# Additional tools
## Convert the label files to CSV
### Introduction
To train the images on [Google Cloud AutoML](https://cloud.google.com/automl), we should prepare the specific csv files follow [this format](https://cloud.google.com/vision/automl/object-detection/docs/csv-format).
`label_to_csv.py` can convert the `txt` or `xml` label files to csv file. The labels files should strictly follow to below structure.
### Structures
* Images
To train the object detection tasks, all the images should upload to the cloud storage and access it by its name. All the images should stay in the **same buckets** in cloud storage. Also, different classes should have their own folder as below.
<bucket_name> (on the cloud storage)
| -- class1
| | -- class1_01.jpg
| | -- class1_02.jpg
| | ...
| -- class2
| | -- class2_01.jpg
| | -- class2_02.jpg
| | ...
| ...
Note, URI of the `class1_01.jpg` is `gs://<bucket_name>/class1/class1_01.jpg`
* Labels
There are four types of training data - `TRAINING`, `VALIDATION`, `TEST` and `UNASSIGNED`. To assign different categories, we should create four directories.
Inside each folder, users should create the class folders with the same name in cloud storage (see below structure).
labels (on PC)
| | -- class1
| | | -- class1_01.txt (or .xml)
| | | ...
| | -- class2
| | | -- class2_01.txt (or .xml)
| | | ...
| | ...
| | -- class1
| | | -- class1_02.txt (or .xml)
| | | ...
| | -- class2
| | | -- class2_02.txt (or .xml)
| | | ...
| | ...
| -- TEST
| | (same as TRAINING and VALIDATION)
| | (same as TRAINING and VALIDATION)
### Usage
To see the argument of `label_to_csv.py`,
python label_to_csv.py -h
usage: label_to_csv.py [-h] -p PREFIX -l LOCATION -m MODE [-o OUTPUT]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
Bucket of the cloud storage path
-l LOCATION, --location LOCATION
Parent directory of the label files
-m MODE, --mode MODE 'xml' for converting from xml and 'txt' for converting
from txt
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output name of csv file
-c CLASSES, --classes CLASSES
Label classes path
For example, if mine bucket name is **test**, the location of the label directory is **/User/test/labels**, the mode I choose from is **txt**, the output name and the class path is same as default.
python label_to_csv.py \
-p test\
-l /User/test/labels \
-m txt
The output file is `res.csv` by default. Afterwards, upload the csv file to the cloud storage and you can start training!
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