CKFinder License Agreement
Version 2.3, April 2013
Copyright (C) 2007-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
This document ("Agreement") is a legal agreement between You, either an individual or a Legal Entity,
and CKSource – Frederico Knabben ("CKSource"), running business activity pursuant to registration by
the President of the Capital City of Warsaw under no. 429043, covering Your permissions to use, reproduce,
and distribute the Software under the License terms defined hereby.
1. Definitions
"Agreement Name" shall mean the name used to reference this Agreement in any context, which is
"CKFinder License Agreement 2.3" or "CKFinder License 2.3".
"Software" or "CKFinder" shall mean the copyrighted material owned by CKSource, subject to the terms of
this License. The Software is publicly, uniquely, and in its entirety recognizable by the "CKFinder" name
("Software Name").
"Software Release" or "Release" shall mean a set of files distributed by CKSource, or anyone authorized to
distribute it, that represents the Software. A Release is uniquely identified by the Software Name and a code.
Such code is generally referenced as the Software version or revision number, or a combination of both.
"Release Date" shall mean the day that CKSource started distributing a Release.
"Product" shall mean a single computer program or one or more websites ("Program") (i) owned by You, or
(ii) to which the owner grants You the permission to act in behalf of the owner for the purposes of this Agreement.
A Program family or a group of Programs does not constitute a Product for the scope of this Agreement.
A Program that goes in competition with the Software in the marketplace does not constitute a valid Product
for the scope of this Agreement.
"Development Server" shall mean a computer with one or more computer central processing units (CPU's)
that operates for the exclusive purpose of software development or software testing.
"Development Activity" shall mean the act of interacting with the Software or one of its Releases, in any number
of Products owned or produced by You, with the intent of installation, customization, configuration, testing,
documentation, or any other software development activity related to the Software.
"Developer" shall mean an authorized person designated by You to perform Development Activities.
"Production Website" shall mean a Product with the Software installed, which already had Development Activities
performed, and that has been delivered to end-users for production usage. Maintenance activities performed on
Production Websites, excluding software development activities related to the Software, are not considered
Development Activities.
"Hostname" shall mean a unique name by which a website is reachable in a network. This includes, but is not
limited to, a website IP address. (For example, if a website is reachable by the Internet address
"", the Hostname is "".)
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by,
or are under common control of that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power,
direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise,
or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
"Effective Date" means the date on which the Legal Evidence is made effective.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or a Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by the License and
accepting this Agreement.
2. Grant of License
Subject to the terms of this Agreement, CKSource hereby grants You, in one of the License Models described
in Section 4, a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty free, worldwide license ("License") to use,
reproduce, modify, and distribute a Software Release in a collective work assembled with the Product.
You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using, installing, copying, or distributing
the Software. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by CKSource, your use, installation, copying, or distribution
of the Software indicates your acceptance of this License.
3. Scope of License
All rights of any kind to the Software, which are not expressly granted in this Agreement, are entirely
and exclusively reserved to and by CKSource. The Software is protected by applicable national and international
laws and treaties.
You may use, install, copy, and distribute the Software solely as provided in this Agreement. You may not rent,
lease, loan, sublicense, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works based on the
Software, in whole or in part, nor permit anyone else to do so.
It is agreed that in exchange for the license set forth herein, you will pay a license fee ("License Fee").
The fee value will be specified by CKSource at the moment of the purchase.
4. License Models
The Software may be assembled with the Product and redistributed in respect of one, and only one, of the
following models ("License Models") of Your choice:
a) ("Basic") Assembling the Software into a Product distributed as a single website ("Site"). The Site URL ("URL")
must be specified at the moment of purchase. The license will not be valid for sub-domains of the specified URL.
This license includes 2 Developer licenses that cover Development Activities exclusively related to the Site.
b) ("Professional") Assembling the Software with a maximum of 3 websites ("Professional Sites") owned or produced by You.
Sites produced by third-parties with Software produced by You are not included in this License Model.
This license includes 5 Developer licenses that cover Development Activities exclusively related to Professional Sites.
c) ("Developer") License granting Development Activities to a single Developer Person.
A valid Developer license is required for every single Developer Person. Developer licenses cannot be shared among
different Developer Persons. Non-Development Activities on Production Websites do not require Developer licenses.
License Fee values may differ depending on the license model.
5. Unlicensed Copies
If You did not pay License Fee, You may use unlicensed copies of CKFinder for the exclusive purpose of demonstration.
In this case You will be using CKFinder in "demo mode". Without derogating from the forgoing, You may not use
CKFinder in "demo mode" for commercial purposes. CKFinder shall only be used for evaluation purposes and may not be
used or disclosed for any other purposes, including, without limitation, for external distribution. You may not remove
the demo notices from the interface nor disable the ability to display such notices or otherwise modify CKFinder.
Product support, if any, is not offered for CKFinder in "demo mode".
6. Agreement Acceptance
This Agreement is automatically accepted by both parties as long as You are in possession of legal evidence
("Legal Evidence") that the acceptance has taken place. The Legal Evidence can be represented by (i) a copy
of this Agreement signed by You and CKSource or (ii) a valid Certificate of License Ownership, provided by
CKSource and addressed to You. The Legal Evidence must precisely indicate this Agreement Name, the Software Name,
the License Model You have chosen, and the following restrictive information, if applicable:
a) If You have chosen the Basic License Model, the Site Hostname must be indicated in the Legal Evidence. This Agreement
will be valid for the Software assembled with the Site publicized under the Site Hostname only. Other Sites are
excluded from this Agreement as long as a Legal Evidence is not produced for each of these Site
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