cong.plist for
hdmi-audio, minor SSDT mods. OS at 10.14.6. See
需积分: 0 74 浏览量
收藏 19.2MB ZIP 举报
"Lenovo-T460-Clover-EFI黑苹果引导"涉及到的是在Lenovo T460笔记本上安装并引导黑苹果(Hackintosh)操作系统的过程,利用了Clover EFI引导工具。黑苹果是指非Apple官方硬件上运行苹果 macOS 操作系统的系统,而Clover EFI则是一个开源的引导加载器,专门用于帮助非Mac硬件实现黑苹果的启动。
1. **Clover EFI**:Clover是黑苹果社区广泛采用的引导工具,它模拟了苹果的EFI环境,使得非苹果硬件能够识别并加载macOS的启动文件。Clover通过自定义配置和驱动支持,提高了兼容性和灵活性。
2. **i5-6300U集显版**:这个描述表明该解决方案适用于配备Intel i5-6300U处理器及集成显卡的Lenovo T460。这意味着驱动和配置已经针对这个特定硬件进行了优化,可以确保集显的正常工作。
3. **独显版需自行屏蔽**:对于配备独立显卡的Lenovo T460,由于macOS可能不直接支持这些硬件,因此用户需要自己处理显卡驱动问题,通常可能需要禁用或手动安装第三方驱动。
4. **解压拷贝**:这提示用户,下载的压缩包包含必要的EFI引导文件,解压缩后直接将文件复制到电脑的EFI分区即可完成引导设置的更新。
"黑苹果 Clover Lenovo-T460"进一步明确了讨论的主题,即在Lenovo T460上进行黑苹果安装时,使用Clover作为引导工具。
关于Clover EFI的更多知识:
- **Clover配置**:Clover使用config.plist文件进行配置,其中包含了硬件识别、驱动加载、启动选项等各种设置,用户可以根据自己的硬件情况修改此文件。
- **驱动支持**:Clover通过kext(内核扩展)来提供对非苹果硬件的支持,包括CPU、显卡、声卡、网卡等,确保macOS能够识别并使用这些设备。
- **图形界面**:Clover提供了友好的启动菜单界面,用户可以在启动时选择不同的操作系统或者启动选项。
- **更新与维护**:Clover不断更新以保持与最新macOS版本的兼容性,用户需要定期检查并更新Clover到最新版本,以确保最佳的引导体验。
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