# OptimalCapacitorPlacement
## (19-Dec-2020) - Coding of power flow and BIBC matrix calculation has been updated
### Optimal capacitor placement in distribution systems (loss reduction and voltage improvement)
Feel free to use this code for educational purposes and for citation use the following paper:
+ Amara, Theophilus, et al. "Technical and economic performance evaluation for efficient capacitors sizing and placement in a real distribution network." 2019 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD). IEEE, 2019.
+ Abou El-Ela, Adel Ali, et al. "Optimal capacitor placement in distribution systems for power loss reduction and voltage profile improvement." IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 10.5 (2016): 1209-1221.
### YouTube link of the project
+ Project's YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6jY_5nnRN0
### Code files discription:
Optimal capacitor placement in distribution systems (loss reduction and voltage improvement) using PSO algorithm
The simulation contains an optimization algorithm (PSO), which is used to find the optimal place and size of the Capacitor in three different power systems. The code is related to the paper shown in the YouTube video. But the algorithm is different than the main paper (we have used PSO). The results are comparable And there are some criteria in the paper that have been neglected for the sake of simplicity.
Files contain:
+ Optimization for 34 Bus system (the network data has presented or referenced in the second paper)
+ Optimization for 85 Bus system (the network data has presented or referenced in the second paper)
+ Optimization for EDN Bus system (the network data has presented or referenced in the second paper)
#### In case of further questions please contact: sajjad.asefi1992@gmail.com
All the best
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- 资源: 7650
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