- ECHA tutvustus
- Partnerid ja võrgustikud
- Rahvusvaheline koostöö
- Contributing to standards and tools
Contributing to standards and tools
Contributing to standards and tools
ECHA’s expertise and data are important for the European Union’s efforts to transition globally towards sustainable development on chemicals and waste management.
ECHA plays a fundamental role in increasing the transparency of information on chemicals in global commerce. It publishes data generated under different pieces of EU chemicals legislation.
OECD Related work
ECHA contributes to the Chemicals Programme of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and supports its efforts to harmonise tools and methods for the hazard and risk assessment of chemicals. The OECD test guidelines together with Good Laboratory Practice provide a basis for Mutual Acceptance of Data, which is a vital instrument to reduce barriers to trade.
ECHA is active in numerous working groups and task forces implementing the OECD Chemicals Programme, developing tools for risk assessment and management. In addition, ECHA provides support and input to developing IT tools to manage scientific data such as IUCLID, the QSAR Toolbox and the maintenance of the eChemPortal.
Cooperation with peer agencies
ECHA cooperates with several non-EU agencies, focusing on information exchange, and sharing best practice and scientific knowledge.