var mod;
function resizeView() {
var e = document.documentElement.clientHeight,
t = 0 < $(".footer").length ? $(".footer").css("height") : 0,
a = 0 < $(".left-menu-content").length ? $(".left-menu-content").css("height") : 0;
$(".main-panel-body,.panel-cut").css("min-height", e - 100),
$(".caret-wxapp .panel-app").css("min-height", e - 95),
parseInt(a) > e - 50 ? $(".skin-black .right-content>.content").css("min-height", parseInt(a) - parseInt(t) - 30 + "px") : $(".skin-black .right-content>.content").css("min-height", e - parseInt(t) - 93 + "px")
} !
function(U) {
"use strict";
function g(s, o) {
return o = o || Error,
function() {
var e, t, a = arguments,
n = a[0],
i = "[" + (s ? s + ":": "") + n + "] ";
for (i += a[1].replace(/\{\d+\}/g,
function(e) {
var t = +e.slice(1, -1) + 2;
return t < a.length ? Be(a[t]) : e
}), i += "\n" + (s ? s + "/": "") + n, t = 2, e = "?"; t < a.length; t++, e = "&") i += e + "p" + (t - 2) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(Be(a[t]));
return new o(i)
var s = /^\/(.+)\/([a-z]*)$/,
d = "validity",
N = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
B = function(e) {
return ge(e) ? e.toLowerCase() : e
u = function(e) {
return ge(e) ? e.toUpperCase() : e
"i" !== "I".toLowerCase() && (B = function(e) {
return ge(e) ? e.replace(/[A-Z]/g,
function(e) {
return String.fromCharCode(32 | e.charCodeAt(0))
}) : e
u = function(e) {
return ge(e) ? e.replace(/[a-z]/g,
function(e) {
return String.fromCharCode( - 33 & e.charCodeAt(0))
}) : e
var R, ce, o, h, r = [].slice,
a = [].splice,
e = [].push,
x = Object.prototype.toString,
l = Object.getPrototypeOf,
c = g("ng"),
S = U.angular || (U.angular = {}),
t = 0;
function L(e) {
if (null == e || M(e)) return ! 1;
if (fe(e) || ge(e) || ce && e instanceof ce) return ! 0;
var t = "length" in Object(e) && e.length;
return $(t) && (0 <= t && (t - 1 in e || e instanceof Array) || "function" == typeof e.item)
function ue(e, t, a) {
var n, i;
if (e) if (he(e)) for (n in e)"prototype" == n || "length" == n || "name" == n || e.hasOwnProperty && !e.hasOwnProperty(n) ||, e[n], n, e);
else if (fe(e) || L(e)) {
var s = "object" != typeof e;
for (n = 0, i = e.length; n < i; n++)(s || n in e) &&, e[n], n, e)
} else if (e.forEach && e.forEach !== ue) e.forEach(t, a, e);
else if (w(e)) for (n in e), e[n], n, e);
else if ("function" == typeof e.hasOwnProperty) for (n in e) e.hasOwnProperty(n) &&, e[n], n, e);
else for (n in e), n) &&, e[n], n, e);
return e
function p(e, t, a) {
for (var n = Object.keys(e).sort(), i = 0; i < n.length; i++), e[n[i]], n[i]);
return n
function v(a) {
return function(e, t) {
a(t, e)
function A() {
function m(e, t) {
t ? e.$$hashKey = t: delete e.$$hashKey
function f(e, t, a) {
for (var n = e.$$hashKey,
i = 0,
s = t.length; i < s; ++i) {
var o = t[i];
if (me(o) || he(o)) for (var r = Object.keys(o), l = 0, c = r.length; l < c; l++) {
var u = r[l],
d = o[u];
a && me(d) ? _(d) ? e[u] = new Date(d.valueOf()) : C(d) ? e[u] = new RegExp(d) : d.nodeName ? e[u] = d.cloneNode(!0) : P(d) ? e[u] = d.clone() : (me(e[u]) || (e[u] = fe(d) ? [] : {}), f(e[u], [d], !0)) : e[u] = d
return m(e, n),
function de(e) {
return f(e,, 1), !1)
function n(e) {
return f(e,, 1), !0)
function y(e) {
return parseInt(e, 10)
function q(e, t) {
return de(Object.create(e), t)
function V() {}
function k(e) {
return e
function I(e) {
return function() {
return e
function b(e) {
return he(e.toString) && e.toString !== x
function pe(e) {
return void 0 === e
function F(e) {
return void 0 !== e
function me(e) {
return null !== e && "object" == typeof e
function w(e) {
return null !== e && "object" == typeof e && !l(e)
function ge(e) {
return "string" == typeof e
function $(e) {
return "number" == typeof e
function _(e) {
return "[object Date]" ===
R = U.document.documentMode,
V.$inject = [],
k.$inject = [];
var fe = Array.isArray;
function he(e) {
return "function" == typeof e
function C(e) {
return "[object RegExp]" ===
function M(e) {
return e && e.window === e
function ve(e) {
return e && e.$evalAsync && e.$watch
function ye(e) {
return "boolean" == typeof e
function D(e) {
return e && he(e.then)
var T = /^\[object (?:Uint8|Uint8Clamped|Uint16|Uint32|Int8|Int16|Int32|Float32|Float64)Array\]$/;
var be = function(e) {
return ge(e) ? e.trim() : e
E = function(e) {
return e.replace(/([-()\[\]{}+?*.$\^|,:#<!\\])/g, "\\$1").replace(/\x08/g, "\\x08")
function P(e) {
return ! (!e || !(e.nodeName || e.prop && e.attr && e.find))
function we(e) {
return B(e.nodeName || e[0] && e[0].nodeName)
function $e(e, t) {
var a = e.indexOf(t);
return 0 <= a && e.splice(a, 1),
function j(e, a) {
var t, n, i = [],
s = [];
if (a) {
if ((n = a) && $(n.length) && T.test( || (t = a, "[object ArrayBuffer]" === throw c("cpta", "Can't copy! TypedArray destination cannot be mutated.");
if (e === a) throw c("cpi", "Can't copy! Source and destination are identical.");
return fe(a) ? a.length = 0 : ue(a,
function(e, t) {
"$$hashKey" !== t && delete a[t]
o(e, a)
return r(e);
function o(e, t) {
var a, n = t.$$hashKey;
if (fe(e)) for (var i = 0,
s = e.length; i < s; i++) t.push(r(e[i]));
else if (w(e)) for (a in e) t[a] = r(e[a]);
else if (e && "function" == typeof e.hasOwnProperty) for (a in e) e.hasOwnProperty(a) && (t[a] = r(e[a]));
else for (a in e), a) && (t[a] = r(e[a]));
return m(t, n),
function r(e) {
if (!me(e)) return e;
var t = i.indexOf(e);
if ( - 1 !== t) return s[t];
if (M(e) || ve(e)) throw c("cpws", "Can't copy! Making copies of Window or Scope instances is not supported.");
var a = !1,
n = function(e) {
switch ( {
case "[object Int8Array]":
case "[object Int16Array]":
case "[object Int32Array]":
case "[object Float32Array]":
case "[object Float64Array]":
case "[object Uint8Array]":
case "[object Uint8ClampedArray]":
case "[object Uint16Array]":
case "[object Uint32Array]
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