- TypeScript是一种由微软开发的自由和开源的编程语言。它是JavaScript的一个超集,而且本质上向这个语言添加了可选的静态类型和基于类的面向对象编程。安德斯·海尔斯伯格,C#的首席架构师,已工作于TypeScript的开发。2012年十月份,微软发布了首个公开版本的TypeScript,2013年6月19日,在经历了一个预览版之后微软正式发布了正式版TypeScript 0.9,向未来的TypeScript 1.0版迈进了很大一步。5 2820浏览会员免费
- Packt.Learning.TypeScript.pdf5 491浏览会员免费
- typescript手册(中文版)5 378浏览会员免费
- 《TypeScript》电子pdf版 typeScript基础学习文档0 1083浏览会员免费
- GLSL 中文手册 PDF0 1242浏览会员免费
- 前端最新面试题:html5, css3, jquery, vue, react, javascript, es6, webpack, git等常见面试题~0 1904浏览会员免费
- TypeScript Handbook(中文版)0 616浏览会员免费
- 主要介绍了vue+ts下对axios的封装实现,文中通过示例代码介绍的非常详细,对大家的学习或者工作具有一定的参考学习价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习学习吧0 7475浏览会员免费
- Physical communication channels in wireless technology are inherently insecure. As a wire only has two ends, the wired communication technology has a means of supporting integrity of communication, whereas in wireless communication dedicated technology is needed—even to control a basic point-to-point connection. This technology of communication integrity, which forms an essential part of any modern wireless communications system, is called security technology. This book is a description of the security solutions specified for the Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS). It gives a comprehensive presentation of UMTS security specifications and explains the role of the security functionality in UMTS. In the first place, this book is aimed at presenting the UMTS security system in its totality to planners, builders and implementers of UMTS networks. It also gives a unified treatment of the security services provided by UMTS that we expect will be invaluable to developers and analysts of application-oriented security services that make use of UMTS communication networks. This book could also serve as a textbook for an advanced university course in modern communication security technology. To achieve global relevance a communication system requires standardization. Standardization guarantees that entities in the system are able to communicate with each other even when they are controlled by different mobile network operators or are manufactured by different vendors. However, it is important to have a nonstandardized area that allows differentiation between operators and manufacturers. For instance, the internal structure of network entities belongs to the nonstandardized area. Security is visible in both the standard and the non-standard specifications of UMTS. As an example, communication between the mobile phone and the radio network is protected by encrypting the messages. It is important that strict standardization applies to both how encryption is carried out and which encryption keys are used, otherwise the receiving end could not reverse the operation and recover the original content of the message. On the other hand, both communicating parties have to store the encryption keys in such a way that no outsider can get access to them. It is important that this is done, but we do not have to standardize how it is done. The emphasis of our book is on the standardized features of UMTS security but not at the expense of other aspects. The book is split into two parts. The first describes the security architecture and security functionality of UMTS, while the specification and analysis of cryptographic algorithms is presented in the second part. By breaking the book down in this way we hope to offer a specialized treatment of the two different areas and methodologies that comprise the UMTS security system. While the parts can be read independently, we feel by including them in one book that the reader has the chance to become familiar with the delicate interplay between security and cryptography. This book presents the results of the extensive, demanding and strenuous work of security expert teams and individuals who together created the specifications of UMTS security. It draws largely on collaboration and discussions with the world’s foremost specialists all of whom participated in this work. In particular, we want to express our thanks to the members of 3GPP SA3, ETSI SAGE and the 3GPP algorithms task forces and, of course, our colleagues at NOKIA.1 Finally we would like to thank the publisher of the book and the editing team whose splendid work transformed our typescript into a coherent book.5 139浏览会员免费
- Pro TypeScript. Application-Scale JavaScript Development Steve Fenton page 300 TypeScript is a language created and maintained by Microsoft, and released under an open-source Apache 2.0 License (2004). The language is focused on making the development of JavaScript programs scale to many thousands of lines of code. In fact, Microsoft has written both the Azure Management Portal (1.2 million lines of code) and the Visual Studio Code editor (300,000 lines of code) in TypeScript. The language attacks the large-scale JavaScript programming problem by offering better design-time tooling, compiletime checking, and dynamic module loading at runtime. As you might expect from a language created by Microsoft, there is excellent support for TypeScript within Visual Studio, but plenty of other development tools have also added support for the language, including VS Code, WebStorm, Eclipse, Sublime Text, Vi, Atom, IntelliJ, and Emacs among others. The widespread support from these tools as well as the permissive open-source license makes TypeScript a viable option outside of the traditional Microsoft ecosystem. The TypeScript language is a typed superset of JavaScript, which is compiled to plain JavaScript in the flavor of your choosing. This makes programs written in TypeScript highly portable as they can run on almost any machine — in web browsers, on web servers, and even in native applications on operating systems that expose a JavaScript API, such as WinJS. The language features found in TypeScript can be divided into three categories based on their relationship to JavaScript (see Figure 1). The first two sets are related to versions of the ECMA-262 ECMAScript Language Specification, which is the official specification for JavaScript. The ECMAScript 5 specification forms the basis of TypeScript and supplies the largest number of features in the language. Subsequent versions of the ECMAScript specification are rolled into TypeScript releases, often as early previews that feature down-level compilation to older versions of the specication. The third and final set of language features includes items that are not planned to become part of the ECMAScript standard, such as generics and type annotations. All the additional features of TypeScript can be output to a number of widely supported versions of JavaScript. TypeScript has several native frameworks, including Angular, Ionic, RxJs 5, and Dojo 2. Additionally, because TypeScript is such a close relative of JavaScript, you can consume the myriad of existing libraries and frameworks written in JavaScript; Aurelia, Backbone, Bootstrap, Durandal, jQuery, Knockout, Modernizr, PhoneGap, Prototype, Raphael, React, Underscore, Vue, and many more are all usable in TypeScript programs. Correspondingly, once your TypeScript program has been compiled it can be consumed from any JavaScript program too. TypeScript's similarity to JavaScript is beneficial if you already have experience with JavaScript or other C-like languages. The similarity also aids the debugging process as the generated JavaScript correlates closely to the original TypeScript code. Source maps can also be generated to aid debugging, with browser developer tools displaying your TypeScript code during in-browser debugging.0 333浏览会员免费
- Packt.Mastering.TypeScript.pdf0 220浏览会员免费
- The detailed, practical, step-by-step advice in this user-friendly guide will help students and researchers to communicate their work more effectively through the written word. Covering all aspects of the writing process, this concise, accessible resource is critically acclaimed, well-structured, comprehensive, and entertaining. Self-help exercises and abundant examples from actual typescripts draw on the authors' extensive experience working both as researchers and with them. Whilst retaining the user-friendly and pragmatic style of earlier editions, this third edition has been updated and broadened to incorporate such timely topics as guidelines for successful international publication, ethical and legal issues including plagiarism and falsified data, electronic publication, and text-based talks and poster presentations. With advice applicable to many writing contexts in the majority of scientific disciplines, this book is a powerful tool for improving individual skills and an eminently suitable text for classroom courses or seminars.0 267浏览会员免费
- 内容概要:本书全面介绍了TypeScript的要点信息,是作为知识温习和搜索的首选。 适合人群:具备一定编程基础,想学习TypeScript或者需要经常查询TypeScript知识的开发者。 能学到什么:1️⃣了解TypeScript的来源及现状、与其他技术融合的情况;2️⃣TypeScript的语法和详细用法;3️⃣书写生命文件的最佳实践;4️⃣工程配置TypeScript的最佳实践;5️⃣TypeScript各个版本的新增内容。 阅读建议:你可以选择其中自己需要的章节进行学习,也可以用来当作手册,在必要的时候打开查询相关知识。0 256浏览免费
- 视频才用流媒体,有后台实时返回数据, 要支持flash播放, 所以需安装对应的flash插件。当视频播放时,每间隔3秒向后台发送请求供检测心跳,表明在线收看状态,需要后台持续发送视频数据。 1. yarn add video.js videojs-flash 2. 创建videp.js声明文件 3. 创建video_player.vue组件,供外部调用。源码如下 [removed] import { Component, Emit, Prop, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator'; import 'video.js/dist/v0 2194浏览会员免费
- TypeScript中文教程 ,适合初学者,也适合老鸟5 492浏览免费
- typescript教程英文版0 392浏览免费
- HarmonyOS应用开发者基础认证高精度题库,内含40题主观题,100%精准无误。 内含DevEco Studio,ArkTS,ArkUI,预览器,模拟器,SDK等HarmonyOS应用开发的关键概念,具备基础的应用开发能力后,获得HarmonyOS应用开发者基础认证。本次训练营完全免费,不涉及任何费用。0 1893浏览会员免费
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- 视频才用流媒体,有后台实时返回数据, 要支持flash播放, 所以需安装对应的flash插件。这篇文章主要介绍了vue + typescript + video.js 流媒体播放 视频监控,需要的朋友可以参考下5 2945浏览¥ 9.90
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- typescript文档4 124浏览会员免费
- 最近考虑到老项目代码的可维护性以及稳定性,决定引入ts做规范检测。因为介绍的东西比较基础,如果介绍的不对,麻烦指正。 1. 简介 TypeScript 是 JavaScript 的一个超集,主要提供了类型系统和对 ES6 的支持。网上关于ts的学习资料很多,这里不做详细介绍。可参考的学习网站: ts.xcatliu.com/ typescript.bootcss.com/ 2. 安装依赖包 cnpm i typescript ts-loader --save-dev 3. 添加tsconfig.json文件 在项目根目录下添加 tsconfig.json 文件。tsconfig.jso0 4567浏览¥ 9.90
- 本书是 RxJS 的初中级书,适⽤于任何想要⼊⻔ RxJS 的开发者。0 169浏览会员免费
- Vue自从发布以来就一直受到前端开发人员的热爱,而除了一些本身优秀的特征之外,还有就是丰富的插件和工具的支持和更新。虽然现在的编辑器需要安装相应的plugins才能进行Vue组件化开发,但是越来越多优秀的plugins都提供了强大的支持。比如VSCode下面的Vetur就是这样一款必备的Vue开发工具。下面就开始介绍一下它的一些功能吧 Github仓库:Vetur 官方文档:Vetur文档 语法高亮 Vetur支持.vue文件的语法高亮显示,除了支持template模板以外,还支持大多数主流的前端开发脚本和插件,比如Sass和TypeScript,完整的支持高亮的语法如下所示: 语法高亮0 3061浏览会员免费
- 相信9月18日尤大大的关于Vue3.0的发表演讲大家一定有所关注,现在Vue3.0 也已经进入RC阶段(最终产品的候选版本,如果没有问题则可发布成为正式版本)。所以Vue3.0的学习是我们必然的趋势,今天,主要分享一下Vue3.0的详细搭建过程,希望可以为初入Vue3的小伙伴有所帮助。 我们现在开始进入今天的主题啦~~ 一、安装 1. 安装nodejs 此处提供nodejs下载地址: https://nodejs.org/zh-cn/download/ 大家根据自己电脑的配置选择适配的 LTS(最新稳定版本 进行下载,安装即可,此处略去安装步骤。 2.卸载旧版本 如果你现在正在用旧版的 V0 1275浏览会员免费
- 0. Preface - Programming TypeScript.pdf0 225浏览会员免费
- Element UI 提供了大部分UI控件,但对于拖拽,确实是个短板,于是就需要额外的控件来补充了,即本文档的主角vuedraggable。 从实战角度,以低代码配置功能为例,说明vuedraggable的属性、方法、用法,以及使用过程中遇到的一些坑点及解决方案。 要点如下: group属性的要点 update和sort事件的差别 add事件如何获取数据 如何处理属性重复添加问题 不同列表间拖动group属性无效 实例: 某个业务实体,如用户管理,常见的菜单对应一个列表页面,顶部为页面级功能按钮,如新增、删除、导出等,中间为查询区域,可以放几个常用的查询条件,最下面则是查询结果,以表格形式展现行列数据。查询结果表格的行记录,最后一列放一些针对于该行数据的快捷按钮,如删除、编辑等。 这个配置功能,一方面涉及到元素的排序,如按钮的次序、查询条件的次序、查询结果中列的次序;另一方面涉及到列表间元素的移动,如将实体属性添加到查询列表或查询结果中。如采用传统模式,需要选中某个元素,点击左移、右移等按钮,既不直观,操作也繁琐。而采用拖拽式操作,所见即所得,用户体验大幅提升。0 1529浏览会员免费
- TypeScript 快速上手.pdf0 42浏览免费
- typeScript学习笔记5 1047浏览会员免费
- 英文的哦,但难不住做为程序员的你0 260浏览免费
- typescript官方一手教程0 180浏览会员免费
- 来自千峰教育的TypeScript教学笔记5 114浏览会员免费
- angular2权威教程 中文版 The Complete Book on Angular20 135浏览会员免费
- VueConf ,尤大说, Vue 支持 Ts 了,网上关于 Vue + Ts 的资料有点少, 楼主踩了一个星期坑,终于摸明白了 修饰器 的玩法,下面我们就来玩下 Vue 的 decorator 吧 1,data 值的声明 在这里 public 声明的是公有属性, private 声明的是私有属性,私有属性要带 下划线 蓝色框里的内容是声明组件,在每个组件创建时都要带上, Components 中的写法如下 上面是 普通写法 ,下面是 懒加载写法 2.@Prop 父组件传值给子组件 父组件使用 v-bind 传递与js版本一样,在父组件接受是使用修饰器 @Prop({type:‘类0 1718浏览会员免费
- 什么是typescript typescript 为 javaScript的超集,这意味着它支持所有都JavaScript都语法。它很像JavaScript都强类型版本,除此之外,它还有一些扩展的语法,如interface/module等。 typescript 在编译期会去掉类型和特有语法,生成纯粹的JavaScript。 Typescript 5年内的热度随时间变化的趋势,整体呈现一个上升的趋势。也说明ts越来越受大家的关注了。 在vue中使用typescript时,需要引入vue-property-decorator库来兼容格式。 javascript写法 Vue.componen0 3020浏览¥ 9.90
- 主要给大家介绍了关于TypeScript高级用法的相关资料,文中通过示例代码介绍的非常详细,对大家学习或者使用TypeScript具有一定的参考学习价值,需要的朋友们下面来一起学习学习吧0 885浏览会员免费
- TypeScript简介: TypeScript是一种由微软开发的自由和开源的编程语言。它是JavaScript的一个超集,而且本质上向这个语言添加了可选的静态类型和基于类的面向对象编程。安德斯·海尔斯伯格,C#的首席架构师,已工作于TypeScript的开发。 TypeScript扩展了JavaScript的语法,所以任何现有的JavaScript程序可以不加改变的在TypeScript下工作。TypeScript是为大型应用之开发而设计,而编译时它产生 JavaScript 以确保兼容性。 TypeScript 支持为已存在的 JavaScript 库添加类型信息的头文件,扩展了它对于流行0 1083浏览会员免费
- Typescript 5年内的热度随时间变化的趋势,整体呈现一个上升的趋势。也说明ts越来越️受大家的关注了。这篇文章主要介绍了Vue 中使用 typescript的方法详解,需要的朋友可以参考下0 842浏览会员免费
- 很多人对TypeScript的使用还停留在基本操作上,其实TypeScript的特性非常强大,我们利用好这些特性可以有效地提高代码质量、加速开发效率,今天就介绍9个非常实用的TypeScript技巧或者特性. 注释的妙用 我们可以通过 /** */ 来注释TypeScript的类型,当我们在使用相关类型的时候就会有注释的提示,这个技巧在多人协作开发的时候十分有用,我们绝大部分情况下不用去花时间翻文档或者跳页去看注释。 巧用类型推导 TypeScript 能根据一些简单的规则推断(检查)变量的类型。 比如一个简单的add函数 function add(a: number, b: number0 504浏览会员免费
- 这次封装基于vuecli3 + typescript实现,javascript也是同理,没有区别; 自定义插件有助于我们可以将一些页面交互封装并在js或ts文件中引入实现,而不是只在 .vue文件。 1、实现toast插件封装(类似简易版的elementUi的message) 先书写一个toast组件 <template> <div ref=toastRef class=toastMessageBox>{{ message }}</div> </template> [removed] import { Component, Vue, Watch } f5 2558浏览¥ 9.90
- Vue CLI 3.x搭建Vue项目,脚手架创建项目,vue3 Ts0 278浏览免费
- TS面试真题汇总0 364浏览会员免费
- Manning.React.Hooks.in.Action.2021.30 62浏览会员免费
- TypeScript 为 JavaScript 带来静态类型检查,让 JavaScript 编写中大型应用的时候可以应用工具来避免部分错误。 Vue 很早就支持 TypeScript,但配置起来比较麻烦,幸好有了 Vue CLI 3.0。安装好 vue-cli 之后,使用 vue create 项目名称 来创建项目,vue 脚本手架自动创建以项目名称命名的目录。 vue-cli 3 生成的项目结构比较科学,尤其是通过 components 和views 将作为控件的组件和作为页面的组件分离开来,结构更清晰。可以理解为 views 中定义的组件是要配置在路由中的,而 componets 中定0 446浏览会员免费
- TypeScript手册.pdf0 172浏览会员免费
- 近几年前端的技术发展很快,细分下来,主要可以分成四个方面: 1.开发语言技术,主要是ES6&7,coffeescript,typescript等; 2.开发框架,如Angular,React,Vue.js,Angular2等; 3.开发工具的丰富和前端工程化,像Grunt,Gulp,Webpack,npm,eslint,mocha这些技术; 4.前端开发范围的扩展,如服务端的nodejs,express,koa,meteor,GraphQL;移动端和跨平台的PhoneGap,ionic,ReactNative,Weex;计算机图形学和0 368浏览会员免费
- 注意:此文并不是把vue改为全部替换为ts,而是可以在原来的项目中植入ts文件,目前只是实践阶段,向ts转化过程中的过渡。 ts有什么用? 类型检查、直接编译到原生js、引入新的语法糖 为什么用ts? TypeScript的设计目的应该是解决JavaScript的“痛点”:弱类型和没有命名空间,导致很难模块化,不适合开发大型程序。另外它还提供了一些语法糖来帮助大家更方便地实践面向对象的编程。 typescript不仅可以约束我们的编码习惯,还能起到注释的作用,当我们看到一函数后我们立马就能知道这个函数的用法,需要传什么值,返回值是什么类型一目了然,对大型项目的维护性有很大的提升。也不至于使开发0 1195浏览会员免费
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- system verilog spec. system verilog user guide0 90浏览会员免费
- 前端vue,html,js开发规范,前端vue,html,js开发规范,前端vue,html,js开发规范,前端vue,html,js开发规范,前端vue,html,js开发规范,前端vue,html,js开发规范,前端vue,html,js开发规范,前端vue,html,js开发规范,前端vue,html,js开发规范,前端vue,html,js开发规范,前端vue,html,js开发规范,前端vue,html,js开发规范,前端vue,html,js开发规范,前端vue,html,js开发规范,前端vue,html,js开发规范,前端vue,html,js开发规范,前端vue,html,js开发规范,前端vue,html,js开发规范,前端vue,html,js开发规范,前端vue,html,js开发规范,前端vue,html,js开发规范,前端vue,html,js开发规范,前端vue,html,js开发规范,前端vue,html,js开发规范,前端vue,html,js开发规范,前端vue,html,js开发规范,前端vue,html,js开发规范,前端vue,html,js开0 243浏览会员免费
- This copy of the TypeScript handbook was created on Tuesday, April 6, 2021 against commit b708f6 with TypeScript 4.2.0 222浏览会员免费
- 作为面向对象编程中实现控制反转(Inversion of Control,下文称IoC)最常见的技术手段之一,依赖注入(Dependency Injection,下文称DI)可谓在OOP编程中大行其道经久不衰。比如在J2EE中,就有大名鼎鼎的执牛耳者Spring。Javascript社区中自然也不乏一些积极的尝试,广为人知的AngularJS很大程度上就是基于DI实现的。遗憾的是,作为一款缺少反射机制、不支持Annotation语法的动态语言,Javascript长期以来都没有属于自己的Spring框架。当然,伴随着ECMAScript草案进入快速迭代期的春风,Javascript社区中的各种0 247浏览会员免费
- 最近领导对前端提出了新的要求,要进行单元测试。之前使用vue做了一个快报名小程序的pc端页面,既然要做单元测试,就准备用这个项目了,之前有些react的经验,vue还是第一遭 vue-cli3.0单元测试方面更加完备,就先升级到了cli3.0,因为项目是用typescript写的,需要ts-jest,得到jest的配置如下 { "jest": { "moduleFileExtensions": [ "js", "jsx", "json", "vue", "ts", "tsx" ], "transform": { "^.+\\.vue$"0 760浏览会员免费
- 代码的复用是一件很常见的事情,如果是公共代码的复用那还好说,直接做成一个内部私有库,想用的话安装一下 npm包就行了,但是业务代码的复用就不好做成包了,一般都是复制粘贴 我一般写代码的时候,如果觉得某段业务代码以前见过其他人写过,那么考虑到业务优先性,只要别人的代码不是写得太烂,我一般会优先抄别人的代码,省得自己再写一遍 然后我就遇到了一个问题,公司目前前端项目大部分都是 vue,早期没有 ts这个说法,后来新项目才逐渐引入 ts,所以新项目用的是 vue-ts,而一般想抄的老代码都是没有引入 ts的,固然,这二者是可以兼容存在的,但对于有着轻微代码洁癖的我来说,还是不想看到同一个项目代码0 1022浏览会员免费
- ts安装和环境搭建全局安装typescript项目初始化package.json 配置tsconfig.json配置测试编译基本类型 学习资源推荐 微信扫码关注公众号 :前端前端大前端,追求更精致的阅读体验 ,一起来学习啊 关注后发送关键资料,免费获取一整套前端系统学习资料和老男孩python系列课程 全局安装typescript npm install -g typescript 项目初始化 新建目录:如ts-dev 进入ts-dev并执行命令npm init -y生成package.json文件 再输入命令tsc –init 生成tsconfig.json文件 package.jso0 1176浏览会员免费
- 介绍vue3最新特性,新的API,高级知识,以及和Python/Java后端结合的实战案例。5 442浏览¥ 9.90
- The book is for web developers who want to go beyond front-end web development and enter the world of full-stack web development by learning about modern web technologies and how they come together. A good understanding of JavaScript programming is required before getting started with this web development book.0 32浏览会员免费
- typescript中文版初学者必备, typescript究竟是何物,0 112浏览会员免费
- 2012年10月首度对外公布typescript(当时已经是0.7?的版本)同时开源,ts的编译器是用js编写的(后来改成ts?),可以在线编写。下面这篇文章主要给大家介绍了关于TypeScript中import JSON的正确姿势,需要的朋友可以参考下。5 1852浏览¥ 9.90