* PHPExcel
* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (http://www.codeplex.com/PHPExcel)
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.txt LGPL
* @version 1.8.1, 2015-04-30
2015-04-30 (v1.8.1):
- Bugfix: (goncons) Work Item GH-397 - Fix for Writing an Open Document cell with non-numeric formula
- Bugfix: (sarciszewski) Work Item GH-329 - Avoid potential divide by zero in basedrawing
- Bugfix: (ymaerschalck) Work Item GH-405 - XML External Entity (XXE) Processing, different behaviour between simplexml_load_string() and simplexml_load_file().
- Bugfix: (MBaker) - Fix to ensure that current cell is maintained when executing formula calculations
- Bugfix: (MBaker) Work Item GH-350 - Keep/set the value on Reader _loadSheetsOnly as NULL, courtesy of Restless-ET
- Bugfix: (MBaker) Work Item CP18105 - Loading an Excel 2007 spreadsheet throws an "Autofilter must be set on a range of cells" exception
- Bugfix: (MBaker) Work Item GH-388 - Fix to autoloader registration for backward compatibility with PHP 5.2.0 not accepting the prepend flag
- Bugfix: (MBaker) Work Item GH-384 - DOM loadHTMLFile() failing with options flags when using PHP < 5.4.0
- Bugfix: (MBaker) - Fix for percentage operator in formulae for BIFF Writer
- Bugfix: (MBaker) - Fix to getStyle() call for cell object
- Bugfix: (MBaker) - Discard Autofilters in Excel2007 Reader when filter range isn't a valid range
- Bugfix: (frozenstupidity) Work Item GH-423 - Fix invalid NA return in VLOOKUP
- Bugfix: (wiseloren) Work Item CP21454 - "No Impact" conditional formatting fix for NumberFormat
- Bugfix: (bobwitlox) Work Item GH-467 - Bug in Excel2003XML reader, parsing merged cells
- Bugfix: (MBaker) Work Item GH-302 - Fix for CEIL() and FLOOR() when number argument is zero
- Bugfix: (MBaker) - Remove cells cleanly when calling RemoveRow() or RemoveColumn()
- General: (MBaker) - Small performance improvement for autosize columns
- General: (frost-nzcr4) Work Item GH-379 - Change the getter/setter for zeroHeight to camel case
- General: (MBaker) Work Item GH-394 - DefaultValueBinder is too much aggressive when converting string to numeric
- General: (MBaker) - Default precalculate formulas to false for writers
- General: (MBaker) - Set default Cyclic Reference behaviour to 1 to eliminate exception when using a single cyclic iteration in formulae
- General: (MBaker) Work Item GH-396 - Some Excel writer libraries erroneously use Codepage 21010 for UTF-16LE
- Feature: (WiktrzGE) Work Item GH-404 - Methods to manage most of the existing options for Chart Axis, Major Grid-lines and Minor Grid-lines
- Feature: (frost-nzcr4) Work Item GH-403 - ODS read/write comments in the cell
- Feature: (CQD) Work Item GH-389 - Additional Mac CJK codepage definitions
- Feature: (bolovincev) Work Item GH-269 - Update Worksheet.php getStyleByColumnAndRow() to allow a range of cells rather than just a single cell
- Feature: (MBaker) - New methods added for testing cell status within merge groups
- Feature: (cifren/MBaker) Work Item GH-205 - Handling merge cells in HTML Reader
- Feature: (MBaker) - Helper to convert basic HTML markup to a Rich Text object
- Feature: (MBaker) - Improved Iterators
New Column Iterator
Support for row and column ranges
Improved handling for next/prev
- Security: (MBaker) - XML filescan in XML-based Readers to prevent XML Entity Expansion (XEE)
(see http://projects.webappsec.org/w/page/13247002/XML%20Entity%20Expansion for an explanation of XEE injection) attacks
Reference CVE-2015-3542 - Identification of problem courtesy of Dawid Golunski (Pentest Ltd.)
2014-03-02 (v1.8.0):
- Bugfix: (MBaker) Work item CP19830 - Undefined variable: fileHandle in CSV Reader
- Bugfix: (MBaker) Work item CP19968 - Out of memory in style/supervisor.php
- Bugfix: (MBaker) - Style error with merged cells in PDF Writer
- Bugfix: (MBaker) - Problem with cloning worksheets
- Bugfix: (tavoarcila) Work Item GH-259 - Bug fix reading Open Office files
- Bugfix: (MBaker) Work item CP20397 - Serious bug in absolute cell reference used in shared formula
Would also have affected insert/delete column/row
- Bugfix: (RomanSyroeshko) Work Item GH-267 - CHOOSE() returns "#VALUE!" if the 1st entry is chosen
- Bugfix: (Gemorroj) Work Item GH-268 - When duplicating styles, styles shifted by one column to the right
Fix also applied to duplicating conditional styles
- Bugfix: (IndrekHaav) Work Item GH-212 - Fix for formulae that reference a sheet whose name begins with a digit:
these were erroneously identified as numeric values, causing the parser to throw an undefined variable error.
- Bugfix: (IndrekHaav) Work Item CP16208 - Fixed undefined variable error due to $styleArray being used before it's initialised
- Bugfix: (PowerKiKi) Work Item GH-273 - ISTEXT() return wrong result if referencing an empty but formatted cell
- Bugfix: (PowerKiKi) Work Item GH-270/GH-31 - Binary comparison of strings are case insensitive
- Bugfix: (MBaker) Work Item GH-275 - Insert New Row/Column Before is not correctly updating formula references
- Bugfix: (MBaker) Work Item GH-257 - Passing an array of cells to _generateRow() in the HTML/PDF Writer causes caching problems with last cell in the range
- Bugfix: (MBaker) Work Item GH-193 - Fix to empty worksheet garbage collection when using cell caching
- Bugfix: (Jazzo) Work Item GH-248 - Excel2007 does not correctly mark rows as hidden
- Bugfix: (Roy Shahbazian) Work Item GH-299 - Fixed typo in Chart/Layout set/getYMode()
- Bugfix: (EliuFlorez) Work item GH-279 - Fatal error: Call to a member function cellExists() line: 3327 in calculation.php if referenced worksheet doesn't exist
- Bugfix: (MBaker) Work Item GH-290 - AdvancedValueBinder "Division by zero"-error
- Bugfix: (MBaker) Work Item CP20604 - Adding Sheet to Workbook Bug
- Bugfix: (MBaker) Work item CP2070
- 粉丝: 1458
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