# CNN_Handwritten_Digit_Recognizer (CNN手写数字识别)
A CNN handwritten digit recognizer with graphical UI, implemented with Python (tensorflow, kivy).
一个带界面的CNN手写数字识别,使用Python(tensorflow, kivy)实现。
## Introduction (简介)
This is a simple handwritten digit recognizer application, implemented with only Python language. Basically, I use Tensorflow to build the CNN classifier as the recognizer, and use Kivy to realize the UI. This program supports mouse or touch screen, and can recognize 0-9 altogether 10 numbers. The keypoint is as follows:
- Use Tensorflow (as well as its Estimator API) to build the CNN model. Use MNIST dataset to train the model.
- Use Kivy to build the UI.
- After drawing digit on the Kivy App window, the app export the digit as a image, which, after being processed with PIL, is feeded to the CNN model. The recognition result is displayed on the window later.
- 使用Tensorflow(和其Estimator API)构建CNN模型,使用MNIST数据集训练模型;
- 使用Kivy框架构建前端界面;
- 在Kivy界面上写字后,将界面导出成图片,使用PIL处理后喂给后端的CNN进行识别,识别结果显示在界面上。
## Dependencies (依赖环境)
- Python 3
- Tensorflow
- Kivy
- Numpy
## Run (运行方法)
Run the main app:
python main.py
Train the model (trained model is included, so the main app can work immediately)
python trainer.py
You can also modify some hyperparams in ``trainer.py``.
python main.py
python trainer.py
## Existing Problems (存在的问题)
Some existing problems, which I will try to find out the reasons and fix in the future when I'm free. There we have:
- When drawing digit at the first time after the app runs, the response time is quite long. I guess it's about the loading of tf, and multi-thread may help.
- The effectiveness of the recognition is not very good. The classifer is easy to mix some digits (like 2 & 7, 2 & 3, 0 & 6 etc.).
- If I modify the x in MNIST dataset, changing values not equal to 0 into 1, the training speed will be much slower. I don't know why.
**If you know how to handle these existing problem, or any other problems, feel free to let me know. Thank you!**
- 启动程序后,第一次写字,响应速度慢,猜想是第一次要加载tf相关的东西,拖慢了速度,估计可以用多线程解决;
- 识别效果一般,有几个数字(如2和7,2和3,0和6)经常混淆;
- 若将MNIST数据集进行处理,将x中所有非0值改为1,训练速度会极大的下降,不知道是为什么。
## Finally (最后)
I wrote it just for fun, btw learn the use of Tensorflow and git. I'm new to TF and DL. Any seggestions is welcomed. Thank you!
## Reference (参考资料)
- [使用tensorflow实现CNN](https://blog.csdn.net/skullFang/article/details/80434973)
- [Tensorflow-Example](https://github.com/aymericdamien/TensorFlow-Examples)
- [Tensorflow-Estimator-自定义估算器](https://www.jianshu.com/p/5495f87107e7)
- 粉丝: 1w+
- 资源: 3691
- XVIDEO_6.6.6.zip
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