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An improved robust image watermarking by using
different embedding strengths
Dhani Ariatmanto
& Ferda Ernawan
Received: 15 February 2019 /Revised: 22 August 2019 /Accepted: 1 October 2019
Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020
Image watermarking technique is an alternative solution to protecting digital image
copyright. This paper proposed a new embedding technique based on different embedding
strengths for embedding a watermark. An image is divided into non-overlapping blocks of
8 × 8 pixels. The variance pixel value was computed for each image block. Image blocks
with the highest variance value were selected for the embedding regions. Therefore, it was
transformed by discrete cosine transforms (DCT). Five DCT coefficients in the middle
frequency were selected and the average of selected DCT blocks was calculated to generate
different embedding strengths by using a set of rules. The watermark bits were embedded
by using a set of embedding rules with the proposed different embedding strengths. For an
additional security, the binary watermark was scrambled by using an Arnold Transform
before it was embedded. The experimental results showed that the proposed scheme
achieved a higher imperceptibility than the other existing schemes. The proposed scheme
achieved a watermarked image quality with a PSNR value of 46 dB. The proposed scheme
also produced a high watermark extracting resistance under various attacks.
Keywords Different embedding strengths
Adaptive scaling factor
Embedding scheme
Extracting scheme
Image watermarking
Discrete cosine transforms
1 Introduction
Rapid advances in digital technology has encouraged the protection of multimedia data
ownership. Digital multimed ia data is vulnerable to manipulation, illegal copying and
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* Ferda Ernawan
Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta, Ring Road Utara Condong Catur,
Sleman, Yogyakarta 55283, Indonesia
Faculty of Computing, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Lebuhraya Tun Razak, 26300 Gambang,
Kuantan, Malaysia
distribution [34, 54]. Digital watermarking provides a solution to secure and protect intellec-
tual property [21, 43]. Digital watermarking is a data-hiding method for copyright protection
and authentication [20, 32, 38]. Furthermore, researchers have designed highly robu st
watermarking schemes to protect against malicious and non-malicious attacks [8, 31, 37, 45,
56]. Image watermarking methods can be performed in spatial [23, 28, 36] and frequency
domains [16, 27, 44]. The spatial domain is a popular method in fragile watermarking for
authenticating images, detecting tamper attacks and recovering image pixels [39, 40]. Digital
watermarking based on spatial domain directly embeds a watermark by altering the pixels.
This method provides low computational cost, but it is easily destroyed by signal processing
attacks [15]. In contrast, watermarking based on frequency domain provides better durability
against various attacks and produces good imperceptibility [3]. Many techniques are used to
implement a frequency domain in digital watermarking, such as discrete cosine transforms
(DCT) [46], discrete wavelet transforms (DWT) [4], singular value decomposition (SVD) [17],
integer wavelet transforms (IWT) [19] and redundant discrete wavelet transforms (RDWT)
[18]. Consequences of using more than one transforms in a watermarking system are high
computational cost and complexity [11, 55].
Researchers have begun to research on quantum image watermarking [1, 35, 48, 49, 51]. The
quantum image is presented by capturing colours from the monochromatic electromagnetic
wave that requests for a special machine and location [9, 50]. The existing digital watermarking
has widely applied DWT, RDWT, IWT, SVD for copyright protection. These methods request
large computational costs and complexity. They need a special hardware for implementation. A
digital watermarking technique that requires the least computational complexity and can be
implemented on a minimum hardware requirement has become the current challenge in digital
watermarking. A fast embedding and extracting watermark without a significant change in the
host image quality has become the main issue in digital watermarking.
The existing image watermarking schemes require a large computational time for embed-
ding and extracting a watermark. The watermarking techniques cannot be implemented in a
mobile application that provides minimum hardware specifications. With the minimum com-
putational cost in a mobile phone, it is quite difficult to deal with wavelet do main or
optimisation methods in digital watermarking. Digital images can be transferred from one
user to anoth er through mobile applications. A digital image needs protection from
unauthorised users. Moreover, digital watermarking technique in a mobile application requires
less computational costs and transmission. The existing image watermarking techniques do not
consider improvement on the robustness of watermarked images in mobile applications. Image
watermarking technique must consider a low-cost computational complexity due to limited
hardware in mobile application. Image watermarking techniques based on a wavelet domain
require a special hardware for implementation. The existing watermarking techniques based on
optimisation methods also request for high computational costs and complexity to embed a
watermark image.
Image watermarking techniques use a scaling factor method to embed a watermark in the
host image [24]. A scaling factor is widely applied in all selected blocks of DCT coefficients
for weighting the embedded watermark. However, each DCT block has different characteristic,
and hence the usage of a scaling factor for all selected DCT blocks may not give optimal
invisibility and robustness of the watermarked image. Therefore, each selected DCT block
should use different scaling values. A major priority of the digital watermarking technique is a
balance between robustness and imperceptibility [29]. For copyright protection, embedded
data must be strong and able to withstand against signal alteration [5].
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This paper proposes a different embedding strength for embedding a watermark in each
selected image block. A new embedding technique was developed based on the effect of
selected DCT coefficients in the middle frequency against average DCT coefficients of its
block. The proposed scheme generates a different embedding strength for each selected block.
The different proposed embedding s trengths can improve the watermarked image
imperceptibility, especially for small and medium host images. The proposed scheme can also
achieve high robustness against different types of attack. The proposed watermarking tech-
nique provides less computational time and complexity. It is also compatible with mobile
applications that require minimum hardware specifications and less computational cost. The
main contributions of the proposed scheme are:
1. The proposed scheme can provide a low-cost computational time for embedding and
extracting the watermark image. It uses DCT domain that is applicable in mobile phones.
The advantages of DCT in image watermarking are:
& DCT algorithm is easy to be realised and implemented in the hardware. It provides fast
speed and high precision in digital signal processing [14]. DCT can be implemented in
an environment with minimum hardware specification, such as a mobile phone.
& DCT has lower complexity as compared to other transforms and the ability to exhibit
an excellent energy compaction of image signals [10]. DCT provides low-cost energy
consumption. It is suitable for embedding a watermark into the digital image in
mobile applications.
2. The proposed scheme examines the middle DCT coefficients with psychovisual threshold
to obtain the different embeddings strength for embedding and extracting the watermark
image. The proposed embedding technique can be substantially adapted by considering
the image content itself.
3. The proposed scheme uses Arnold transform and a secret key to secure and protect the
embedded watermark image. The proposed scheme can avoid unauthorised users or
attackers from recognising the watermark image.
4. The proposed scheme improves the robustness of embedded watermark under various
attacks. It produces minimum distortion of the watermarked image, especially for small
and medium images.
5. The proposed scheme also provides faster watermark embedding and extracting than other
existing image watermarking schemes.
This paper is organised as follows. Section 2 discusses related works. Section 3 presents the
proposed watermark embedding and extracting, while Section 5 presents the experimental
results and Section 6 concludes the paper.
2 Related works
Watermarking schemes use a scaling factor to scale the strength of embedding watermark. The
balancing of robustness and imperceptibility is controlled by a scaling factor. A scaling factor
has an important role to determine the quality of a watermarked image and robustness of the
extracted watermark [2, 22]. Schemes by Ernawan [12] and Su [52] presented a threshold as a
Multimedia Tools and Applications
trade-off between normalising cross-correlation (NC) and structural similarity index (SSIM)
for the embedding watermark scaling factor. The scaling factor gives a significant effect on the
quality and robustness of the extracted watermark. The schemes showed that the scaling factor
can achieve a good resistance against different types of attack. Both schemes also produce high
imperceptibility of the watermarked image. The schemes may still be improved by using
different scaling values for each selected block. Each selected DCT block has different effects
towards image reconstruction. Therefore, selected DCT blocks must be differently scaled to
achieve optimal invisibility and robustness. It motivates the development of a new embedding
technique by using different embedding strengths for each image block.
A scheme by Das [6] presented a blind watermarking scheme based on the DCT domain by
using an inter-block correlation. This scheme examined the correlation between two adjacent
blocks, and used a scaling factor for the embedding strength of the watermarked image. The
experimental results reported that it could achieve high robustness against JPEG compression
attacks. However, this scheme still required a high computational cost for embedding a
A scheme by Roy [41] presented an image watermarking based on the DCT domain by
using a repetition code in the middle frequencies. The scheme used the coding theory of the
error correction code (ECC) for embedding a watermark. The scheme compared two coeffi-
cients in the middle frequency in the embedding process. The simulation results reported that
this scheme achieved high robustness and good imperceptibility but it also requested high
computational time.
AschemebyLai[25] presented a robust image watermarking scheme based on DCT-SVD
and human visual characteristics. This scheme selects the image blocks for embedding a
watermark by using entropy and edge entropy to represent the human visual characteristics.
Image blocks that have the lowest entropy value are not noticeable by human eyes. The
scheme modified certain coefficients of the orthogonal U matrix by using a threshold for
embedding a watermark. The experimental results reported that this scheme achieved high
robustness and good visual quality of the watermarked image. Although the scheme can
improve robustness, the use of a threshold value for all selected DCT blocks may not achieve
an optimal balance between invisibility and robustness for different images.
The scheme by Makbol [30] presented a robust block-based watermarking that was
established on discrete wavelet transforms (DWT) -singular value decomposition (SVD)
and the human visual system. The regions o f inserting a watermark are selected from the
lowest entropy value and edge entropy value. SVD was performed on the lo w-sub-band in
the first level of DWT. The elements of the orthogonal U matrix are modified to embed the
watermark image. The experimental results reported that the scheme can achieve high
robustness of the watermarked image. The sc heme used a threshold value as the embed-
ding strength for all selected image blocks. The use of a threshold as the embedding
strength for all selected blocks may not achieve an optimal trade-off between invisibility
and robustness.
AschemebyDey[7] presented a robust image watermarking based on DWT-DCT-SVD
for the authentication system. This scheme presented firefly algorithms to find the optimal
scaling factor for embedding watermark images. The singular values are modified by scaling
factors obtained from the firefly optimisation process. The scheme achieved a high robustness
level of the watermarked image. However, the combination of more than one transform
domain and firefly algorithms had increased the computational cost and time complexity for
embedding and extracting the watermark image.
Multimedia Tools and Applications
Alternatively, a scheme by Yadav [57] presented an adaptive watermarking technique based
on the dynamic scaling factors. The scheme selected the embedding locations based on the
highest entropy value. Their scheme scaled upwards and downwards of the low-frequency on
the wavelet transform to determine the scaling factor. The experimental results reported that it
can improve robustness against different types of attack.
A scheme by Ernawan [13] presented an optimal DCT-psychovisual threshold in image
watermarking. The embedding locations are selected based on the combination of entropy and
edge entropy. The selected DCT coefficients are chosen by examining the gap between the
psychovisual threshold and minimum quantisation value towards error reconstruction. This
scheme uses a threshold obtained from a trade-off between imperceptibility and robustness of
watermarked images under JPEG compression. Although this scheme can improve the
watermarking performance, a scaling factor may not achieve an optimal scale for embedding
a watermark on each selected image b lock. The existing watermarking schemes are
summarised in Table 1.
3 Proposed watermarking scheme
In this section, the embedding and extraction procedures of the proposed DCT watermarking
scheme by using different embedding strengths are explained in detail.
3.1 Embedding procedures
The block diagram of the proposed embedding scheme is shown in Fig. 1.
The embedding procedure can be summarised as follows:
Step 1: A host image is divided into non-overlapping blocks of 8 × 8 pixels from left to
right, top to bottom.
Step 2: Each image block is computed by variance function. The embedding locations are
selected by measuring the lowest variance pixels in each image block. Variance pixels can
be defined by [33]:
i; j
where σ denotes the variance value, N and M represent the size of each image block, F denotes
each image pixel and
Frepresents the average pixel value of that image block. The variance
pixel of each block is calculated to identify the pixel variance and classify the different regions.
The lowest variance pixel indicates a part of the background image. The block with the lowest
variance of pixels indicates the less complex components [33]. In this paper, a watermark was
embedded in the regions that have less complex components. In this scheme, the lowest
variance value was used to select image blocks for embedding the watermark. The experiments
used a watermark with a size of 32 × 32 pixels. The number of selected blocks was the same as
the number of watermark bits. The selected blocks with the lowest variance of pixels were
stored into a database.
Step 3: Selected blocks with the lowest variance pixels were computed by DCT. Each
image block F was transformed into the corresponding DCT coefficients as follows:
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