Atmospheric Pollutants Directive, Annex I - Annual Emission Reporting
EU. Air. Annual Emission Reporting Requirements: Annex I, Table A-D, Directive 2016/2284/EU, 17 December 2016
This list contains the Annex I pollutants that European Union Member States (MS) must measure and report on as part of their national emission reporting requirements. Table A lists the required annual reporting requirements; Table B lists the optional annual reporting requirements; Table C lists required two- and four-year reporting requirements. The National Emission Ceilings Directive 2016/2284/EU establishes emission reduction commitments for all EU MS.
Art 8(3) Member States shall draw up an informative inventory report which shall accompany the national emission inventories and projections referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, in accordance with the requirements set out in Table D of Annex I.
Reporting Date
15 March
D Annual reporting requirements on informative inventory report referred to in Article 8(3)
Time Series
All years (as indicated in tables A-C)
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