The book is structured in six parts that follow the IEEE Std. 730:2014 outline: Part I: Introduction – Presents definitions and topics associated with software quality. Part II: SQA Process Implementation Activities –Dedicated to software qual ity assurance activities of the SQA function, and includes establish ing the SQA processes in the organization, planning the SQA activities, and the application of software quality costs. Part III: Product Assurance Activities for Conformance – Deals with evalua tion and product quality measurement. Part IV: Process Assurance Activities for Conformance – Discusses process quality evaluation and measurement, process improvements, and also the assessment of staff skills and knowledge and the required training. Part V: Additional Tools and Methods Supporting Software Quality – Pres ents configuration management, CASE tools, and the topic of tem plates and checklists – all of significant contribution to achieve software quality requirements. Part VI: Appendices – Presents basic software quality and software engineer ing topics associated with SQA: software engineering and SQA standards and models and project progress control. This part also includes a review of software development methodologies and pro cesses, and their quality assurance activities.


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