This sample shows how to set up a simple character controller using the input system. As there is more than one way to do it, the sample illustrates several ways. Each demonstration is set up as a separate scene. The basic functionality in all the scenes is the same. You can move and look around and fire projectiles (colored cubes) into the scene. In some scenes, only gamepads are supported but the more involved demonstrations support several different inputs concurrently.
# SimpleDemo_UsingState
This starts off at the lowest level by demonstrating how to wire up input by polling input state directly in a `MonoBehaviour.Update` function. For simplicity's sake it only deals with gamepads but the same mechanism works in equivalent ways for other types of input devices (e.g. using `Mouse.current` and `Keyboard.current`).
The key APIs demonstrated here are `Gamepad.current` and `InputControl.ReadValue`.
public class SimpleController_UsingState : MonoBehaviour
public void Update()
var gamepad = Gamepad.current;
if (gamepad == null)
var move = Gamepad.leftStick.ReadValue();
# SimpleDemo_UsingActions
This moves one level higher and moves input over to "input actions". These are input abstractions that allow you to bind to input sources indirectly.
In this scene, the actions are embedded directly into the character controller component. This allows setting up the bindings for the actions directly in the inspector. To see the actions and their bindings, select the `Player` object in the hierarchy and look at the `SimpleController_UsingActions` component in the inspector.
The key APIs demonstrated here are `InputAction` and its `Enable`/`Disable` methods and its `ReadValue` method.
public class SimpleController_UsingActions : MonoBehaviour
public InputAction moveAction;
public void OnEnable()
public void OnDisable()
public void Update()
var move = moveAction.ReadValue<Vector2>();
The sample also demonstrates how to use a `Tap` and a `SlowTap` interaction on the fire action to implement a charged shooting mechanism. Note that in this case, we run the firing logic right from within the action using the action's `started`, `performed`, and `canceled` callbacks.
fireAction.performed +=
ctx =>
if (ctx.interaction is SlowTapInteraction)
StartCoroutine(BurstFire((int)(ctx.duration * burstSpeed)));
m_Charging = false;
fireAction.started +=
ctx =>
if (ctx.interaction is SlowTapInteraction)
m_Charging = true;
fireAction.canceled +=
ctx =>
m_Charging = false;
# SimpleDemo_UsingActionAsset
As more and more actions are added, it can become quite tedious to manually set up and `Enable` and `Disable` all the actions. We could use an `InputActionMap` in the component like so
public class SimpleController : MonoBehaviour
public InputActionMap actions;
public void OnEnable()
public void OnDisable()
but then we would have to look up all the actions manually in the action map. A simpler approach is to put all our actions in a separate asset and generate a C# wrapper class that automatically performs the lookup for us.
To create such an `.inputactions` asset, right-click in the Project Browser and click `Create >> Input Actions`. To edit the actions, double-click the `.inputactions` asset and a separate window will come up. The asset we use in this example is [SimpleControls.inputactions](SimpleControls.inputactions).
When you select the asset, note that `Generate C# Class` is ticked in the import settings. This triggers the generation of [SimpleControls.cs](SimpleControls.cs) based on the `.inputactions` file.
Regarding the `SimpleController_UsingActionAsset` script, there are some notable differences.
public class SimpleController_UsingActionAsset
// This replaces the InputAction instances we had before with
// the generated C# class.
private SimpleControls m_Controls;
public void Awake()
// To use the controls, we need to instantiate them.
// This can be done arbitrary many times. E.g. there
// can be multiple players each with its own SimpleControls
// instance.
m_Controls = new SimpleControls();
// The generated C# class exposes all the action map
// and actions in the asset by name. Here, we reference
// the `fire` action in the `gameplay` action map, for
// example. +=
public void Update()
// Same here, we can just look the actions up by name.
var look = m_Controls.gameplay.look.ReadValue<Vector2>();
var move = m_Controls.gameplay.move.ReadValue<Vector2>();
Just for kicks, this sample also adds keyboard and mouse control to the game.
# SimpleDemo_UsingPlayerInput
Finally, we reached the highest level of the input system. While scripting input like in the examples above can be quick and easy, it becomes hard to manage when there can be multiple devices and/or multiple players in the game. This is where `PlayerInput` comes in.
`PlayerInput` automatically manages per-player device assignments and can also automatically handle control scheme switching in single player (e.g. when the player switches between a gamepad and mouse&keyboard).
In our case, we're not getting too much out of it since we don't have control schemes or multiple players but still, let's have a look.
The first thing you'll probably notice is that now there are two script components on the `Player` object, one being the usual `SimpleController` and the other being `PlayerInput`. The latter is what now refers to [SimpleControls.inputactions](SimpleControls.inputactions). It also has `gameplay` set as the `Default Action Map` so that the gameplay actions will get enabled right away when `PlayerInput` itself is enabled.
For getting callbacks, we have chosen `Invoke Unity Events` as the `Behavior`. If you expand the `Events` foldout in the inspector, you can see that `OnFire`, `OnMove`, and `OnLook` are added to the respective events. Each callback method here looks like the `started`, `performed`, and `canceled` callbacks we've already seen on `fireAction` before.
public class SimpleController_UsingPlayerInput : MonoBehaviour
private Vector2 m_Move;
public void OnMove(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
m_Move = context.ReadValue<Vector2>();
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1. **3D建模**:在Unity中,我们可以使用内置的简单3D形状,如立方体、球体等,或者导入外部的3D模型来构建迷宫的墙壁、起点和终点。建模工具如Blender或3DS Max可以用于创建更复杂的自定义迷宫结构。
2. **导航网格(NavMesh)**:Unity的导航网格系统是构建迷宫游戏的核心部分,它允许AI角色(例如玩家控制的角色)自动寻找路径。通过设置NavMeshAgent,我们可以让角色在迷宫中自由移动,并自动避开障碍物。
3. **光照与材质**:Unity提供了强大的光照系统,包括环境光、聚光灯和点光源等,可以为迷宫营造出不同的氛围。同时,使用不同的材质和纹理可以增加迷宫的视觉效果,使其看起来更加真实。
4. **脚本编程**:使用C#编写Unity脚本,可以实现游戏逻辑,如检查玩家是否到达终点、迷宫生成算法、游戏计时器、玩家输入控制等功能。例如,一个简单的迷宫生成算法可能涉及随机放置墙壁以创建复杂的迷宫结构。
5. **用户交互**:Unity支持键盘、鼠标、手柄等多种输入方式,可以轻松实现玩家在迷宫中的移动、视角转换等操作。此外,还可以添加UI元素,如得分显示、提示信息等,提升用户体验。
6. **场景管理**:在大型迷宫项目中,可能需要将迷宫分割成多个小区域,以优化性能。Unity的场景管理功能允许你按需加载和卸载不同部分,避免一次性加载整个迷宫导致的性能问题。
7. **打包和发布**:完成项目后,Unity可以方便地将游戏打包为适用于Windows、Mac、Linux等多平台的可执行文件。在这个项目中,提供的打包后的PC端游戏表明开发者已经完成了这一过程。
8. **资源优化**:为了确保游戏在各种设备上都能流畅运行,需要对3D模型、纹理和脚本进行优化,如降低模型多边形数、压缩纹理质量和使用懒加载技术等。
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