雅思折线图写作常用句型 在雅思考试中,折线图写作是一个非常重要的部分,能够帮助考生更好地描述图表信息,提高写作分数。同时,掌握常用的句型和语言表达方式,也是提高写作水平的关键。 一、引入式句型 引入式句型是写作过程中不可或缺的一部分,它们可以帮助考生引入图表信息,吸引读者关注。常见的引入式句型有: * The graph shows/indicates/depiicts/illustrates * From the graph it is clear * It can be seen from the graph * As can be seen from the graph * As is shown/illustrated by the graph 例如:The graph shows the percentage of children using supplements in a place over a year. 二、时间性句型 时间性句型是描述图表信息时不可或缺的一部分,能够帮助考生描述图表中的时间变化。常见的时间性句型有: * Over the next... / for the following... * From ... to / between ... and * During 例如:Over the next three months, the percentage of children using supplements increased rapidly. 三、警示语句 警示语句是写作过程中非常重要的一部分,能够帮助考生避免常见的错误。例如: * Per cent是符号%的词形,我们可以写作10%或10 per cent,但不能写作10 percent。 * Percentage是名词形式,例如The percentage of children using supplements,而不是The percent of children. 四、语言表达方式 语言表达方式是写作过程中非常重要的一部分,能够帮助考生描述图表信息。常见的语言表达方式有: * Remain:remain (-ed, -ed) unchanged, steady, stable, constant, plateau, fixed/static * Fall:fall (fell, fallen), decrease (-ed, -ed), drop (dropped, dropped), plunge (-ed, -ed), decline (-ed, -ed) * Fluctuate:fluctuate (-ed, -ed) wildly 例如:From January to March the percentage of children using supplements remained fairly static at approximately 10%. The percentage of children taking dietary supplements was relatively stable during the first two months of the year. 五、其它语言表达方式 除了上述语言表达方式外,还有其他一些常见的语言表达方式,例如: * Slight:slight (slightly), steady (steadily), gradual (gradually), gentle (gently), slow (slowly) * Downward trend 例如:It then fell gradually in March. There was a slight decrease in the use of dietary supplements in March. The graph shows a slight decrease in March. Supplement use experienced a steady decrease in March. Supplement use decreased slightly in March. 掌握常用的句型和语言表达方式是提高雅思折线图写作水平的关键。通过不断地练习和总结,可以帮助考生更好地描述图表信息,提高写作分数。
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