S D K Q u i c k s t a r t
S e t E c l p s e f o r u D i g P l u g - i n D e v e l o p m e n t
Table of Contents
1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Downloads............................................................................................................................................................................ 4
3 Eclipse SDK Installation.................................................................................................................................................... 5
4 Eclipse Workspace............................................................................................................................................................. 7
5 Eclipse Preferences........................................................................................................................................................... 8
6 uDIG SDK............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
7 Running uDig..................................................................................................................................................................... 12
8 What to Do Next............................................................................................................................................................... 15
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1 Introduction
This workbook is aimed at those doing plug-in development against the uDig platform.
Follow these instructions to quickly set up a development environment for working on your
own plug-ins.
Eclipse is familiar to most developers as a Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
The Eclipse IDE can be extended with additional “capabilities” to work with alternate
programming languages (like C++ or Ruby), or additional subject matter such as Java
Enterprise Edition or in this case Eclipse Plug-in development.
In this Quickstart we are going to use the the Eclipse Plug-in Development capability; with
the uDIG SDK as the target platform. This workbook covers setting up a development
environment for working on your own plug-ins.
If you have an existing Eclipse installation please do not skip this tutorial – we are going to
very carefully set up a copy of Eclipse with a few more additional tools then you are perhaps
used to.
The Eclipse developers themselves make use of the Plug-in Development Environment
(PDE) day in and day out – so it has gotten a lot of polish over the years. In some respects
it is more polished then the Java development environment (with custom editors for all kinds
of little files).
Some of the terminology used when working with the PDE:
• Everything is a Plug-in
• A plug-in can implement an extension
• A plug-in can provide an extension-point for others
Please keep these ideas in mind – even an “Application” is considered an extension when
working with the Eclipse Platform.
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If you would like
to work on uDig
itself please visit
the project
Policies and
We are going to start by downloading all the software we need; we will be able to proceed
with installation as we wait for some of the larger downloads.
1. For uDig 1.2 we are going going to download the latest SDK from here:
Normally you would grab the latest stable SDK from the public uDig download page.
At the time of writing the latest uDig SDK was:
2. Visit http://www.eclipse.org/downloads
and click on the link for “Eclipse Modeling Tools”
and download the appropriate
Tested with Eclipse 3.6.1 Helios Packages:
3. We have prepared an “dropins” download in the following folder:
This download includes a developers guide for udig, platform language packs, and a
resource bundle editor.
At the time of writing: dropins-3.6.1.zip
4. Download a Java Runtime Environment from this folder:
This is a special JRE that has been extended with Java Advanced Imaging and Image IO
and GDAL for spatial image formats.
At the time of writing: jre1.6.0_17.win32_gdal_ecw.zip
5. Download Eclipse RCP Delta Pack
Download the RCP-Delta Pack from http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/
will need to choose the "Latest Release" build; and the scroll down to the "Delta Pack"
link to download.
Eclipse-3.6.1-delta-pack.zip at the time of writing
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If you are using
this work book in
a lab setting you
will find these
available on your
course DVD.
GDAL support is
provided by the
project started by
GeoTools alumni.
3 Eclipse SDK Installation
Hopefully by now your eclipse download has finished and we can begin to installation.
1. Create a folder: C:\java
2. Unzip the downloaded eclipse-modeling-helios-SR1-incubation-win32.zip file to your
directory – the folder C:\java\eclipse will be created
3. Open up the jre zip file Drag from the 7zip window.
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If you need a good
program to unzip
archive files try:
The folder must be
called “jre” for the
eclipse.exe to
recognize it
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