Validation assistant
Validation assistant
The IUCLID Validation assistant has been developed to enable you to check your dossier before you submit it to ECHA using REACH-IT. The Validation assistant contains all computer-based completeness check rules applicable to a registration dossier. You can run it on your dataset or dossier and receive a report of all identified incompleteness issues.
Using the Validation assistant
Before you submit your dossier to ECHA, it is strongly recommended to use the Validation assistant in two steps to maximise efficiency:
- Start by validating your substance dataset before you create the IUCLID dossier. Correct any failures reported at this point and re-validate. Only create the dossier when the Validation assistant reports no failures.
- Before submitting to ECHA, validate your final IUCLID dossier. If any failures are reported at this point, return to the dataset. Address the failures in the dataset and during dossier creation, and verify it again with the Validation assistant.
Using the Validation assistant in both steps helps you to avoid any unnecessary failures and potential rejection of your submission.
If the Validation assistant displays any failures, complete the missing information by following the advice given by the tool. If the Validation assistant does not indicate any failures, it is not an automatic confirmation that your dossier is complete.
As of June 2016, ECHA staff has carried out additional manual verifications as part of the technical completeness check. The manual verifications done by ECHA staff are not displayed in the Validation assistant report.
Different types of Validation assistant rules
The Validation assistant reports technical completeness check and business rule (BR) failures under the Submission checks heading. Quality (QLT) warnings are found under the Quality checks heading.
- Any failures that are reported under the Submission checks must be corrected for a successful submission. If these failures are not corrected before submitting your dossier using REACH-IT, your submission will not be accepted by ECHA.
- The quality warnings issued under the Quality checks warn you of common inconsistencies and shortcomings in your data. Quality warnings will not prevent you from successfully submitting your dossier to ECHA and obtaining a registration number. However, leaving quality warnings not corrected may lead to later clarification requests, and you are, therefore, advised to address them as far as possible.
Validation assistant version
The latest version of IUCLID 6, including the latest version of the Validation assistant, is always available on the IUCLID website. Make sure that you have downloaded the latest IUCLID version from the IUCLID website before preparing and validating your dossier. The submission checks applied on the submitted dossier in REACH-IT are always aligned with the Validation assistant of the latest IUCLID version.
If you have questions related to technical completeness check, use ECHA’s contact form:
- Select ‘Technical support’
- I need support with ‘REACH-IT’
- Request type ‘Completeness check’
For questions related to the Validation assistant, see further instruction at: