## MP4v2 - *A C/C++ library to create, modify and read MP4 files*
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This is the *new* MP4v2 project, a fork of the [abandoned MP4v2 library](https://code.google.com/archive/p/mp4v2/) project now archived at Google Code.
The MP4v2 library provides an API to create and modify MP4 files as defined by ISO-IEC:14496-1:2001 MPEG-4 Systems. This file format is derived from Apple's QuickTime file format that has been used as a multimedia file format in a variety of platforms and applications. It is a very powerful and extensible format that can accommodate practically any type of media.
Please visit [mp4v2.org](https://mp4v2.org) for more information about this project and its goals.
### License
MP4v2 is released under the terms of the Mozilla Public License (MPL) Version 1.1. Please refer to the [`COPYING`](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/enzo1982/mp4v2/main/COPYING) file for the full license text.
### Download
Release packages of the MP4v2 library sources are available in the *[Releases](https://github.com/enzo1982/mp4v2/releases)* area.
### Building
The MP4v2 library and utilities can be built using the following build systems:
- **GNU Autotools**
1. Run `autoreconf -i` in the MP4v2 project base folder
(only necessary when building directly from repository sources)
2. Run `./configure && make` in the MP4v2 project base folder
- **CMake**
- Run `cmake . && make` in the MP4v2 project base folder
- **Visual Studio**
- Use the Visual Studio solution at `vstudio/mp4v2.sln`
- **Xcode**
- Use the Xcode project at `xcode/mp4v2.xcodeproj`
MP4v2 has no special dependencies other than a working C++ compiler and build environment.
### Support
Please use the *[Issues](https://github.com/enzo1982/mp4v2/issues)* area to report bugs and other issues or make feature requests. For questions and general discussion, please use the *[Discussions](https://github.com/enzo1982/mp4v2/discussions)* area.
If you need to contact the maintainer, please send an email to [support@mp4v2.org](mailto:support@mp4v2.org).
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
mp4v2-main源码 (790个子文件)
configure.ac 13KB
GNUmakefile.am 11KB
tags.c 8KB
generic.c 3KB
callbacks.c 2KB
c_api.c 2KB
config.h.cmake 2KB
mp4.cpp 144KB
mp4file.cpp 140KB
mp4track.cpp 59KB
hevc.cpp 59KB
rtphint.cpp 38KB
mp4chaps.cpp 36KB
cmeta.cpp 34KB
mp4property.cpp 33KB
platform_win32.cpp 32KB
mp4track.cpp 31KB
mp4atom.cpp 31KB
typebmff.cpp 30KB
isma.cpp 30KB
mp4tags.cpp 29KB
Tags.cpp 29KB
descriptors.cpp 21KB
Utility.cpp 20KB
mp4info.cpp 20KB
option.cpp 20KB
type.cpp 18KB
atom_standard.cpp 17KB
Timecode.cpp 15KB
TrackModifier.cpp 14KB
mp4art.cpp 13KB
generic.cpp 13KB
mp4file_io.cpp 13KB
log.cpp 13KB
ocidescriptors.cpp 10KB
ColorParameterBox.cpp 10KB
mp4info.cpp 10KB
atom_avcC.cpp 9KB
PictureAspectRatioBox.cpp 8KB
mp4trackdump.cpp 8KB
mp4util.cpp 8KB
atom_dac3.cpp 8KB
mp4extract.cpp 8KB
CoverArtBox.cpp 7KB
mp4clip.cpp 7KB
atom_sound.cpp 6KB
mp4file.cpp 6KB
mp4subtitle.cpp 6KB
mp4container.cpp 6KB
mp4descriptor.cpp 6KB
crc.cpp 6KB
nullcreate.cpp 5KB
qosqualifiers.cpp 5KB
File_win32.cpp 5KB
File.cpp 5KB
atom_root.cpp 5KB
atom_rtp.cpp 4KB
atom_meta.cpp 4KB
atom_text.cpp 4KB
atom_mvhd.cpp 4KB
atom_tkhd.cpp 4KB
FileSystem_win32.cpp 4KB
odcommands.cpp 4KB
atom_ohdr.cpp 4KB
nullvplayer.cpp 4KB
exception.cpp 3KB
other.cpp 3KB
File_posix.cpp 3KB
atom_hdlr.cpp 3KB
atom_stz2.cpp 3KB
atom_stsd.cpp 3KB
coding.cpp 3KB
atom_stsc.cpp 3KB
atom_tx3g.cpp 3KB
atom_avc1.cpp 3KB
atom_mdhd.cpp 3KB
atom_d263.cpp 3KB
atom_encv.cpp 3KB
FileSystem.cpp 3KB
atom_mp4v.cpp 3KB
atom_video.cpp 3KB
atom_s263.cpp 3KB
atom_elst.cpp 2KB
atom_trun.cpp 2KB
urltrack.cpp 2KB
3gp.cpp 2KB
atom_amr.cpp 2KB
atom_stsz.cpp 2KB
atom_tfhd.cpp 2KB
atom_ac3.cpp 2KB
atom_hinf.cpp 2KB
atom_stbl.cpp 2KB
atom_enca.cpp 2KB
atom_ftyp.cpp 2KB
atom_chpl.cpp 2KB
atom_url.cpp 2KB
atom_damr.cpp 2KB
atom_dref.cpp 2KB
atom_sdp.cpp 2KB
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